Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Iran poster at Lebanon/Israel border: “We are coming”
The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to make its intentions abundantly clear. Barack Obama may have thought that he bought them off with the Iran nuclear deal. He didn’t.
“Iranian flag joins array of enemy symbols planted on Lebanon border,” by Seth J. Frantzman,Jerusalem Post, June 28, 2017:
Lebanon seems to be having a flag sale.Iranian flags, Hezbollah, UN, Spanish, Palestinian flags. They are all flying provocatively along the border with the northern Israeli community of Metulla.Meters from the fence that separates the countries, not far from the site of a 1985 terrorist attack, Hezbollah has festooned the roads with signs of its presence. It’s purposely done so Israeli residents can see the flags and the billboards next to them. In Metulla there is a memorial for the 12 Israeli soldiers killed in the March 10, 1985, suicide bombing, while just across the border a huge billboard celebrates the massacre.I spent Tuesday touring the Lebanese and Syrian borders to see the tense situation in the north of the country. The flags across the border seemed representative of the situation that prevails today. Next to the Hezbollah flags is a small post that has a UN logo. Near it the Amal Shia Lebanese movement has erected a large banner reading “To he of pure hands and a generous soul, thank you Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri.”(Berri is also the leader of Amal.) On the banner is the Iranian flag. Here is a visible presence of Iran just a stone’s throw from Israel. It’s not the only Iranian symbol here.On a hill overlooking houses being constructed in Metulla is another huge poster with a photo of the Dome of the Rock. The face of Ayatollah Khomeini glowers down over the dome and Hezbollah has written: “We are coming” in Hebrew and Arabic.They’ve put a giant Palestinian flag next to the poster. The message is clear, and disconcerting….