Sunday, August 2, 2015


ANTI-CHRIST in progress


With a skincode system of purchasing within sight,
survival strategies which include physical needs
should be drawn up and carried out.

To first learn something of my spiritual disposition, see About My Approach


Read these chapters in the order provided for your better understandingAll chapters in Part 1 can be found here on one file, convenient for printing.

Pre-Trib Roots Exposed
It recently became popularized that pre-tribulationism
was born in the cult of Edward Irving.
But now it's looking far worse.

Doing the Meek'n Macho Thing
We are called to express great courage in Jesus,
but who in the midst of tribulation
dares to be proud?

The Parousia and the First Resurrection
Hal Lindsey truly helps us to understand how the
post-tribulation rapture is true.

Matthew 24 and the Elect-Shun
Why pre-tribulationists can't teach you correctly about the
identity of God's "elect" in the Olivet Discourse,
and ditto for His "saints" in Revelation.

Tribulation Scare Tactics
The great tribulation period is not going to be as dismal
for us as pre-tribbers, and conspiracy theories,
make it out to be.

The Order of Revelation's 21 Plagues
The pre-trib' sequence of the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls
does no justice to the seventh and last Trumpet
that marks the start of Armageddon.

Spreading an indifferent, don't-worry-about-it message
tests the Lord so that He may not provide for you.

The Israel of God
The Christian Church is the renewed Israel of God.
There has only been one true Israel ever:
the "woman" of Revelation 12.

Christians in the Wild
Physical provisions for enduring the great tribulation,
in undisclosed but Chosen wilderness regions,
are Ordained for 2/3 of Christian Israel.

Protected in the Wild
Will you be among the two-thirds of God's Elect
who will find wilderness Protection
in the 1260 days?

Heroes in the Great Tribulation
From the last-minute abandonment of our city homes,
through thick and thin, and betrayals too,
God will need your help.

The Extra Jar of Oil
This interpretation of "oil" in the ten-virgin parable
will not be taught by pre-tribulationists,
but therein is our mandate.

A Harmony of the Olivet Discourse
Here's a fuller reading of the Olivet Discourse,
incorporating all three gospel accounts
into a single chronological work.


Read these chapters in the order provided for your better understandingAll chapters in Part 2 can be found here on one file, convenient for printing.

The Skincode
From the three 6s in the UPC (Universal Product Code),
to Mondex and the Smart Card society,
to the microchip-based skincode.

Nationality of Anti-Christ
I have finally learned the country of the anti-Christ.
It was right under my nose all along.
He will be a Russian.

Were the Prophets Mad?
Just before finding himself lit up on the European stage,
the Russian anti-Christ will seize the Middle East,
while making Iraq his launching pad.

The Jerusalem War
Here's a look at the route taken by the anti-Christ
as he invades the walled city of Old Jerusalem
from the north beginning at Ai.

The Westernization of Anti-Christ
The Middle-Eastern, war-loving, looting machine called "little horn,"
will be accepted by Europe due to the political strings and
military supremacy of the "Christian" False Prophet.

A New Jerusalem Temple Not Needed
There is Biblical indication that a Jerusalem Temple
may not be built in the tribulation period.
Daniel's peculiarities suggest this.

Peace Deal, or War Pact?
The anti-Christ will not confirm a peace deal with Israel,
because "the many" in Daniel 9:27 are hardly Israel.
Instead, look for a war-pact with many Muslims.

The First We'll See of Anti-Christ
The anti-Christ is prophesied to rise in neo-Seleucid Iraq,
this being the first definite sign to identify him.
Surely, he won't be a religious figure.

Will Liberals Love Gog?
American Democrats and other Liberals
are playing into the hands
of the anti-Christ.

Deadly Muslims in Gog's Quiver
Gog will advertise for anti-Israeli fighters,
which of course will include
some merciless Muslims.


Brass Tacks of Tribulation Preparation
Some points on starting your own wilderness retreat,
even if you don't have the money.

Back-up Systems
If you want to spare yourself a lot of grief later on,
exercise faith now and get on with the planning,
but just make sure you include
some back-up systems.

The Return of the Root Cellars
Having a root cellar in the tribulation
will help you get as far as possible
to the next planting season.

