Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Something’s Afoot . . .

Something’s Afoot . . .

Most believers have never spent much time in the Old Testament. Oh, maybe reading the Psalms or Proverbs, but not the OT in general. There are some fascinating stories there, but at the very ending of Old Testament, in Malachi, we have the perfect closing. Read this glorious prophecy:
“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction” (Malachi 4:5-6).
In referring to John the Baptizer, Jesus said, “if you are willing to accept what I say, he is Elijah, the one the prophets said would come” (Matthew 11:14). I used to wonder what Jesus was referring to, and in case you were, too, it was that verse in Malachi. But what Christ was saying is that John the Baptist has the spirit and power of Elijah on him — if you could just see it.” The Scriptures tell us that the angel of the Lord prophesied to Zachariah that his son John would “be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah. He would prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. He would turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and he will cause those who are rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly” (Luke 1:17). Again, referring to that prophecy in Malachi.
My personal belief is that Malachi’s prophecy is for today, as well. I believe that Yehoveh is going to put on many of his chosen servants the spirit and power of Elijah. These believers will be mightily used to bring about a restoration of families. Divorces: canceled! Children: convicted of their rebellion and restored in love to their parents.
I have seen this prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes — right now. For instance, I heard a story about an unassuming young pastor in Texas, who began to pray for the salvation of the youth in his area’s local schools. The Lord had anointed him with the dynamic spirit and power of Elijah and not only were hundreds in his local school saved, but the restoration spread to schools wherever he went. Not hundreds but thousands of high school students are being convicted of their drugs, alcohol, sex and rebellion. Young people are hurrying home from outreaches to make up with their parents. They were confessing deep hatred, but now they weep and repent! This time of renewal and refreshment will spread all through the land because our God has promised to restore parents and children.
I currently have limits what I can do physically, but my disability has allowed me to spend a tremendous amount of time in study and prayer. And, because of what I believe the Lord has shown me is coming, I am so excited I can hardly write these words. Unknown, unassuming, humble young men and women of God are being miraculously touched and anointed. They are being given a supernatural mission to “Go forth—and restore! The day of the Lord has come. Soon the destruction caused by drugs and alcohol will no longer be permitted to gnaw at the lives of the youth. Our God will destroy the enemy’s work in their lives.
Older men and women are being drawn closer to their Lord and receiving new insights and renewed hearts. They are receiving fresh love and desires to care for their families. Many Pastors are receiving fresh anointings to tend to those under their care. I see a revival in our homes and in our churches. To quote Beaver, “Aslan is on the move — perhaps he has already landed.”
And now a very curious thing happened. None of the children knew who Aslan was any more than you do; but the moment the Beaver had spoken these words everyone felt quite different…. At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt something jump in its inside. Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious horror. Peter felt suddenly brave and adventurous. Susan felt as if some delicious smell or some delightful strain of music had just floated by her. And Lucy got the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning and realize that it is the beginning of the holidays or the beginning of summer.
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    Monday, December 8, 2014

    Time to Consider & Ponder

    Time to Consider & Ponder

    Why Did He Do It?

    Why Did He Do It?

    Yesterday, I told you that because of the cross, the Lord is now able to reach out to His people. What I did not mention (mainly because I presumed you knew) before Jesus died on the cross, there was absolutely no access to His Father for the general public. That’s right; only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies — and even then, it was only once a year.
    However, as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, a path for us into the Father’s presence was created. By His grace alone, Yahweh tore down the wall that blocked us from his presence. Mark 15:38 states that, “The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” Notice it doesn’t say from the “bottom to the top . . .” No, we didn’t initiate access being granted. Yahweh not only initiated the access, He completed the act! Now He can come out to man! Like the father of the prodigal, He is now able to embrace His prodigals and sinners alike.
    Think about Israel’s miraculous deliverance from Egypt. As the people of God crossed over on dry land, they turned around and saw the waves crash down on their enemy behind them. Yes, it was a devastating scene to see humans crushed by the waves. But it was still a glorious victory for His people! They held a tremendous praise meeting that would put even the most assertive Pentecostals to shame with all their dancing, singing and shouting out Praises to their King: “We are free! Yahweh has delivered us from our oppression.”
    What I want you to see is that Israel’s story represents our deliverance from the bondage and guilt of sin. We know that Jesus defeated Satan through His death on the cross, but we were also immediately set free from his iron grip! But it doesn’t stop there! Our Father has a much greater purpose in saving and delivering us.
    Go back to the deliverance of His people of Egypt. Even when He delivered them from their enemy, He never intended for Israel to camp there on the victory side of the Red Sea. Yes, it was fun and exciting (at least for a little while), but His goal was to take them into Canaan, his land of fullness—His land of Promise. What I am saying is that he brought them out . . . in order to bring them in: into His heart, into His love, into His care and into His provision. He wants people who are totally dependent on His Mercy, Grace, and Love.
    The exciting news is that this is still true for his people today! That is what you were called to experience
    Israel’s first test came just a few days later, and they ended up moaning and griping and complaining, totally dissatisfied. Why? They had known Yahweh’s deliverance, but they had never learned about His great love for them.
    What I am saying is that you cannot come into joy and peace until you see his delight in your deliverance! Until you see the joy of his heart over His communion with you; until you see that every wall has been removed at the cross; until you know that everything of your past has been judged and wiped away, you will never experience the “Fullness of Joy” we are called to experience. Our Father wants us to move into the fullness that awaits us in His presence!
    Imagine a parent whose child was kidnapped. They pace the floors; bite their nails; fall on their knees as they cry out in pain and anguish. But then there is a knock on the door, and open it to see the Police with their child in their arms! Can you even imagine the joy; the excitement; the elation they must feel? That my friends is the experience our Father felt when that veil was ripped down — as I said, it was torn from the top to the bottom, meaning HE tore that sucker apart!!
    Today, Millions upon Millions rejoice in the wonderful benefits of the cross. They have moved out of Egypt, and they are standing on the “victory side” of their Red Sea trial. They enjoy the freedom, and they praise the Lord continually for casting their oppressor into the sea. But many of these same believers miss their Father’s even greater purpose and benefit to them. They miss why the Lord brought them out of their bondage — which is to bring them into Himself. In fact, Jesus declared that the whole purpose and understanding of Eternal Life was to know; to perceive; to recognize to become acquainted with, and understand, the only true God, and His Son, whom He sent (John 17:3).
    (I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list.)
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