Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Harbinger of A Nations Death

The Harbinger of A Nations Death
The only true chance for America to regain it's Salvation from God is to return ti our first love as a nation. That first love being the Love of God. In God We Trust. The government must admit in congress that the nation of America as a whole has sinned against God. We have turned our backs on God. Taken the Ten Commandments out of government places. Do not teach our children God's ways and Truths. For we have strayed and left God behind.
We will come to call upon his name in great anguish and tear our cloths and throw ash upon ourselves in sadness and despair. For we have left our first love as a great nation. We have left our God.Carl

Pope Francis "Heal Head Wound" Mexico America Border Visit

Published on Jun 29, 2014

Pope Francis is going to visit the Mexico American Border and try to stop the issue of Illegal Immigration also

9 People Shot In New Orleans / 9 People Crucified In Syria

Published on Jun 29, 2014

ISIS has crucified 9 people in the Christian village of Aleppo, Syria while 2 gunmen shot 9 people on Bourbon Street In New Orleans also also

ISIS (Iraq Crisis) The Muslim Caliphate Declared!!

so now it begins!

Is God dying in America? Have the harbingers songs been herd here instead?

What’s The Problem?

I am really bewildered . . . I have visited services in different churches, and have witnessed supposed believers sing songs, yet they appeared unmoved, dispassionate, sedated. I mean, how can you sing:
I’m gonna sing, sing, sing
To the one who fills my soul
I’m gonna bring, bring, bring
All that I am to the one who makes me whole
Holy, Holy, Holy
Lord God almighty
Early in the morning
Our song shall rise to thee
Yet remain unmoved? They mouth the words and with mono-tone voices,and still sing words that proclaim the wonder and majesty of their God! I’m confused. How can they stand there and not lift their hands? How are they sing those words and without tears in their eyes, as if the word mean nothing to them?
I assure that when I sing:
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord, God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
I can’t hold back the tears!
The splendor of the King
Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
He wraps Himself in light
And darkness tries to hide
It trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice
How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God and all will see
How great, how great is our God

I guarantee that when Amazing Grace begins, any attempt to hold back the tears will be in vain.
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I’m found
Was blind, but now I see
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone, I’ve been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
I guess if you have never been lost and alone, this song will mean nothing to you. But if the Lord has truly broken into your life and you have been rescued from despair, you will forever rejoice at His Saving Grace!
My chains are gone, I’ve been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace.
I supposed that only those who have been enslaved can know the joy and celebration of being set free. The rest of the world be damned, I for one, will not be a Hamlet, a divided man who is always questioning myself, I will rejoice in my Lord! Go ahead and laugh at me; go ahead and point your finger at me; accuse me of being a fanatic or a fool . . . but I have experienced a love beyond these Earthly boundaries and I will never return to my old life! Like Bunyan’s “young Christian” I will put my fingers in my ears, and run on, crying, “Life! life! eternal life!” and flee towards the “Celestial City!”
(I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list)
I thank you for all of your generous tithes and gifts.
Just remember that it is through your faithful and continued support
that make these messages and other aspects of ministry possible.

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    MEGA Quake 6.9 Visokoi Island / 6.2 Japan / 5.2 New Mexico

    North Korea Fires 2 More Missiles

    Saturday, June 28, 2014

    Palestinians Harass Jews Visiting Temple

    Palestinians Harass Jews Visiting Temple Mount, Gloat Over Abduction of Israeli Teens