Long-Lifer Foods
What foods should you spend
your last dollars on?

Well-Water Soundness
Without a supply of good water,
the great tribulation
will be just that!

Solar-Heated Water (Re-Written 2013)
Here's my invention for controlling solar-heated water from your shower,
getting just the right temperature at the shower head
without use of in-house water.

Time for Insurrection by Solar Heater (2013)
No bullets, just plain make yourself freer from the tax man
by building and installing your own solar tanks.

Primitive Solar Collecting (2013)
We don't need to spend $10,000 for a solar-collector system
when God gave us miracle-working power
to do it more simply.

Maximizing Solar-Heat Performance (2013)
There's a promising vertical-tank invention here
as well as more details for building
various tanks yourself.

Water-Pumping Windmills
Make exceptional use of the money which
you're leaving behind on this earth.
Install a windmill to secure
your tribulation water.

If You Must Stay in a Trailer
To be in a trailer or not to be,
if only one can stand it,
it's cheap.

At War with Biting Flies
A few thoughts on how to kill
what would kill you first,
if they could.

Check-List of Tribulation Items A-Z
Can you think of all you might need?
Here's all of what comes to mind,
but we've missed some things.

The Solar-Electric Decision
It could be a headache not worth the expense,
or a very favorable decision.
It depends on...


When the Sun Goes Dark
Just what in the heavens is going to happen
to the sun, moon, and stars
when Jesus returns?
The Quasi-Paradise
Answering the post-Millennial position by showing
the absolute need for a quasi-Heavenly state
between Armageddon and the New Earth.

Ezekiel's Temple is Millennial
The northern sides of Old Jerusalem, now the Arab East Jerusalem,
are to be extremely contain the Millennial Temple.
That Temple will not be on the present Temple Mount.

Who Will Populate the Millennium??
The Jewish Remnant will not be raptured to the skies,
because they will not receive the Spirit
until after Armageddon.

How to Make Sport of Satan
There is a way that we should not make sport of Satan,
lest we bring unnecessary calamity upon ourselves.
But God shows us the right way!

The Restoration of Earth
The role and nature of our immortal lives as we live
alongside mortal survivors of Armageddon
in the Jerusalem-centered Millennium.


This section was not a pre-planned storyline, but a lumping together of related topics;
Don't look for a consistent storyline, but...
Read these chapters in the order provided for your better understanding.

The Raising of Zeus
There are some similarities between Zeus and the American military,
and the Satanic organizations that surround it.

The Friends of Lambert Dolphin
Because Mr. Dolphin portrays himself as a Bible-believing fundamentalist,
certain things should now be made known to us that he learned
while previously involved with Illuminati groups.

The Friends of Lambert Dolphin -- Part 2
Chuck Missler, missiles, military technology, spying,
satellites, Mars, cutting-edge internet,
aliens, monsters, Chuck Missler.

Planting the Hall of Records
What were Stanford Institute and the Cayce Foundation
doing at the Great Sphinx of Giza just prior to
Edgar Cayce's "prophetic" fulfillment?

The New Templars
There are certain influential dispensationalists
wanting your Christian support to rebuild
the Jerusalem Temple.

The Time Arrives for Schor
As the time approached to fulfill Cayce's prophecy,
things at the sphinx began to heat up...
and then came 2000.

The Ark of the Dragon Line
The cults tell us that, at the very end times,
God will reveal the Ark of the Covenant
and then rebuild the Temple.

Aquarian Mind Control
It is no surprise that those desiring to rule the globe
should engage in social engineering at our expense,
but do you know who they are?

Rosicrucian Utopia
The root of the Atlantean hoax, or New Age, is Rosicrucianism.
The United States was intended to be the New Atlantis,
filled with mystical, Satan-breathing "Christians."

Rothschild and Other Red Things
Rothschild Zionism has roots in Khazaria where "Red Jews" ruled,
and Rothschilds later used "Red Jews" to overthrow Russia"
en route to re-locating Jews to Palestine in 1917.

Henry Drummond the Hun
The man who founded the church that founded pre-tribulationism
claimed to be descended from the Magyars of Hungary,
who were themselves a branch of Huns.

