Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Israel "Dissolving" Dome Of Rock foundation -- to Build 3rd Jerusalem Te...

Published on Aug 10, 2012

[*News] : Readiness for the Muslim Dome of the Rock to COLLAPSE is right on time w/ ALL other End Time Bible prophecies & confirms the nearing 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation ~


*In addition to the details of the NEWS story (below LINK), VIDEO also addresses the "TIMING" of WHEN the Mosque's collapse is most likely in relation to the coming Tribulation's 'start', and WHY, scripturally ~

**EXCLUSIVE NEWS Compilation at Heisnear.com, confirms ISRAEL's current preparations to : ----BUILD their 3RD TEMPLE by performing animal sacrifices, creating Jewish Priestly garb, Jews praying on Temple Mount, & "Dissolving" DOME of ROCK, etc. ~


*Other VIDEOS at Heisnear.com's PRIME Channel, PatmosIsle :

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