The Men Who Run the World
By Irvin Baxter Jr. (www.endtime.com)
Please Note: Each coloured link
within the article will lead you to a related topic on a different page of this
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those pages, or anything else on this site..
Mikhail Gorbachev
Remember those heady six years when Mikhail Gorbachev dominated world events
so completely that Ted Turner said he was the greatest world leader in the last
2,000 years? The Velvet Revolution, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the
Cold War, the birth of the New World Order, a Nobel Peace Prize and the
dissolution of the Soviet Union all occurred in such rapid succession that it
almost took our breath away.
Then suddenly he was gone. Did he just burn himself out? Does such a dynamic
leader become content to just fade into the pages of history? Or has he perhaps
found other ways to pursue the lofty goals of his much-vaunted New World Order?
Gorbachev left the Soviet Union in 1991. He immediately, as though it had
already been planned, launched the Gorbachev Fund. He described the Fund as a
think-tank whose purpose was to explore the path that global governance should
take as mankind progressed into the interdependent global society.
Working with Maurice Strong, General-Secretary of the highly
publicized Earth Summit of 1992, Gorbachev founded an international
environmental organization called Green Cross International. He also managed to
be named president of this new organization. Since that time, environmental
issues have asserted their dominance over every business, building project,
military activity and individual life.
Green Cross International is no fly-by-night organization. Gorbachev was
immediately able to enlist Yoko Ono (widow of John Lennon), Olivia Newton John,
John Denver, Carl Sagan and Javier Peres de Cuellar (ex-Secretary-General of the
UN) to serve on the board of directors. His two presidential advisors for Green
Cross International are Robert Redford and CNN's Ted Turner.
Maurice Strong Who is this Maurice Strong with whom Gorbachev seems to have
so much in common? Strong is a Canadian multi-billionaire, an avid believer in
global government and a convinced socialist. Interestingly, he owns a
10,000-acre ranch in Colorado that serves as a new-age spiritual retreat for
believers in universal spirituality. A Zen Buddhist temple has been built there,
Zoroastrians have a worship center there, as well as many other like-minded New
Age cults. (More at the End of The Page]
Kofi Annan
The deeper we investigate, the stranger this story becomes. In the
early 90’s, President Clinton became unhappy with the operation of the United
Nations. He claimed the organization was in desperate need of reform. Using the
U.S. veto, he blocked the appointment of Boutros Boutros-Ghali for a second term
as UN Secretary-General. He then handpicked his successor--the present
Secretary-general, Kofi Annan.
Annan proceeded to create a new position at the UN--Under Secretary-General
for UN Reform. He then announced the person chosen to reform the United Nations,
preparing it for world governance in the emerging 21st Century. Why were we not
surprised when he chose New Age, globalist, socialist Maurice Strong?
IPS Note: In his acceptance speech for the
Nobel Peace Prize for the UN, Secretary General Kofi Annan said: 'The idea that
there is one people in possession of the truth, one answer to the world's ills,
or one solution to humanity's needs, has done untold harm throughout history -
especially in the last century.' He went on to quote from the world's major
religions seeking to show that, as the Hindus are taught: 'Truth is one, the
sages give it various names.' He concluded by thanking the Nobel Committee for
proclaiming 'that the only negotiable route to global peace and cooperation goes
by way of the United Nations'.
Ted Turner In the meantime, Gorbachev admirer Ted Turner believes
so strongly in the destiny of the UN that he decided to give the largest single
gift ever granted to an organization. He announced that he would bestow $1
billion dollars to advance the UN's mission. This is the same Ted Turner that
has controlling interest in Time Warner, which has now entered into partnership
with America Online (AOL).
Al Gore  Once Strong joined Annan at the UN, it was decided that a visit to
the White House would be in order. The U.S. Congress was refusing to pay close
attention to $1 billion in back dues to the UN. This had been done in order to
prod the UN into accomplishing the needed reforms. Strong was asked to accompany
Annan to the White House in an attempt to obtain payment because Strong had a
very close friend in the Clinton administration--Vice-President Al Gore. Both
Strong and Gore are avid environmentalists and globalists. Of course, Gore is
the author of his now famous environmental book, Earth in the Balance.
[Also See Gaia]
 Timothy Wirth Ted Turner didn't want his $1
billion UN contribution to be wasted. He needed someone to administer the proper
distribution of the donation. Timothy Wirth, serving as Under-Secretary of State
for Global Affairs in the Clinton State Department, accepted the job. However,
when we see how intertwined the U.S. and the UN really are, it becomes clear
that, when Wirth left the U.S. State Department to administer the grant, he was
still working with the same people toward the same goals.
Bill Clinton  Let's pause a moment to pull this web of power together.
