I am sitting here reading all of these comments. And no words can express how sad this makes me. So many people don't know the Truth, nor do they want to know the Truth. They make jokes about hell...and laugh about it..... as if they can somehow convince their most inner heart that it's not real. ... we want to think that surely if there is a God He would be an all loving God that would allow me into heaven. God is a just God. He gave us His Son so that we can be seen as sinless. Why would you want to go to heaven and spend eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ...if you don't want Him NOW? Would you know His voice if He called your name? No. Do you know Him and have a relationship with Him now? No. Then HOW could you after you die??? Salvation is a FREE GIFT.... and it's the only free gift that people do NOT want. They want to stay living in their sins because they think that becoming a Christian would make them uncool and boring. In their hearts they hate God...they don't want to imagine that the Bible could in fact be true. ... I was like that once. A devout atheist who hate Christians. I relished in my sins. But I needed to know the Truth...something inside HAD to know the Truth. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. And it was. The Lord revealed Himself to me, and now I know 100% that it's true. Nothing could convince me otherwise.