June 09, 2014
» Israel Indivisible: The Case For The Ancient Homeland DVD
» The Forgotten People: Christianity and the Holocaust DVD
Israel Indivisible: The Case For The Ancient
Homeland DVD
The world has seemed to divide itself into two camps in
relationship to Israel. On one side are those that love and support the Jewish
people and the Land, and on the other side those who seem to abhor anything and
anyone associated with Israel. Within the anti-Israel camp, there are those who
uphold that side as a result of misinformation and lies, and those who are
simply uninformed and follow along. If these people can be reached and
persuaded, then the swell of support for the Jewish state can grow
"Israel Indivisible" is a documentary that tells the story
of Israel and the Jewish people, as seen and heard through the lives and voices
of the people who lived and died to establish and hold the land God calls His.
From Abram and the Promise to the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the film examines
the biblical, archeological and historical evidence for the ancient and modern
country of Israel. Following the early yearnings for Zion in the Diaspora to the
search and yearning for peace today, the film examines the many political twists
and turns that make Israel the world’s most controversial nation. At the center
of all of this history is a group of people who are arguably the world’s most
persecuted. The story of the many is tied together in the story of the one, and
that one is Israel.
"Israel Indivisible" will move people and reach to
the heart in order to transform the mind.
The new documentary offers an
in-depth focus on the historical, archeological, legal and biblical rights of
the Jewish people to their ancient homeland. It provides a compelling narrative
on historical and archaeological evidence to prove the biblical authenticity of
Israel’s ownership of the land.
The film also exposes the legal basis for
Israel’s rights to the Land, from the Balfour Declaration to the San Remo
Resolution, sometimes called the "birth certificate" of the state of Israel.
With the joint resolution passed by both houses of Congress in 1922 to the
United Nation’s resolutions, all these documents and events stand as legal
witnesses affirming the ancient homeland of Israel. Unfortunately, world leaders
refuse to recognize these important documents that defend Israel’s rights to the
Land because it doesn’t fit their ultimate agenda: to divide the Land God calls
DVD Reviews
“The film lays out a compelling and comprehensive
case for Israel's right to the land. … Many see the film as a tool to give
Israel's supporters the facts they need in this battle.” – Chris Mitchell,
Middle East bureau chief, CBN News
"And if they don't have the facts at
hand, they become apologetic. The minute they become apologetic, they lose the
argument. They need to be knowledgeable. Once they are knowledgeable, they can
stand up for what's right." – Dr. Shmuel Katz
"Effective, affecting and
richly informative, ISRAEL INDIVISIBLE provides a useful crash course on the
Biblical and historical background of the ongoing effort to obliterate Israel" –
Michael Medved, syndicated radio show host
The Forgotten People: Christianity and the
Holocaust DVD
In April 1945, near the end of World War II, American soldiers
surged into Germany as the Third Reich began to crumble.
It was there
that they stumbled upon a horrifying discovery – the Nazi concentration camp,
Of the 250,000 Jewish prisoners held there, only 4,000 were
still alive. More camps were then discovered throughout Germany and occupied
Europe – where a total of 6 million Jews perished in what became known as the
Gen. Dwight Eisenhower immediately ordered the Army Corps of
Engineers to film the camps. Otherwise, he wrote, "People will say that things
like this just didn't happen."
Yet today – despite the mountains of
evidence – the number of Holocaust deniers is growing, as a new, worldwide wave
of anti-Semitism is reaching levels not seen since the rise of Nazi
Christians, for the most part, were silent as the horrors of the
Holocaust unfolded. Now, the group Proclaiming Justice to the Nations is calling
on believers to fulfill their biblical responsibility and support the Jewish
In her film, "The Forgotten People: Christianity and the
Holocaust," producer Laurie Cardoza-Moore documents this growing hatred of the
Jews, the parallels between Nazism and radical Islam and why Christians must
take a stand for justice and defend the people and nation of Israel.
Thank you for your support.
Kade Hawkins
Prophecy News Watch