    Hundreds of Palestinians harassed a group of Jews visiting the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, by shouting at them, jeering, shooing them with their hands and holding up the newly-coined three finger salute to celebrate the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers two weeks ago.
    The incident, captured by several phone cameras and posted on YouTube, occurred on Wednesday, and involved children attending a Hamas-sponsored summer camp on the holy site who also gestured aggressively and shouted “Allahu akbar” in unison with the large crowd, as the group of 40 Jewish visitors walked by, eyewitnesses reported.
    One visitor said that Muslim demonstrators also threw shoes at the Jewish group.
    The Temple Institute, which posted one of the videos, described the incident as a “Muslim hate-fest.”
    One of the large group of Palestinians who harassed a Jewish group visiting the Temple Mount on Wednesday. (Image source: YouTube)
    A member of a large group of Palestinians that harassed a Jewish group visiting the Temple Mount on Wednesday. (Image source: YouTube)
    A Muslim woman displayed three fingers at the Jewish visitors. The hand gesture has gained popularity among Palestinians wishing to celebrate the abduction of three Israeli teens two weeks ago. (Image source: YouTube)
    A Muslim woman displayed three fingers at the Jewish visitors. The hand gesture has gained popularity among Palestinians wishing to celebrate the abduction of three Israeli teens two weeks ago. (Image source: YouTube)
    “Hundreds of Muslim men and women and a Hamas organized summer camp for Muslim children greeted the Jews with thunderous jeers and curses, waving their shoes and holding up their newly minted obscenity: a three-finger ‘victory’ sign, signifying their gloating pride in the kidnapping of the three Jewish boys. For more than one hour the Muslim mob followed and lunged at the Jewish worshipers,” wrote the Temple Institute, an organization dedicated to teaching about the ancient temple and one day rebuilding it according to biblical specifications.
    Eyewitnesses said children participating in a summer camp on the Temple Mount joined the crowd in taunting the Jewish visitors with unison shouts of "Allahu Akbar." (Image source: YouTube)
    Eyewitnesses said children participating in a summer camp on the Temple Mount joined the crowd in taunting the Jewish visitors with unison shouts of “Allahu akbar.” (Image source: YouTube)
    The leader of the tour group, Asaf Fried, told the Israeli news site Arutz Sheva, that his group was accosted the moment they entered the site.
    “It started with children in a Hamas summer camp, continued with women who joined and slowly the wave of attackers swelled. More and more older people joined the calls of ‘Khaybar Khaybar O Jews,’” said Fried, referring to the notorious Battle of Khaybar in 629 in which the prophet Muhammad’s forces defeated the Jews.
    Israeli police had to step in but even they had difficulty keeping the Muslim rioters away from the tour group.
    Multiple Jewish groups have reported feeling threatened during visits to the Temple Mount. Israel’s Shin Bet security services last month revealed that a top Hamas operative had admitted the group pays monthly salaries of between $1,150 and $1,440 to Israeli Arabs for the express purpose of harassing and throwing stones at Jews visiting the holy site.
    On its YouTube posting of Wednesday’s incident, the Temple Institute noted that the Jewish tour group had been planning to pray on the holy site for the release of the three abducted Israeli teens -  Eyal Yifrach, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Frenkel, 16, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen – who the Israeli government says was kidnapped by Hamas, though no reputable claim of responsibility or demand of ransom has been issued by the group.
    “It wasn’t just an unpleasant feeling, but rather a feeling that at any second someone could whip out a knife and stab someone,” Fried said. “The local rules of visiting prevent us from praying out loud and we are forced to receive those rules and pray in our hearts, but they are allowed to curse, shout and throw things at us.”
    Though Israeli police control the entrance and exit to the Temple Mount, which is known by Muslims as the “Holy Sanctuary,” it is Jordan’s Waqf, or Islamic Trust, that runs the site.
    Here are two videos showing the incident. At the 1:30 mark on the first, a Muslim woman appeared to slap at the camera shooting the video. The second video shows the Palestinian children taunting the Jewish visitors:

    Comments (72)

