Friday, June 30, 2017

She Got Off the Operating Table Right Before the Abortion Began and Walked Out

She Got Off the Operating Table Right Before the Abortion Began and Walked Out

Ally was sitting on the table at a California abortion clinic in 2014 when the ultrasound image of her unborn baby began flooding her mind.
The young woman said she got up and walked out with her unborn baby that day because of the support she received from a pro-life pregnancy center in Ventura, California.
In a new video by Mercy Tree Media, Ally explained why she chose life for her daughter, Violet.
“I wondered if I could do this on my own. But then I remember that the counselor at the pregnancy center told me to come back if I needed any help,” Ally said.
It was February 24, 2014 when Ally first walked into the Ventura County Pregnancy Center with her boyfriend. She said they gave her a free pregnancy test and, when it came back positive, performed an ultrasound so she could see her unborn child.
“I was numb. I didn’t know what I was feeling. I told the counselor that I was too overwhelmed and I left,” Ally remembered.
She said her mother wanted her to have an abortion, and she later broke up with her boyfriend. Feeling unsupported and afraid, Ally  scheduled an appointment to have an abortion.
But sitting on the abortion table with an IV in her arm, Ally said she began to remember what the pregnancy center counselor told her, and the image of her unborn baby on the ultrasound flooded into her mind.
As with so many moms, remembering her unborn baby’s image helped her to realize her baby’s worth; and knowing that the pregnancy center counselors would support her helped her feel less afraid.
Ally said she started crying and yelled at the abortion doctor to stop. She got up off the table and walked out the door.
Ally said she went back to the pregnancy center where they helped her to prepare for her daughter’s arrival. They supported her through parenting classes and baby and maternity supplies.
Now, she said she is so grateful for her daughter, Violet.
“Having Violet in my life has changed me for the better,” she said.

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