President Clinton handpicked Kofi Annan; Annan appointed Maurice Strong; Strong
is a good friend of Al Gore; Strong works hand-in-hand with Mikhail Gorbachev;
Ted Turner is presidential advisor to Gorbachev; Turner donates $1 billion
dollars to the UN; Wirth leaves the Clinton administration to work for Turner.
You have to admit that this is getting interesting! But believe me, we have
only scratched the surface.
Strobe Talbott In 1992, Strobe Talbott wrote an article
for Time magazine, entitled, "The Birth of the Global Nations." In the
article he stated that U.S. sovereignty as we have known it will cease to exist
in the 21st Century. He asserted that all nations would soon answer to a single
global authority. But why should we care at all what Strobe Talbott says?
Talbott has been very close to President Clinton for a long time. They were
roommates while attending college as Rhodes Scholars in London. When Clinton
took office in 1993, one of the first things that he did was to make Strobe
Talbott Deputy Secretary of State. Talbott has been the key foreign policy
advisor to Clinton throughout his entire administration. So one of the most
powerful members of the U.S. State Department believes that United States"
sovereignty is soon to be over!
Robert Muller Where in the world does Strobe Talbott come up
with these outlandish ideas? It's interesting to notice that Robert Muller
published a book in 1991 titled The Birth of a Global Civilization. In
1992, Talbott wrote his article, "The Birth of the Global Nation." It appears
that Muller's book was what inspired Talbott's article. At least, the principles
set forth in Muller's book certainly sound like the ideas advocated by Talbott.
So who is this Robert Muller? He worked in the UN for thirty-eight years as
Assistant UN Secretary-General to three Secretary-Generals--U Thant, Kurt
Waldheim and Javier Peres de Cuellar. He wrote so prolifically about the future
of the United Nations that he was given the name "Prophet of the UN."
Another of Muller's books New Genesis-Shaping a Global Spirituality,
reveals Muller's extreme interest in spiritual things. During one conversation
that I had with Muller, he stated that the world had gone as far toward unity as
politics could carry it. He asserted that total world unity could only be
completed by coming together spiritually. That belief is what inspired him to
write New Genesis.
Another of Muller's outstanding achievements is the writing of his World Core
Curriculum. He authored the World Core Curriculum in order to provide young
people with the global education that he felt they need to compete in our
increasingly interdependent world. Muller credits the teachings of Alice Bailey
and the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul for providing the basis
for the World Core Curriculum. [Read More About Robert
 Alice Bailey Who is this Alice Bailey? In the early
1920’s she founded a publishing company called Lucifer Publishing Company (You
may have heard of Lucifer!). Bailey used her "demonic" publishing company to
disseminate her radical New Age ideas around the world.
Most people were not inclined to seriously consider adopting views produced
by Lucifer Publishing. When the negative effects of the company's name became
apparent, Bailey shortened the name to Lucis Trust. Amazingly, Lucis Trust was
headquartered at the United Nations Plaza for many years. Recently, it was moved
to Wall Street.
Djwhal Khul Of this entire mysterious web, the identity of Djwhal
Khul is the most bizarre. Djwhal Khul never existed. He was Alice Bailey's
spirit guide. Think of it! The Assistant Secretary-General to three
Secretary-Generals of the UN crediting a "spirit guide" and Lucifer Publishing
for his inspiration. No wonder the United Nations is so effectively carrying out
Satan's plan of one-world government!
So how does all this work? Djwhal Khul inspires Bailey; who inspires Muller;
who then writes the World Core Curriculum to train our children. In the
meantime, Maurice Strong operates his New Age ranch, complete with a Zen
Buddhist temple, while reinventing the United Nations, preparing it to rule the
Having a hard time believing all of this? I don't blame you. It is absolutely
incredible, but it's true!
Bishop William Swing  Robert Muller stated to me that he felt it
was a pity that the political leaders of the world were able to meet and talk
daily at the UN while the spiritual leaders of the world would hardly speak to
each other. He pointed out that the constant dialogue, which takes place at the
UN, had enabled the world to speak together and act together as the World
Muller, the "Prophet of the UN,” believed that an organization should be
created that would do for religion what the UN has done for the political world.
Since Muller had expressed this idea to me, I was not surprised to hear a couple
of years later that the United Religion Initiative had been launched. Robert
Muller, employee of the UN for thirty-eight years, was one of the three original
signers of the Initiative.
Another signer of the original United Religions
Initiative was Bishop William Swing, Episcopalian Bishop of Grace Cathedral
in San Francisco. Swing has become the driving force behind the United
Religions. He also was one of the speakers at Mikhail Gorbachev's Global Forum
in 1996.
