Thursday, October 23, 2014

eTeacher Biblical

Dear carl, Shalom from Jerusalem,

I am writing to invite you to
enroll to my new Live Online course:  
In this exciting new course you will study ten well-known Bible stories, with which you are likely already familiar. But rather than merely reading these stories closely, we will focus on the crucial role that history and geography play in each narrative. 
This live online course consists of ten interactive lectures (delivered via web conferencing to your computer or mobile device):

Lecture 1: Abram the Nomadic Patriarch (Gen 12-13), Introduction to the Geography of the Holy Land + Fertile Crescent

Lecture 2: Jonah in the Belly of the Fish (Jon 1-4), Up and Down the Coastal Plain

Lecture 3: David and Goliath (1 Sam 17), Shephelah: The Foothills

Lecture 4: Joseph and his Brothers (Gen 37), The Hill Country of Samaria

Lecture 5: Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 1-4), The Hill Country of Judah

Lecture 6: Solomon builds the Temple (1 Kings 6), Jerusalem: Imperial Capital

Lecture 7: The Battle of Jericho (Josh 6), The Jordan River / Valley

Lecture 8: Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18-19), The Dead Sea

Lecture 9: Deborah and Sisera (Jud 4-5), The Fertile & War-torn Jezreel Valley

Lecture 10: The Exodus from Egypt (Ex 15-20), The Solitary Southern Deserts: Negev, Arava, Sinai.

The central assumption of this course is that the inner and outer layers of meaning cannot be separated. The outer layer - history and geography - does matter.

Enroll today to this exciting course and enjoy an introductory 50% discount of the regular Biblical Hebrew course tuition.

Jonathan Lipnick

Associate professor at eTeacherGroup
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