Drummond Ties to the Rothschilds
Here's something that you've never read before on possible links
between Henry Drummond of pre-tribulation rapture fame
and the early Rothschild Illuminati.

The Jews' Society
We know that Henry Drummond hooked up to the Jew Society,
but did you know that this organization was
led by globalists and Freemasons?

Beasts of the Golden Dawn
The tracing of the Golden Dawn from Germany's Illuminati,
to the Theosophist Rosicrucians of Rothschild London
to Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons, the "beasts."

Aryans Versus Rothschilds
The Nazi leadership was a branch of Rosicrucianism
in murderous opposition to Rothschild Zionism.

Bush-Related Nazi Agents --- NEW 2012
The fake political Christians include the presidential Bush family,
whom can not only be traced to Mormon founders,
but to Hitler and other WW2 survivors in the U.S.


Read these chapters in the order provided for your better understanding
The New Apostles
The so-called "fathers of Pentecostalism"
were egotists along the lines
of the Irvingites.

The Quackery of Charismatic Patriarchs
In an attempt to lure Christians of all denominations
the charismatic movement appealed to ego
using egotistical men.

The Toronto Blessing
If you haven't heard about these crazy things
now spreading internationally,
just click and read.

Flesh-Power Evangelism
If you've ever had involvement in big missions projects
but ended up feeling uncomfortable,
there's a reason.

Latter Rain Today
The Vineyard movement today is home to Latter-Rain heresy.
It is in bed with the Toronto Blessing and
the Kansas-City "prophets."

Promise Keepers: A Polluted Christianity
Promise Keepers is not at all what you are made to think it is,
but is a Vineyard movement with Freemasonic stripes,
and hooked up with staunch Catholic leaders.


Deceived, and Being Deceived
Written by Dave MacPherson, a fierce adversary of pre-trib writers,
who has uncovered and reported many things that are
far worse than we may have suspected.
Conspiracy From Australia
Religious forces of the world gathered in Australia recently
to discuss a new agenda for all religions while
attacking "fundamentalist" Christianity.

Law and Grace
Goats among the sheep teach that Law is passé.
It only figures that goats wouldn't
want to obey Law.

Prince Charles as Anti-Christ?
There are a number of post-tribulationists promoting
the late Diana's husband as the anti-Christ.
There is no Biblical basis in the idea.

The Elisa Lam Mystery
The murder of a young lady has Illuminati written all over it.
My investigation suggests something wider than
what it might seem at first glance.

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All updates and changes to the Iraq chapters in PART 2 have not been updated at the Lulu book.
A free download of Parts 1 to 3 might be available at that location (which you can print yourself).
Part 2 can be printed from here.

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The Rapture and the Tribulation

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1. Overview of the End-Times
2. Signs of the End Times
3. Rapture and The Tribulation
4. Armageddon and Christ's return
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The Rapture and the Tribulation