Also in 1996, Bishop Swing traveled the world to assess the level of support
among the religious leaders of the world for a United Religions effort. He met
with the Dalai Lama, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop Desmond Tutu,
Mother Teresa, the Pope and Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria, the Vatican's
Director of Inter-Religious Dialogue. What he heard in his discussions convinced
him that the time for a United Religions Initiative had arrived. [See Footnote on the Dalai Lama]
Swing has been holding conferences and working diligently since that time. As
a result, the constitution for the United Religions
Initiative will be signed June 26, 2000--the 55th anniversary of the signing
of the United Nations Constitution. That date was chosen because Swing hopes
that the United Religions can do for religion what the United Nations has done
for the nations of the world. He hopes that ongoing religious dialogue can
slowly bring about an agreement of thinking among the religions until a level of
global spirituality can be achieved.
 Cardinal Francis Arinze Cardinal Arinze is the
Pope's representative for inter-religious affairs. Arinze and Swing have worked
together in advancing Interfaithism. Some people believe that Cardinal Arinze
could become the next pope upon the death of Pope John Paul II.
Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II is very much a player on
the world geopolitical scene. In the new Catechism of the Catholic Church (Item
#841), the Pope stated, "The plan of salvation also includes those who
acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims: these
profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one,
merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day." With this statement, Pope John
Paul II came down solidly on the side of Interfaithism.
He also is a longtime friend and partner of Mikhail Gorbachev. On March 9,
1992, the New York Times carried an article by Mikhail Gorbachev titled,
"My Partner, the Pope."
In U.S. News and World Report on May 18, 1992, an interesting article
was published under the title "Papal Promoter." This report stated, "Pope John
Paul II is promoting Mikhail Gorbachev--to be the ideal presiding officer of a
United Europe."
Strange, strange, strange Who would have dreamed that Mikhail
Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, Kofi Annan, Pope John Paul II, Maurice Strong, Ted
Turner, Strobe Talbott, Robert Muller, Alice Bailey, Djwhal Khul, William Swing
and many, many others are working together to usher in a new age New World
The Mystery of Iniquity certainly is already working, and it will soon
culminate in the one-world government and one-world religion prophesied in the
Bible. It is nothing short of THE ANTICHRIST CONSPIRACY!
Footnote I: Maurice
Community in Crestone, Colorado... The U.S. News & World
Report carries a section called “Sacred Places”. In it a November 16, 2007
article entitled A Spiritual Community Takes Root talks about how in the
late 70s, Hanne (called a “visionary”) and Maurice Strong, who owns 200,000
acres around Crestone, donated land “with the intention of creating a sanctuary
for the world's religions”. The article goes on to say..
“The result has been remarkable, with diverse
spiritual groups living in close proximity and intermingling. At the Christmas
mass at the Roman Catholic monastery, whole rows get taken by Buddhist monks in
their flowing robes. Hindu nuns in saris umpire local baseball games. When
American Indians held a medicine wheel ceremony this summer, the offerings to
the four directions were made by a Shinto priest, a Christian nun, a Buddhist
nun, and a Hindu yogi”.
Tibetan Buddhism scholar Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso
Rinpoche finds that having so many living masters in residence makes the area
now the world's best place to practice and meditate… Sister Kaye, a Carmelite
nun, finds it validating to live amid so many faiths. When she wakes before dawn
to pray, she sees a fire already lit at a Hindu ashram across the hillside and
thinks she is not alone: Others are devout; others have made selfless vows and
aspire to the same sanctity she wishes for herself. And she begins her day thus
Some experience an
“… enhanced sense of life's interconnectedness
without benefit of clergy. Surrounded by 19 major religious groups, it's the air
even skeptics there breathe—this feeling of living in a larger universe.
Rabbi David Cooper, author of the bestselling God Is
a Verb, suggests that in Crestone is occurring a strange next step in human
spirituality: "post-religion," in which one can benefit from religion without
being a believer/congregant”.
The nationalcenter.org provides a dossier on Maurice
Strong, which says in part..
“In the early 1970s, U.N. Secretary General U Thant
tapped Strong to organize and direct the Stockholm Conference on the Human
Environment. The conference came to be known as the first Earth Summit. In the
following year, Strong became the first director of the U.N. Environment
Program. These two U.N. positions marked the beginning of Strong's methodical
march toward global governance.
Strong's most significant role at the U.N. to-date has been his position as
Secretary General of the 1992 U.N. Conference on the Environment and
Development, the Rio Earth Summit. In the opening session of the Rio Earth
Summit, Strong commented: "The concept of national sovereignty has been an
immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a
principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of
global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to
be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The
global community must be assured of environmental security." Interestingly,
Strong had initially been blocked from participating in the conference by the
U.S. Department of State. When Strong learned of this, however, he persuaded
then-President George Bush to overrule the State Department.
