Thursday, April 30, 2020 Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

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Top Stories
 Hillary Clinton: “Every Woman in This County” Must be Able to Kill Their Baby in an Abortion
 Alyssa Milano Trashed Brett Kavanaugh, But Defends Joe Biden After He’s Accused of Sexual Assault
 Joe Biden: “We Need to Ensure That Women” Can Kill Their Babies in Abortions
 Police Change Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Complaint From Active to Inactive After Democrats Defend Biden

More Pro-Life News
 New York Times Celebrates One Abortion Business Killing 611 Babies in One Week
 Pro-Life Leaders Praise President Trump for Defunding Pro-Abortion WHO
 Pro-Abortion Groups That Trashed Kavanaugh Have No Comment on Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegations
 Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Vetoes Bill That Would Save Babies From Abortion
 Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Hillary Clinton: “Every Woman in This County” Must be Able to Kill Their Baby in an Abortion

Hillary Clinton suggested that pro-abortion politicians should use the coronavirus crisis to push for more abortions during a conversation Tuesday with Joe Biden.

Alyssa Milano Trashed Brett Kavanaugh, But Defends Joe Biden After He’s Accused of Sexual Assault

Tara Reade ripped into actress Alyssa Milano for her comments about Reade’s sexual assault allegations against 2020 presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, saying Milano’s comments show hypocrisy compared to her conduct during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Joe Biden: “We Need to Ensure That Women” Can Kill Their Babies in Abortions

Let’s count the many ways why former Vice President Joe Biden would tell an audience participating in an online townhall meeting Tuesday...

The Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department changed the status of a complaint against 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden from active to inactive, One America News Network reported Wednesday.

New York Times Celebrates One Abortion Business Killing 611 Babies in One Week

It’s really sickening to think that the folks weaponizing a natural disaster’s death toll to bash conservative policies are also seeking to make abortion as accessible as making a phone call or ordering medication online.

In a letter from the International Right to Life Federation, international pro-life leaders have commended President Trump for his withdrawal of funding from the pro-abortion, World Health Organization (WHO).


Pro-Abortion Groups That Trashed Kavanaugh Have No Comment on Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegations

It appears that pro-abortion groups only “believe women” who accuse powerful men of sexual assault when it is politically convenient.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Vetoes Bill That Would Save Babies From Abortion

Pennsylvania pro-life leaders criticized Gov. Tom Wolf on Thursday for doing the bidding of the abortion industry by vetoing a health care expansion bill because it included a restriction on drug-induced abortions.

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