The signs leading to the return of Christ are clearly defined in scripture.  Before Jesus’ crucifixion, He told Israel they would not see Him again until they recognized Him as their Messiah (Matthew 23:39).  Scripture, in the Old and New Testaments links Christ return with the events surrounding JerusalemIsrael and the Temple Mount.   These three places play a prominent focal point in the period known as the “Tribulation”. 
            Over 500-years before the birth of Jesus, Daniel wrote about the exact day of Messiah’s death.  This prophecy (Daniel’s 70 Weeks), in Daniel chapter 9, was revealed to Daniel by the Angel Gabriel, in answer to Daniel prayer for the restoration of his people, the Jews back to the land of Israel after being captives in Babylon for close to 70 years.  Gabriel, in answering Daniel, told Daniel a 490-year period was determined on his people (The Jewish people) and his holy city (Jerusalem).  Most of this period, 483-years, except for the last 7 would be complete, when the Messiah was killed.  According to calculations, this corresponds exactly to Christ death in Jerusalem on Passover A.D. 33. 
            At the death of Messiah, the 490-year period determined on the Jewish people and Jerusalem stopped.  In the tribulation, the seven-years remaining on the prophetic clock, restarts and ends with the return of the Messiah, who was killed at His first coming (Daniel 9:26).  In the tribulation, God deals with the world in judgment. At the end of this period, a repentant Israel finally understands, Jesus Christ, who the Romans crucified, at the urging of the High Priests, was the Messiah.  They call out to Him, “the one pierced” (Zechariah 12:10) who returns with power and great glory at Armageddon (Har-Megiddo), the hills of Megiddo.
            The other question many people ask regarding this period is what happens to the church? Does the church go through the tribulation with Israel?  Does God pour out his wrath on the church?  The questions regarding the Church, Israel and the Tribulation are answered in an event commonly known as the “Rapture”.  The Rapture is the resurrection of those who “died in Christ” and those who are alive when Christ returns.  The timing of the Rapture is a controversial issue for many churches today.  The Rapture itself is not an issue for those who hold to a literal understanding of scripture. The question for many is when does the rapture occur in relation to the Tribulation and the return of Christ? 
 The Rapture
 What is the rapture?
             In simple terms, the Rapture is the resurrection of the dead in Christ, known as the first resurrection.  Derived from the Latin word rapio meaning, “Caught up”. The “Rapture” teaches Christ will descend from Heaven, and call those who know Him into Heaven.  Those alive are transformed into their resurrected body, at the same time; the dead in Christ will also receive their resurrection bodies in the twinkling of an eye.  (I Thess 4:15-17, I Cor. 15:52) This is part of the First Resurrection.
 When is the Rapture?
            When Christ comes, how will the Church be involved in his coming?  For those who hold to a literal pre-millennial [1]understanding of scripture, there are three prevalent views of when the rapture occurs in relation to the tribulation. These views are known as, pre-tribulation[2]mid-tribulation[3] andpost-tribulation[4].  All three views focus around the tribulation in relation to when the rapture will occur.  According to Jesus’ own words, He will come in glory and power after the tribulation of those days.
 29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power andgreat gloryMatthew 24:29-30
             The question, where is the Church when Jesus returns with Glory and Power after the tribulation? Does the Church suffer in the tribulation?  Paul writes about the Church being “Caught up” to meet the Lord in the “Air”.   Paul in I Corinthians refers to this as the resurrection, which occurs in “twinkling of an eye”, for the dead (sleeping) and the living at the same time. The change Paul refers to the transformation of our bodies from an earthly mortal body to an eternal heavenly body.
 Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.I Corinthians 15:51-52
 13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall becaught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Paul, was writing to the Church at Thessalonica because some had felt they had missed the Lord’s return.
Paul wrote the letter to explain the series of events which occurs when the Lord comes for His church. From these two portions of scripture, we can understand this regarding the Lord’s coming for the Church.

Ø          His coming involves the “Dead in Christ” and the “Living in Christ”
Ø          The speed of the event is like the “Twinkling of an eye”
Ø          God will bring with Jesus, the “Dead in Christ” to the clouds
Ø          Jesus will descend from Heaven with a shout
Ø          The “Dead in Christ” rise first (Their bodies)
Ø          The living in Christ follow being changed from mortal to eternal bodies
Ø          The living and the dead “In Christ” meet Christ in the clouds
Ø          They shall always be with the Lord

The question is when does this event occur in relation to the tribulation?  There are three different views to the timing of the rapture. Each view uses scripture to justify their position.

Pre-tribulation Rapture
Pre-tribulation believes that before the tribulation, Daniel’s 70th week, the church will be raptured into the presence of the Lord.  Those who are left will suffer through a period of seven years of tribulation. During this period Israel, will come to know Jesus as Messiah at which time the Lord will return to judge the earth in his “Glorious appearing”.

