This live online course consists of
ten interactive lectures (delivered via web conferencing to your computer or
mobile device):
Lecture 1: Abram the Nomadic
Patriarch (Gen 12-13), Introduction to the Geography of the Holy Land + Fertile
Lecture 2: Jonah in the Belly of the Fish (Jon
1-4), Up and Down the Coastal Plain
Lecture 3: David and
Goliath (1 Sam 17), Shephelah: The Foothills
4: Joseph and his Brothers (Gen 37), The Hill Country of
Lecture 5: Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 1-4), The Hill
Country of Judah
Lecture 6: Solomon builds the Temple (1
Kings 6), Jerusalem: Imperial Capital
Lecture 7: The
Battle of Jericho (Josh 6), The Jordan River / Valley
8: Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18-19), The Dead Sea
9: Deborah and Sisera (Jud 4-5), The Fertile & War-torn Jezreel
Lecture 10: The Exodus from Egypt (Ex 15-20), The
Solitary Southern Deserts: Negev, Arava,