    • SoundnFury
      I must confess that I hate these stinking Muslims.
      • TexasKnight
        They were assaulted by childern holding up three fingers?
        About time israel did the same. They have a whole summer camp full of potential kidnap victims. If they took 15 of the kids, maybe they could trade them back for the 3 teens.
        I must truly admire the israeli calm. If it were our youths being abducted, we would have leveled palistien by now.
      • db321
        So does God.
        Show Conversation (6)
        • rt elms
          db321 – I think God hates sin and not sinners…..even if they’re muslims.
          rt elms
        • Freedomlover_US
          When God hates everyone you do, you can be certain you created God in your image
        • PATTY HENRY
          This is why I was glad these animals didn’t get that place right under the WTC …they make tribute trophy’s to their “conquests” where ever they manage to destroy or conquer their ‘enemy’. The Temple Mount – the gaudy gold mosque – was built on top of David’s (later Solomon’s) Temple, conquered when Muslims conquered Jerusalem 600+ years after Christ…. They refuse to admit Jews to do archeological research there… but that’s the Evil Islam’s M.O. to set up trophy’s for themselves and jeer at everyone else. THEY DO NOT WANT PEACE. THEY WANT WORLD DOMINATION. Time to drive them back into caves. This effort going on now is #4 for them. GOD WINS.
          PS (below a comment from FREEDOMLOVER_US: ) They were not occupied, Dude. Jews and Arabs and CHRISTIANS have lived in that part of the world for 6000 years (Christians for 2000) Muslims came along about 1500 years ago… No body is occupying anything.. Talk to JORDAN, SYRIA, LEBANON if you want to know about Occupying…also you might ask those 3 to give back the huge hunks of land they scoffed up when the UN (bless them) set up ISRAEL in 1947… like bulls in a China shop. There was no ‘country’ called Palestine, just an area. The Jews have developed wonderful businesses and improvements and provided jobs, roads, infra-structure and work side by side with many Arabs. The Islamics are just thugs hell-bent to “take over the world”… as if they would know what to do with it.
          PATTY HENRY
        • rt elms
          Freedomlover_US said – “When God hates everyone you do, you can be certain you created God in your image”
          God hates sin NOT sinners. It’s called reading comprehension. Get some…… (please)
          rt elms
        • MerchantOfVenice
          John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, seems to have been correct when he noted that “God hates the Jews.”.
        • rt elms
          A rudimentary understanding of Jewish Biblical history is enough to discern why they have suffered so much as a people. Plain and simple, disobedience was their downfall. But that answer doesn’t fit the template of a particular worldview now does it?
          rt elms
      • demsrtraitors
        you know dealing with theses savages one must conclude. Either you destroy them or they destroy you. As you can see muslims all over the world are always clashing with civilized people. And to think we ALLOW them to migrate here too all the while they are out to colonize our once great nation.
      • Nilsson
        Only thing you need to admit is that you are being deceived.
        Show Conversation (1)
        • MerchantOfVenice
          The Jews certainly have a knack for fiction.
      • ProgressivesLoveAmerica
        I must confess that it’s hard for me to have very much sympathy for those three Israeli teens in the first place. They were breaking the law being where they were. They simply should not have been there, no matter how much anyone wants to spew religious fanatic fantasies about some higher power being your real estate agent, and sick pipe-dreams regarding a morbid fascination with eschatology. In terms of modern international law (not some Bronze Age literature about how some guy in the sky is your real estate agent), those kids were violating international law. Likewise, there are strict laws in place regarding the Temple Mount. If you violate any of these laws, you are putting yourself at risk, plain and simple.
        If American religious fanatics decided to form a vigilante group to colonize Mexico, they’d be putting themselves in danger too. Same logic applies.
        Nowhere in any Bronze Age or Iron Age Literature, by the way, does it ever read “The Lord is My Real Estate Agent, what laws should I fear.”
        Show Conversation (1)
        • MerchantOfVenice
          The whole kidnapping sham sounds like nothing more than a propaganda operation conjured up to distract from Israel’s implicit condoning of the ISIS atrocities next door.
          Why hasn’t Israel, a supposedly civilized country, condemned the ISIS atrocities happening in their backyard?
          Think about it.
    • SkruP.C.cowardice
      Palestinians can boo and hiss Jews all they want, but the fact is, they and Allah and their dead pedophile Mohammed got their a$$e$$ beat by Israel in less than a week.
      Get used to being losers Palestinian garbage.
      • MerchantOfVenice
        Hezbollah has proved a very solid resistance against the Talmudist occupation. That’s partly because the Talmudists are really only interested in their next few pieces of silver and have little stomach for actual warfare.