The argument for this position is based on several points:
Ø          Jesus warns no man knows the “Day or hour” of His return (Imminence) .  (Matthew 24:36,50, 25:13)  With the other positions we would know the day of his return.
Ø          The distinction between the Church and Israel, The church fulfills the “Fullness of the gentiles” (Romans 11;25) Israel is restored to her position before the fall
Ø          God would pour his wrath on his own church, which is not God’s method in the past,
        For example, Noah and his family, Lott and Sodom, Rahab and Jericho, Babylonian captives and Jerusalem

Mid-tribulation Rapture
Mid-tribulation believes the church will endure the first 3 1/2 years of the 70th week of Daniel. Before the great-tribulation when God pours out his wrath, He will catch-up his church at the middle of this seven year period.  The church will return with Christ in his “Glorious appearing” following the “Great tribulation”

Ø           The Promise of Tribulation: Since the church was promised tribulation, we can expect to experience the first half of the tribulation. (Matthew 24:1-9)
Ø          Paul taught that there would first be a time of apostasy (2 Thes.2:3) and that perilous times shall come” (2 Tim. 3:10).
Ø          Nature of Seals and Trumpets:, The seal and trumpet judgments of Revelation in the first 3.5 years are not manifestations of divine wrath.  God is merely withdrawing his restraints and man is reaping what he is sowing.
Ø          Argument from Revelation 11: Revelation 11 occurs during the time of the rapture. The two witnesses, “Caught up”, raptured, into heaven are accompanied by the rest of the church.  The great voice is the shout of I Thessalonians 4:16.
 Post-tribulation Rapture
 Post-Tribulation believes that before the “Glorious appearing” the church is raptured to be with the Lord and returns with him in the Glorious appearing.  Post-tribulation holds the church will go thru the great tribulation period, preceding the Second Advent.

Ø          Historical argument: The historical doctrine has been the rapture is an event that would precede the glorious return of Christ immediately followed by the judgment seat of Christ. In which the all men would go before the throne of Christ. 
Ø          C. Promise of tribulation:  Another argument is the promise of tribulation given to the church.  Passages such as Luke 23:27-31, Matthew 24:9-11, Mark 13:9-13 are promises of tribulation to the church and not Israel. 
Ø          Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-45):An interpretation of the Wheat and Tares places the “Saints” the Wheat and the “Unsaved” the tares side by side till the harvest. Jesus saying, “Let both grow together until the harvest”.  The harvest is the rapture of the believers at the end, not prior to a tribulation period.
 The Tribulation
             The Tribulation period is a seven-year period, when God deals with judgment on nations.  During this period, Israel becomes the central focus of attention.  This time is unlike any other since the world began and never to be repeated again. According to Jesus, unless the days were shortened “no flesh would be saved”. (Matthew 24:21-22)
           According to the Seventy weeks of Daniel and other scripture, this period begins with a covenant or agreement (Peace agreement) between Israel and many.  The Antichrist allows the Jewish Temple to be rebuilt, confirming the agreement through military might with the world.  Thus begins the tribulation period.  
27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate." Daniel 9:27
            The Tribulation period is broken into three distinct parts in scripture:

Ø      The first-half of the seven-year agreement (3 ½ years) (Revelation 6-10)
Ø      The middle of the seven-year agreement  (30 days)     (Revelation 11-13)
Ø      The last-half of the seven-year agreement (3 ½ years)  (Revelation 14-19)
  The First-half of the Tribulation

