One more SPLC slander

By designating Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) as an "anti-Muslim hate group," the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has made a wild and harmful accusation in complete disregard of the facts. 
All anti-Muslim hate groups exhibit extreme hostility toward Muslims. The organizations portray those who worship Islam as fundamentally alien and attribute to its followers an inherent set of negative traits. Muslims are depicted as irrational, intolerant and violent, and their faith is frequently depicted as sanctioning pedophilia, coupled with intolerance for homosexuals and women.
These groups also typically hold conspiratorial views regarding the inherent danger to America posed by its Muslim-American community. Muslims are viewed as a fifth column intent on undermining and eventually replacing American democracy and Western civilization with Islamic despotism… Anti-Muslim hate groups allege that Muslims are trying to subvert the rule of law by imposing on Americans their own Islamic legal system, Shariah law[.] ...
Anti-Muslim hate groups also broadly defame Islam, which they tend to treat as a monolithic and evil religion.

In light of its own definition, SPLC has obviously failed to do any research into what PJTN is or does.  As is immediately apparent to anyone reading the PJTN mission statement, this organization is the antithesis of a group that hates Muslims.  The only "poverty" inherent in the SPLC is its own poverty of concepts, language, common sense, and any inclination to do its homework before issuing harmful and specious allegations against innocent parties.
PJTN's stated mission is to educate Christians on their biblical duty to support Christians' Jewish brethren and the State of Israel in these times of increasing anti-Semitism.  Anti-Semitism, or, more clearly, Jew-hatred, is the oldest existing hatred of an ethnic/religious group or people.  It has been with us for about 3,500 years, and in every generation, a leader has arisen with the goal of wiping out the Jewish people.  It is tiresome, and it certainly has no place in the United States of America.  But the SPLC doesn't know or care about this real hatred and its perpetrators.
PJTN is an organization with state chapters and individual members in the United States and in foreign countries who support its mission.  It fights Jew-hatred at every turn by, among others, neo-Nazis and Islamic jihadists, both of which are trending toward violent action against Jews, and by radical leftist Democrats, socialists, and communists and even members of Congress whose hatred of Jews trends toward marginalization and dehumanization and the delegitimization and destruction of Israel, the one homeland of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people themselves.  These are the real hate groups, and they are ignored by the SPLC.  PJTN does not hate perpetrators of Jew-hatred, but it does act against their toxic anti-Jewish goals and activities.
The SPLC is a bully.  It designates as hate groups those organizations and their members who disagree with the SPLC's own political and ideological agenda and uses the hater designation as a club to delegitimize them.  Some designated groups have been denied access to venues for their events, thereby limiting their freedom of speech.  What prospective employer would hire an applicant whose résumé proudly reflects service with an institution designated a hate group by the SPLC?
It is past time for all Americans and all American institutions and businesses to repudiate the SPLC and its hate designations.  The SPLC has demonstrated that it lacks all credibility, and the only hate group over which it may legitimately exercise its evil jurisdiction is itself.
Michael S. Goldstein, Esq. is general counsel and State of Ohio director of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations.  He may be contacted at