Pro-lifers in Missouri battle over best strategy

Sen. Mike Moon: "And that's one reason I've been fortunate to ask to file the bill, Senate Bill 391, the Abolition to Abortion Bill in Missouri."
Missouri bishops are united against the Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act.
The Missouri Catholic Conference had to issue a statement on Thursday clarifying the bishops' opposition to the bill that would abolish abortion.
The bishops' statement included press releases from another Catholic organization, Campaign Life Missouri, as well as from Missouri Right to Life.
The three organizations and their supporters have united to battle a pro-life bill they call "dangerous" and "misguided."
Senate Bill 391, sponsored by Missouri senator Mike Moon, goes beyond regulating surgical abortion out of existence and seeks to end all abortion.
Sen. Moon: "The Abolish Abortion Act in Missouri, SB 391, will actually make abortion illegal."
The bishops claim the legislation would put "at risk the many incremental pro-life laws the Missouri General Assembly has passed over the years."
Moon says that problem could be fixed.
There are some portions that are bracketed in the bill. And according to some of the legal experts, if the bill is passed and enjoined in the court, which I believe it would be challenged, then those bracketed sections according to some legal experts would become void, and that would allow abortions to begin taking place in the state again and of course we don't want that to happen. So I'm willing to remove those sections if necessary.
Missouri Right to Life promotes a so-called incremental approach to overturning Roe v. Wade.
Moon's bill is the opposite of incremental.
In 2019, when a more aggressive coalition of pro-life groups was promoting a Missouri heartbeat bill, Missouri Right to Life opposed that legislation as well.
The group eventually came on board but only after passage of the legislation was inevitable.
Missouri is one of the states that has been most successful in driving out abortionists, which makes the pro-life in-fighting all the more tragic.