27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate." Daniel 9:27

The beginning of the Daniel’s seventy week, or the tribulation starts with a seven-year agreement allowing Temple sacrifice and worship in the Third Temple. This will worldwide conflict between Islam and Israel, where Israel defeats her enemies.  This event is described in Ezekiel 38 and 39, is known as the battle of Gog and Magog.  This worldwide war cause the necessity, for a world wide peace agreement between Israel and the world, allowing the Jewish Temple to exist in the 3rd most holy site to Muslims.
            John, in the book of Revelation, is caught up into heaven to witness the events taking place.  In Heaven, John sees the Throne of God (Revelation 4-5), On the throne God has a seven-sealed scroll, which no man can open except the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world.  Christ takes the scroll from the hand of His Father, and all Heaven celebrates.  When Christ begins to open the seals on the scroll God’s judgments begin to take place.
 The Seal Judgments (Revelation 6)
When Christ opens the first four seals, four colored horses are seen by John, each horse represents a different aspect of events taking place in the first half of the tribulation.
1. White Horse: Pictures the false peace made by the Antichrist at the start of the tribulation.
2. Red Horse: Peace is taken from the earth, the result of war
3. Black Horse: Massive inflation resulting from the war as people look for food.
4. Pale Horse: As the result of war, famine, disease and wild animals, ¼ of the earth population dies.
John in Revelation chapters 6:2-8, describes what seems to be the result of a nuclear war.  With the spread of nuclear weapons, and the potential outbreak of war between large population centers, its not hard to imagine ¼ of the earth population dying.  Exactly as described by John, what would follow in such a war would be lack of food, because of contamination, followed by death and disease as weakened immune systems quickly fall to disease.
5.  Persecution of believers: When the fifth seal is opened John sees, the souls of believers in heaven who died for their testimony and the word of God.  They are told, to wait and be patient until the rest of martyrs arrived.
During the first half of the tribulation, many will come to Christ as events in the Bible begin to unfold.  During this period, 2 witnesses in Jerusalem, Elijah and some feel Enoch of Moses (Revelation 11:1-12) will witnesses to the whole world. They will be proclaiming God’s judgments on the earth.  Many will come to Christ only to face death at the hands of the False Prophet and his religious system. Christ through John is telling those in the tribulation, not to fear death. Death because of Christ is only an entrance into Heaven.
6.  Great Earthquake: The sixth seal unleashes a great earthquake on the earth, the sky becomes black and meteorites strike the earth.
The sixth seal puts fear into the people on the earth; causing many recognize their own mortality.  This puts in motion the next series of judgments, which cause even great destruction to the earth.  God in His mercy is giving humanity a chance to repent and turn. Death should not be feared by believers but welcomed.
Revelation Chapter 7
John between the sixth seal and the opening of the seventh sees 144,000 Jews from the 12,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel.  They are sealed servants of God, who proclaim the Gospel during the great tribulation period.  Following this, John sees a great multitude of believers in Heaven gathered out of the nations who were killed during the tribulation for their faith. 
7. Silence in heaven for ½ hour: The opening of the seventh seal brings forth the seven trumpet judgments.
 The Trumpet Judgments (Revelation 8-9)
 When the seventh seal is opened, the seven angels before God’s throne were given seven trumpets.  The first four trumpet judgments result in calamites striking the earth.  When fifth and sixth trumpets sound, these result in demonic attacks upon humanity causing another 1/3 of humanity to die in war.
1. Hail, Fire & Blood: When the first angel sounds vegetation on the earth is burnt. During the first 3.5 years the earth suffers from the lack of rainfall, so the earth becomes dry and parched.  John describes 1/3 of the trees and all grass on the earth burning. He describes the result of either volcanic activity or meteorites striking the earth, igniting the vegetation. (Revelation 8:7)
2. Great Mountain burning:   The second angel sounds, and what appears to John as a burning mountain strikes the sea.  This causes destruction of 1/3 of the ships, and 1/3 of sea life. (Revelation 8:8-9)  This mountain is probably is the first of two asteroids to strike the earth.
3.  Great Asteroid: The third angel sounds, and John describes a great star (Gr. Aster) which strikes the earth poisoning 1/3 of the rivers and springs of water. (Revelation 8:10-11)  This is probably the second part of the first asteroid, which poisons the drinking water as it strikes the earth, breaking upon entry distributing its contents over the earth. (Revelation 8:10-11)  There are special scientific bodies funded throughout the world to examine NEO’s or Near Earth Objects and track them.  They are rated as to what potential harm they could render the earth. 
    4.  Third of sky darkened:  When the fourth angel sounds, 1/3 of the sky was struck and darkened.  This might be the result of volcanic activity, the burning fires of the earth vegetation, and from the asteroids striking the earth. (Revelation 8:12-13)
    5.  Demonic Locusts;  The fifth angel sounds, and John sees an angel descend into a pit in the abbys (Hell) and loose what appears to be locusts. These locust have the power to sting those without the “Seal of God” (The lost) for 5 months. Those who are stung want to die, but cannot because of the pain.  Here God’s mercy is again demonstrated, moving the lost to a point of decision about their eternity. (Revelation 9:1-12)
6.  Demonic Horsemen: Following the 5 months, the sixth angel sounds, and four fallen angels bound at the Euphrates river are unleashed.  These four angels lead 200 million other demons, who John describes as horsemen, who bring the armies of east.  This war with the East and North, against the armies of Antichrist results in the death of another 1/3 of humanity.  (Revelation 9:13-2, Daniel 11;44-45)
At this point, at least ½ the earth population if not more has perished by the end of the first half of the tribulation. With the defeat of the armies of the East and North, the Antichrist now focuses on his problem in Jerusalem. 
  The Middle of the Tribulation
 27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate." Daniel 9:27
  The Two Witnesses
In Jerusalem, are two witnesses who are calling down God’s judgments on the earth.  (Revelation 11:1-12)  They become the focal point of the calamities striking the planet in the first half of the tribulation. According to scripture, one of these men is Elijah, who the Jews, set a cup and a seat for at Passover. (Malachi 4;5) The world hates them and blames them for their problems. The armies of the Antichrist now invade Jerusalem, there the Two Witnesses are killed. And their dead bodies lay in the street of Jerusalem for 3 ½ days.    The world by satellite and internet are able to view their dead bodies, the earth celebrates their death by exchanging gifts.
 10 And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth. 11 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.
 Revelation 11:10-11
After 3 ½ days, God calls his two witnesses up into heaven, in the view of all men, and earth then strikes Jerusalem killing 7,000 people and destroying a tenth of the city.
 Abomination of Desolation
During this middle part of the Tribulation, Satan loses his position in heaven to accuse the believers and is cast to earth (Revelation 12:7-12).  He then incarnates the world leader, the Antichrist, who has invaded Jerusalem and stopped worship in the Jewish Temple.  The Antichrist, now proclaims himself god, enters the Jewish Temple and demands the world and Israel worship him.  Jesus warned those in Jerusalem, when they see him enter the Temple to flee into the mountains, for what follows is the Great tribulation. (2 Thessalonians 2;1-4)
15 "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.21 "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Matthew 24:15-21
 Israel escapes into the wilderness
Those in Jerusalem, who listen to the words of Jesus Christ, will flee into the mountains of Judah. When they see the Antichrist enter the Jewish Temple, and proclaim himself god, the event known as the Abomination of desolation has occurred, spoken of by both Daniel and Jesus. According to Zechariah, God will open a route of escape for those in Jerusalem, the Mt. of Olives will split into making a way for those in Jerusalem to escape.  (Revelation 12:13-17)
1 Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, And your spoil will be divided in your midst. 2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; The city shall be taken, The houses rifled, And the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, But the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 3 Then the Lord will go forth And fight against those nations, As He fights in the day of battle. 4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south.5 Then you shall flee through My mountain valley, For the mountain valley shall reach to Azal. Zechariah 14:1-5

