Sunday, October 26, 2014

at this time to bring about the Tribulation. From the chastisement of Christians to the destruction of all that is good and Holy

I could be wrong, but I believe that everything is happening at this time to bring about the Tribulation. From the chastisement of Christians to the destruction of all that is good and Holy, so I feel it's gods will. Kinda like a massive spiritual slap to let everyone know that time is short. I don't think I will be where I need to be when the Rapture happens and quite honestly expect to be beheaded for my faith, which I think I'm ok with to, as I sat too long with out being with Jesus, and only now move to know the lord as one should.
  • 15 people like this.
  • Gloria Hayden Watson A wake up call and we need to heed the call!
  • Doug Stewart If you trust in the Lord now you will be raptured bro
  • Karmen Myers I agree with Doug.
  • Karmen Myers Doug, just curious, what is the symbol you have on your profile picture? I have seen it before and was just wondering. Thanks. Smile....Jesus loves you.
  • Sisse Dixon You are so right about it all just wish people would listen dont wont to see anyone go to hell
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith Michael, why do you think you will be beheaded for Christ? Do you understand all born again believers will be Raptured BEFORE the Tribulation?
  • Michael Patterson Yes, Lionel I do, I just don't feel that I'm there yet is all.
  • Michael Patterson Thing is I've always believed in the Holy Trinity, I just never was much for prayer or worship.
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith Ok, Michael, will you talk to us in PM please. If you do not KNOW you are saved..........chances are you are not. We want to make sure you know you are saved and would like to help you.
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith Michael Patterson, we are talking about your eternity here. You CAN know you are saved and you CAN know you will be raptured. Please respond to Jeff Molloy.
  • Susan Sudano Bertone Michael, if you are a Christian you WILL be Raptured. If Jesus was coming back for perfect people there would be nobody to Rapture. Have peace.
  • Jamie Dailey Once you accept Jesus as your savior you're saved and will be raptured. I have heard of people dying and feeling hells fire at their feet and calling out to God to save them and then they feel at peace and the burning goes away immediately.
    23 hrs · Like · 5
  • Doug Stewart Karmen this is is symbol that was first used by our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters in Syria & Iraq. It stands for Nazarene which is our Lord Jesus
    22 hrs · Like · 4
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith Karmen, it is the letter "N" is Arabic (they use it to abbreviate Nazarene) , it was used by ISIS to mark the homes of Christians marked for persecution in Iraq as Doug pointed out. Christians are using is to show they stand with our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
    22 hrs · Like · 8
  • Catherine James Believe and love. that's all He requires
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Christine Garten He is not near facebook right now. Thank you for walking with him and praying over him
    20 hrs · Like · 2
  • B.j. Drehs I feel the same as Michael I need LOTS of prayers also . I want to KNOW Im going to heaven I really love my father in heaven but don't. think that's enough
  • Rhondolyn Gross I too believe all that we are seeing today is heading towards the Rapture and I believe it is really near, any moment.
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith B.j. Drehs, please go to PM with me and let's make sure you are going to heaven
    18 hrs · Like · 1
  • B.j. Drehs Jamie I've been with ppl as they scream out n had to be tied to hospital bed.scared me horribly I had to get away as fast as I could
  • B.j. Drehs Screaming was still going on as I left
  • Michael Patterson B.j.Drehs, you should really talk with Lionel, she can help you.
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • Michael Patterson She helped me to understand
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • Jeff Molloy B.J. please go to PM as requested with Lionel N Silvana Smith
    17 hrs · Like · 1
  • Rita Stout I believe the same thing, Jeff. I believe many of us will be beheaded for our Faith here in the US and all over the world. Praise God for the Peace He gives and will give for such a time as this. Jesus I Love You.
  • Rita Stout I may have misunderstood Jeff what you were saying. Do please make sure you know Jesus. He will give you peace...
  • Jeff Molloy Rita, who exactly are you talking to?
    54 mins · Like · 1
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith Rita Stout, we are not going to be here when the AC is beheading people. For one the Rapture is BEFORE the Tribulation........and TWO, the mark of the beast is being implemented int he Second half of the Trib.
    51 mins · Like · 2
  • Rita Stout Christians ARE being beheaded right now and suffering in ways that they didn't think about. I have studied the Rapture since I was 16 and now 55... No one but the Lord knows when He will come. I do believe He will come in my Lifetime. Not anyone of us are an authority on this subject. I believe what I read by Faith. And I'm sorry I was responding to a Michael Patterson. I mentioned you by mistake Jeff. The ac is alive and I'm sure he is very active ... And who knows he may be someone we hear about all the time. Shalom to all of you
  • Rita Stout By the Way, Lionel, I do believe myself that the Rapture will happen soon and before the Mark of the Beast. Shalom
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith Rita Stout, While we are well aware our brothers and sisters in Christ are being beheaded, but you said many of US will be beheaded, and that is a Tribulation type comment. Just making sure you understand the Tribulation is AFTER the Rapture.
    26 mins · Like · 1
  • Rita Stout When I say us I mean in the United States. I believe that many Christians here will be beheaded not by the ac but by Isis.. Which is all part of the evil facing the world right now. Please call me Rita. Shalom
  • Lionel N Silvana Smith Well, we do not agree here Rita, you are comparing apples and oranges. We are the most armed nation in the world. Actually, we are the ONLY armed nation in the world. While ISIS may get one or two people by pure stupid chance, the Bible DOES NOT talk about this, this is your personal opinion ONLY. The beheadings the Bible is talking about is purely about the Tribulation.
  • Rita Stout You must not read the news
  • Carl Coglianese

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