Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today I come here to talk to you about The Power of Prayer.

Today I come here to talk to you about
The Power of Prayer.


Good & Great Day, my name is Ephriam Caleb.

I am a writer for The New Under Ground Church.



Today I come here to talk to you about The power of prayer.

At my rather advanced age I have come to trust in the real power of prayer.

Over the years I have meet many people in my travels who after a time praying

simply give up when they do not get an answer right away. How sad.




You must realize first that God does hear our prayers, ever single one of them.

However you must keep in mind that there is our time ( mankind’s)

and there is God's time.

I have also learned that even though our Father God knows what and why you are praying,




Father still really enjoys hearing your voice and getting to know you through your prayers.

God will know you by your prayers. Simple truth that I have learned over these many years.

Remember Always talk with God with the respect and honor he deserves. Never call him by words such as hey dad, The big guy.

I start my prayers by saying Dear Father God, Lord and King Christ Jesus and most Holy Spirit.

Sometimes prayers can be as simple and short as,

Dear God, please help me through this day.

Dear Jesus, please give me strength and the wisdom to handle this situation.

I have found that people, including myself when in a situation of surprise will say, oh my God.

I feel this is ok. When I say it is my way of asking God for help to understand what I just witnessed.

Start talking to God, Father God right now, this very day. Father loves to hear from his children, and often. I have learned to talk to father about everything, even the not so good things in life.

Always talk to God with respect and honesty. The point will come someday that you will feel so close to him, so personal with him. it will happen, Do not give up, please.

God will know us by our prayers. he will know us by name and voice.

In times of stress I call father, Abba. Abba is very personal, a child calling out to Father. God hears all prayers. Jesus hears all prayers. The Holy spirit will teach you how to pray and become closer to our Father God.

God Bless, and will talk to you all soon,

Ephraim Caleb


Monday, April 14, 2014

My Prayer For You

My Prayer For You

I was thinking about the day, the late night/early morning, actually, when I came to the Lord. I met Him in the midst of tears and brokenness. I saw how deep my depravity was compared to His Holiness and how desperately I needed Him.
I can’t explain it much better than that, but I so much want all of you who read my messages, to love Him, at least as much as I do. I long for each of you to want Him more than you want blessings, health, or even your next breath. I’m serious. I want you to know Him so well that your undivided hearts can shout, along with the Psalmist, “Because Your Love is better than life, my lips will glorify You” (Psalm 63:3).
Better than life! That’s right. Our Lord is inviting us mortal creatures into a relationship–a loving relationship–with the Son of Glory! I can’t think of a better offer. My friends, you don’t need to consult with Monty Python, this offer is the Meaning of Life! I encourage you to find it for yourself. Fully. Completely.
You can never spend your time more valuably than in a pursuit of knowing Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah and Savior of all who choose to come. This morning my prayer is that this offer He has made to you will take you another step closer in the noblest pursuit of your life. Cast all of your dreams and desire aside, and let Him fill your life with His wonder and amazement. Cry out with the Psalmist:
O Elohim, you are my Elohim. I am intent on searching for you. I thirst for you like someone in a dry, empty land where there is no water. I have seen you in the Holy Place; and have seen your strength and glory.
Because your love is better than life, my lips will praise you. I will praise you as long as I live. I will lift up my hands in in prayer. I will be content as if I had eaten the best foods. My lips will sing, and my mouth will praise you.
I remember you while I’m lying in bed; I meditate on you through the watches of the night. Because of your protection, I sing. I cling to you; and your right hand sustains me. (Psalm 63:1-8)

(I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list)
Our needs have increased, and I thank you for all of your generous gifts.
Just remember that it is through your faithful and continued support
that make these messages and other aspects of ministry possible.

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    Blood Moon Prophecy 2014 - 2015

    A a blood-red Moon is seen over the Cari

    A a blood-red Moon is seen over the Cari
    HAVANA, CUBA: A a blood-red Moon is seen over the Caribe area in Havana, during a total eclipse, 27 October 2004. The Moon became lightly shaded by Earth's outer shadow, called the penumbra. Weather permitting the event will be visible across most of North and South America, Western Europe and Africa. This is the last total lunar eclipse until 2007. AFP PHOTO/Adalberto ROQUE (Photo credit should read ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP/Getty Images)

    Stargazers and fans of eerie, prophetic-like omens will be in for a treat early Tuesday morning when a total lunar eclipse will occur, turning the full moon red.

    Also called "blood moons", total lunar eclipses happen about twice a year when the moon passes directly behind the Earth into its shadow, or umbra.

    But what's up with the creepy red glow that gives the lunar event its nickname?

    Well, the red color is actually not unlike a sunset, but from the moon's perspective. NASA describes it as "seeing every sunrise and every sunset in the world, all of them, all at once." And that red glow from behind the Earth gets projected onto the moon.

    CNN notes this total lunar eclipse will be the first in a series of four appearing every six months, a phenomenon called a "tetrad" – something not particularly rare for this century according to NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak.

    While a total lunar eclipse is a interesting sight for stargazing hobbyists, for others the oncoming blood moon and tetrad brings something else – tidings of doom.

    CTV News writes that "Conspiracy websites draw parallels between lunar eclipses and historical events, like the fall of Constantinople and the founding of the State of Israel," and that the last blood moon occurred when the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004.

    But perhaps the biggest proponent for any conspiracy concerning the upcoming blood moons is Pastor John Hagee, who The Christian Broadcasting Network notes released a book titled Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change in 2013.

    With all four blood moons being viewable from the U.S., New York Daily News notes Hagee claims that "the four blood moons that will soon appear in the skies over America are evidence of a future 'world-shaking event'."

    In an interview with FOX News, Hagee emphasized the significance that each blood moon will occur during a Jewish holiday as well.

    "To have a blood moon, and then for those blood moons to be on this exact date, is something that just is beyond coincidental."

    As noted by Think Progress, Hagee has caused some controversy before when in 2008 he suggested a connection between God's wrath towards a gay pride rally planned for New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina.

    The next three blood moons will be viewable this year on Oct. 8 followed by April 4 and Sept. 28 next year.

    More From You

    Sunday, April 13, 2014

    As We Mature

    As We Mature

    Just like any other good shepherd, Jesus goes ahead of His sheep, looking for rich grazing areas and fertile ground. Then He plants and cultivates rich food for them. He will take out any poisonous weeds that would hurt them, check any holes that would cause them to stumble or fall. Then he would gather the sheep, leading them to the pasture that he has prepared. (Ezekiel 34:14, 15; also see “A Shepherd Looks at the 23rd Psalm” by Phillip Keller). Jesus wants to cultivate each one of us into “rich pasture,” not for our own enjoyment, but so He can bring His “sheep” there to drink, eat, grow healthy and strong. (And all this time while you were complaining and griping, the Lord was simply pulling weeds and filling holes in your life.)
    As that fruit is maturing and ripening in our life, and our words become actually His Words, we will experience that the Word of the Lord is indeed “living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” We will come to know that “there is no creature hidden from his sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrew 4:12-13).
    So whenever we fail to speak when we should, or like Elihu in Job’s story, speak when we should have stopped, we lose that kind of power and glory. The difference between Elihu the “interpreter,” and Elihu the “man” is obvious—like night and day.
    It seems as though Elihu was wounded in some way or offended by Job’s silence. So out of his pride and self-hurt, he stops speaking for God, loses control of his sense of protocol and starts making the same charges that the others had made.

    (I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list)
    Our needs have increased, and I thank you for all of your generous gifts.
    Just remember that it is through your faithful and continued support
    that make these messages and other aspects of ministry possible.

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