There in the wilderness mountains of Judah, God supernaturally preserves a portion of Israel, one third (Zechariah 13;9), from the horrors about to occur on the earth. In hiding Israel wrestles with their Messiah, as Jacob wrestled with the angel.  For the next 3.5 years, wrestles with the person of Jesus Christ, was he their Messiah?  Is He their only hope?   At the end of this period, Israel finally understand Jesus Christ, is their Messiah.

Antichrist & False prophet

            The Antichrist now goes to war, against those failed to escape, the remnant.  He pursues those who will not worship him.  He sets up an image of himself in the Jewish Temple, demanding the world worship him.  John describes a second person, another beast, with two horns like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon.  This is the false prophet, who performs Satanic wonders (2 thes.2:9) for the world, who urges humanity to worship the Beast, the antichrist, by making an image of him. (Revelation 13:11-15)
Mark of the Beast
 To make sure all are serious in their worship, the false prophet set up a system, an economic system, which will not allow anyone to buy or sell unless they receive the mark, 666, on their forehead or right hand, pledging allegiance and worship to the Beast.  Those who refuse are killed by beheading.  (Revelation 13:16-18)

The Last Half of the Tribulation (Coming)

[1] The belief we are in a period prior to the Millennium. Those who view the Bible as literal and Revelation as “Futurist” have this view. 
[2] The view before the seven year tribulation, those who know Christ will be raptured or caught up to be with Christ and return with him at the Second Coming or Glorious Return.
[3] The view that at the mid-point of the Tribulation,  Christ will descend from heaven and call those who know him into heaven.
[4] The view that immediately following the tribulation period, Christ will catch up his church and then return with them in his Second Coming. Matthew 24:29

Life's Handbook Reflections on the Holy Scripture-The Rapture and End Times

Reflections on the Holy Scripture
The Bible speaks of the past and the present, but it also speaks of the future. The Bible prophesies the final days of earth and existence in the last book of the New Testament, Revelation, and in a few other books. These times, known as the End Times, will mark a period of destruction and sadness before God creates a New Heaven and New Earth.