Strong is also involved in the U.N. Education Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO). Through his work in UNESCO, Strong promotes Gaia, the Earth God, among the world's
youth. Strong is also the director of The Temple of Understanding in New York.
He uses The Temple to encourage Americans concerned about the environment to
replace Christianity with the worship of "mother earth."
Strong also directs the U.N.'s Business Council on Sustainable Development.
Under his leadership, the council tries to affect peoples' lives through U.N.
policies that attempt to reduce the availability of meat products; limit the use
of home and workplace air conditioners; discourage private ownership of motor
vehicles; encroach on private property rights; and work to reduce the number of
single family homes”.
And quotes Strong as saying
"The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred,
principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only
slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental
cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised
unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community
must be assured of environmental security." -Maurice Strong at the 1992 Earth
"[The Earth Summit will play an important role in] reforming and
strengthening the United Nations as the centerpiece of the emerging system of
democratic global governance." -Maurice Strong quoted in the September 1, 1997
edition of National Review magazine. [PLACE IN TEXT]
is also the director of The Temple of Understanding in New
Footnote II: The
Temple Of Understanding...founded in 1960 by Juliet Hollister, with
the support of a distinguished group of “Founding Friends,” which included
Eleanor Roosevelt, Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, Dr. Sarvepalli
Radhakrishnan, Sir Zafrula Khan, H.H. Pope John XXIII, Anwar al-Sadat and H.H.
the XIVth Dalai Lama, among others”.
The Temple is located in New York City, and has
maintained a strong presence at the United Nations, organizing workshops,
lectures and major events including hosting the 50th Anniversary Celebration of
the UN in New York (1995).
“As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in
Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council, the TOU is an
active member of the NGO community working on the inside of the United Nations
to advance social justice”.
According to it’s site, “The Temple Of Understanding
has led the way in interfaith education and advocacy for over 48 years” and is
dedicated to
- developing
appreciation of religious and cultural diversity
- educating for global
- expanding public
discourse on religion and spirituality
- creating a more just
and peaceful world
In their own words…
“We educate youth and adults both cross culturally
and inter-religiously for global citizenship and peaceful coexistence; advocate
for acceptance and respect for religious pluralism by the worlds governing
bodies; and actively continue our role in the Social Justice Movement”.
The design of the Temple building is suggestive of
the worldview which inspired its construction
“A pamphlet published by the Temple's corporation prior to the building's
completion explains its architectural symbolism : radiating from [the] central
hall will extend six wings, each to represent one of the six religions of the
world which are international in scope. Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, Christianity and Islam.' The central hall is capped by a glass
dome shaped like a cut diamond; this dome remains constantly illuminated at
night 'in order to indicate, symbolically, that even while the world sleeps, the
light of understanding continues to shine.' The priesthood which helped to
create and operate the Temple of Understanding is the United Lodge of
Theosophists of New York, through the tax exempt Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer
Publishing Company)." (Insert mine).
Their Juliet Hollister Award given
“In order to honor our founder's achievements and to
support and affirm the work of religious figures who integrate interfaith values
into their place of worship and secular figures who promote greater
understanding of spiritual values in areas such as the arts, education,
government, science, law and the environment…”.
Awardees include Her
Majesty Queen Noor, Maestro Ravi Shankar, Nelson Mandela, and (no
surprises here) Rev. James Parks Morton, Fr.
Thomas Keating and the Dalai Lama.
Footnote III: The Dalai Lama... Not exactly
what he says he is and certainly not what he is popularly made out to be. There
is something very sinister behind this smiling ‘Man of Peace”. He believes in
and teaches on the coming of the Maitreya, that some legends equate with Kalki,
the doomsday avatar of Vishnu and which the Bible calls the antichrist..
Certainly many, including the Tibetans, believe that this Maitreya is not as
friendly as Crème makes him out to be. The Dalai Lama has initiated thousands of
people into the Kalachakra initiation, part of which is the Shambhala myth which
prophecies and promotes, a “holy war” (Shambhala war) by Buddhists against
non-Buddhists, in which “supremely ferocious warriors will throw down the
barbarian hordes” and “eliminate” them. The Kalachakra texts say that the 25th
Kalki king will emerge from Shambhala with a huge army to vanquish "Dark Forces"
and usher in a worldwide thousand-year Golden Age. And who are these ‘Dark
Forces’? Reportedly, Shri Kalachakra I. 154 says “Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus, Mani, Mohammed and the Mahdi” are characterised as the “family of the
demonic snakes” See The
Dalai Lama. [PLACE IN