| Whoopi Makes Outrageous Claim About Biden Docs | | Whoopi Goldberg suggested that President Joe Biden might have declassified the classified documents found in his possession in a Tuesday segment of "The View." The host of the talk show brought up the powers of presidents and vice presidents to declassify documents. "Presidents and vice presidents can declassify these," Goldberg... Read more… | |
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| 21-Year-Old Police Cadet Drops Dead - 'Unexpected and Fast' | | A 21-year-old college student from Monmouth, Maine, died suddenly on Jan. 18. To the surprise of those closest to him, it was revealed that Dustin Allard's death was caused by a brain tumor, according to the Morning Sentinel. Allard was training to become an Oakland, Maine, police officer around the... Read more… | |
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| Op-Ed: Has the Time Come for a Military Tribunal for President Biden? | | Before I get started on the latest allegations surrounding President Joe Biden and the illegal storage of documents containing sensitive information in his home, I want to discuss the term “military tribunal.” A military tribunal works as a military court, but one that isn’t exclusive to military personnel. Civilian parties... Read more… | |
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| Pelosi Under Scrutiny Over 'Odd Timing' of Her Huge Stock Trade | | Criticism has erupted upon the revelation that in the closing days of her reign as House speaker, and weeks before the Biden administration filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google, Democratic Rep. Nany Pelosi of California sold a chunk of her Google stock. The sales, between Dec. 20 and Dec. 28,... Read more… | |
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| Leftists Melt Down After Their Beloved ACLU Defends Trump | | The American Civil Liberties Union has driven a chasm into the ranks of former President Donald Trump’s opponents by supporting Meta’s plan to allow Trump back on Facebook and Instagram. The decision was announced Wednesday in a blog post that noted some special conditions are attached to Trump’s return, which... Read more… | |
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| Church of England Makes Major Announcement on Gay 'Marriage' | | Sometimes compromise merely prolongs a war -- in this case, the culture wars. The bishops of the Church of England won't support same-sex "marriages," according to the BBC. The decision comes after five years of debate about the church's position on sexuality. But the debate won't end there. The bishops'... Read more… | |
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