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The Shehechiyanu blessing is said whenever we realize the miracle of the present moment, writes Rabbi Shefa Gold. Traditionally, it is recited when we do something for the first time that year — such as lighting Hanukkah candles or hearing the shofar — as well as at the start of most Jewish holidays. But how can we bring shehechiyanu and the celebration of new things into the every day?
How to Say It
Watch a video that will guide you through how to recite the Shehechiyanu blessing.
Where Does the Blessing Come from?
Understand the origin of the Shehechiyanu blessing.
The everyday world is an opportunity for unexpected blessings. Judaism offers many different blessings so that we are prepared to encounter the sacred at any moment.
Prayer has been the foundation of Jewish ritual and practice for thousands of years, but you may still wonder how and why to say the prayers in the canon. At My Jewish Learning, we invite you to explore the deeper side of prayer. Each week we'll share a unique exploration of a particular Jewish prayer, plus offer background materials and more to enhance your understanding. In the meantime, you can explore all of MJL's prayer resources here.