      • Nilsson
        They did? The US lost in a few hours to a handful of Muslims with box cutters.
        Israel attacked its neighbors in 1967.
        Menachem Begin, Minister without Portfolio:
        “In June l967, we had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”
        (New York Times, August 21, 1982)
        Show Conversation (1)
        • SkruP.C.cowardice
          Yeah, regular citizens riding a plane were surprised by the cowardice of you stupid Mohammed sucking cowards.
          Head to head, flag bearing nations going to war, you Muslim pigs know you and Allah will lose every time, because your religion and life are a lie.
    • Atrum_Angelus
      Disgusting. So much hate.
      You’d think they’d have better things to do. But, hate is hate.
      • MerchantOfVenice
        The Jews are nothing more than a band of clever robbers.
      • Nilsson
        Perfect. You are so easily manipulated you use the SAME RHETORIC as the cultural marxists do at the drop of a hat! Because that is the exact same way proponents of illegal aliens here describe those who oppose their presence here. Careful – supporting the illegal aliens that created Israel is all the precedence needed for supporting “Aztlan.” You will eventually realize the Palestinians are right because you will become them.
      • Freedomlover_US
        It’s hard to like someone who is occupying you. Not saying anyone is right here, but lets not pretend these people live freely…
        Show Conversation (1)
        • RecknHavic
          You should give your home and any land you own back to the indians, Freedomlier.
    • angeleyes63
      Islam is spreading around the globe like a killer virus and make no mistake it is a killer virus bent on world domination. We need to as a whole accept the facts and attack this virus like any other threat to humanity. Wake up all of you coexist proponents of multiculturalism soft headed unpatriotic morons.
      • rt elms
        angeleyes63 – See islam for what it is, a vehicle for Antichrist.
        rt elms
        Show Conversation (3)
        • angeleyes63
          Thanks I’ll have to check that out.
        • Nilsson
          No, it isn’t Muslims that are anti-Christ. That is another group.
        • rt elms
          Nilsson – I imagine a Thumbs Down from a Bible-Thumping Blazer is akin to a badge of honor for you, so I’ll refrain. However, there is soon to be a grand homecoming and you have an invitation, but it appears you have yet to respond. Join us!
          rt elms
      • MerchantOfVenice
        Liberalism is worse, actually.
    • JohnathanRead
      Israel is way too tolerant of these scum bags.
      • MerchantOfVenice
        No, the Jews simply want the gentiles to fight for them.
        The primary superstition guiding the Jews is that they are some sort of chosen people and, therefore, you should do their fighting for them.
        You need to stop being naive.
        Show Conversation (2)
        • txgrrl
          They have a great army….they don’t need any Christians to fight wars for them. Jesus was Jewish, so technically all the Christians should be Jews.
          The concept of “chosen” is being chosen by God to spread ethical monotheism. Not “I’m better than everyone else” or “my religion is better than yours.”
        • MerchantOfVenice
          If you start paying attention, @txgrrl, you will begin to see that the Talmudists are mostly interested in attempting to redirect US attention to Iran so that Americans can do they’re fighting for them.
          The Talmudists recognize that white Christians tend to be extremely gullible and do not pay close attention to the motives of the parties involved.
          Now is not the time to be naive regarding the motive of those primitive foreign tribes who are openly hostile to Christianity, our Constitution, and our country.
    • beatlebob5
      But …. But …. what are you all talking about …. it’s the religion of peace ….
    • falherst
      When I was oversea’s weather it be Iraq, Afganistan, or even kuwait for that matter. Yyou never turn your back on a muslim. You are unclean dirty like a dog and they figure you being so called non-believer by killing you they are doing mohammed biding. Hell I don’t turn my back on a muslim here in the states for that matter.
    • angeleyes63
      Simple yet barbaric solution, kill all of those “Palestinians” bent on killing or harassing Jews.
      • MerchantOfVenice
        Hitler’s idea was better, actually.
        Show Conversation (2)
        • angeleyes63
          You mean kill the Jews who had done nothing wrong except prove they were better merchants and business men then the Germans? Islam kills or converts any who are non believers in a cult of death.
        • MerchantOfVenice
          The Bolsheviks were guilty of murdering a larger number of Christians in Russia, AE63. In fact, Solzhenitsyn noted that the Bolshevik murders in Russia constituted the greatest holocaust of all time.
          Are you aware that the Bolsheviks were about 80% Talmudist?
          Hitler did the German people a huge favor by preventing the communist ideology of the Talmudists from gaining ground in Germany.

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