The Rapture

According to the Bible, near the end of time, God will take all Christians who are alive on this Earth to Heaven. He does this so that His people will not have to live through the last few years of time, which will be the most terrible time in all of history. The term for this is the Rapture, and though the Bible doesn't actually use that word, that is what this idea is commonly called.
16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
~ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17NKJV

After the Rapture

After the Rapture, there will be a seven-year period of time where God deals great judgment on this world to punish the corruption of the remaining world. This period of time is known as the 70th Week of Daniel, in the middle of which the The three and a half year period in the End Times in which God releases His wrath upon the world. Great Tribulation begins. The judgments that will occur during this time will result in the most terrible chapter in the history of this Earth; everyone will suffer, and more than half of the remaining population will die.
21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
~ Matthew 24:21-22NKJV
Also, Satan, the Devil, will make a final attempt to solidify his rule over Earth and defeat God once and for all. In the end, however, Satan will easily be defeated by God when He arrives at the end of the Tribulation to set up His Kingdom on Earth.

The Mark of The Beast

During the Tribulation, someone whom the Bible symbolizes with a seven-headed beast will assume political power over the entire earth. This man (who will be referred to as the Beast here) will be assisted by a False Prophet, who will declare the Beast as God and force everyone to worship the Beast as such. Defiance will result in death. In addition, the False Prophet will enforce all trade and commerce by declaring that a Mark be placed on the forehead or the right hand of everyone. People who refuse the Mark face execution.
15 [The False Prophet] was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
~ Revelation 13:15-17NKJV
Before the Mark is enforced, however, God will warn everyone to not take the Mark. Anyone who takes the Mark will doom themselves to Hell. Therefore, it is imperative that anyone who belongs to God refuses the Mark, even if it means death. Once the mark is taken, there is absolutely no hope for eternal life.
Nobody is exactly sure how the Mark will be manifested. Some feel that it is likely the Mark will be some kind of implant, like a microchip. Others believe the Mark to be a tattoo. Ultimately, how the Mark will be manifested is irrelevant. We can be sure that God will warn us of the Mark before it is enforced; there will be no way to "accidentally" take the Mark.

How do we know the End Times are near?

Before the End Times, there will be an increasing urgency for a World Order. As the world begins to fall apart politically, economically, and morally, there will be a need for peace. The general population will lose hope in religion and discourage dependence on it; sense of nationality will become less important. And finally, a need for a World Leader will become apparent.
The things listed above can all be seen in today's world. What we face today is an increasing sense of secularism, and in fact, religion is beginning to be looked down upon. All of the world's governments are getting together, and the economic crisis is calling for a World Establishment. Socialism is beginning to loom on the horizon as political figures begin to seek more control. In these times, we are seeing the Bible's prophecies come true. Perhaps one of the most obvious signs will be when the world turns against Israel.
There are a couple of additional signs that have come up in the beginning of 2009. The call for a World Government was mentioned briefly at a recent meeting of world powers, as well as whispers of a possible world currency. Also, the Bible states that the ancient city of Babylon will be rebuilt and will become the center of world commerce during the end of the End Times. Early in 2009, various world powers have declared intentions to work together to revitalize Babylon.
Additionally, according to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, the Antichrist (referred to as the man of sin here) will desecrate God's sanctuary, the Temple of Jerusalem. However, the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. when the Romans conquered Jerusalem. So, the Temple must be rebuild at some point. According to a poll that took place in the summer of 2009, 64% of Israelis said that the time is right for the Temple to be rebuilta, which shows yet another sign of the fast approaching End Times.
If there is a time to get right with God, it is now. Time cannot wait any longer.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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