Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Mother Speaks Out Publicly After Child Loses to Trans Athlete...


Mother Speaks Out Publicly After Child Loses to Trans Athlete

( – The current “woke” fad for promoting the interests of transgender individuals over the interests of biological women in the field of sports and sporting achievements continues to result in injustice all round. As the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis noted, policies based on “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) almost invariably result in outcomes that have more in common with “Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination”.

For example, during a track meet in California earlier this month, Athena Ryan, a biologically male athlete from Sonoma Academy took second place in the 1600-metre women’s competition, effectively denying the woman who finished in fourth place a chance to compete in the state championships.

The mother of one of the athletes described the situation as “heart-breaking” and said that most students and parents won’t speak up because of a culture of bullying that has been allowed to develop around any discussion of the injustices caused by giving unfair advantages to transgender athletes.The mother, who wishes to remain anonymous for this reason, pointed to a clause in her daughter’s “Student / Athlete Code of Conduct” which is required to be signed by all students and their parents, and which prohibits “hate speech” – which is interpreted as any discussion about another person’s preferred gender identity.

When she raised her concerns with the athletic director of the school, she was told that officials had no power to do anything about it because of a directive from the California Interscholastic Federation that is construed in line with California state laws and permits athletes to compete under their self-identified gender preference.

Payton McNabb, a spokesperson for the Independent Women’s Forum, said that the result of the California track meet was just the latest example of a biological male taking away opportunities from biologically female athletes. McNabb, who was herself seriously injured when competing against a biologically male transgender individual in a volleyball match, said: “It isn’t fair, and it isn’t right.”

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