Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Military Build Up For Jade Helm Is Biggest Ever Seen

Published on Apr 21, 2015

Caller talks about a buildup of military artillery on the way to Las Vegas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-QIM...
[HIV Outbreak}

[BARSTOW: Quiet base performs critical work]

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Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets

Published on Jan 21, 2015

De-mystifying the occult with Mark Passio. Passio, an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA., has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies.

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666 It Has Begun!

Published on Mar 6, 2015

InfoWars.com Darrin McBreen explores the coming of the Mark of the Beast. RFID microchips implanted under the skin and wearable technology (Smart Tattoos) will soon be mandatory. Meanwhile the European Union and U.S. Cybercom develop plans for a worldwide standardized Internet ID system. Will you accept the mark of the beast?

Former DARPA director and now Google Executive, Regina E. Duncan, unveils ingestible microchips and electronic tattoos which takes NSA spying to whole new levels. Meanwhile the former head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson (now with VeriChip) promotes FDA Approved Human-Implantable RFID Microchips. Attorney General Eric Holder says he is interested in mandatory electronic bracelets for gun owners and Joe Biden tells Supreme Court Justice John Roberts that he will have to rule on implantable microchips.

Special guest Brandon Gallups from CarlGallups.com shares his biblical perspective of the Mark of the Beast.

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Forget About The Apple Watch, Implantables Are Coming
July 30, 2015 | 
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That is right, the implantable. In the past decade of tech innovation, connectivity has been the name of the game. Call your friend in the middle of the night in Antarctica. Facetime with your sister on vacation in India. Talk about the movie you saw with friends in London.

Anything is possible with the push of a button and now with the Apple Watch, you can do it all with the twist of a dial. But this is just the beginning of what Silicon Valley has in store for us in the name of connectivity. We’re about to enter the next level of high tech innovation – connecting with yourself.

And the most efficient and accurate way to do that is with the next wave of sensor based smart devices – those you can implant into your body. It might sound like something you’d see in a science fiction movie, but my prediction is that in the next three to five years, implantable devices will become about as normal as wearing the latest watch.

The movement into an era of implantables is already in full swing with wearables and attachables like FitBit. These are just the first generation of gadgets that go beyond monitoring and measuring your body movements.

Startups like Thync are pushing the envelope with their neurosignaling patch that uses low voltage electrical currents to alter a person’s mood and energy. News of Google’s smart contact lens has the tech industry excited to see how they might monitor a person’s glucose levels or other vital signs with the technology. And these are just the daily applications. 
Developments in the world of healthcare are reaching new heights. Some devices are not only preventative, they can also improve conditions and even save lives.

A startup out of Sylmar, California has developed a bionic eye, or retinal implant that allows the blind to see. Companies like Proteus Digital Health are working on implantable “smart pills.” These smart pills work with Bluetooth to inform doctors and family members if a patient has taken his or her medicine.

The problem of adherence – patients not taking their medicine as prescribed – costs the country nearly $300 billion annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Smart pills could help save lives, but they could also save money. That’s smart business. And it’s only the beginning.

The federal government has also jumped on the bandwagon in support of new scientific discoveries. The White House’s “BRAIN” Initiative pulled together over $300 million in funding from technology firms, academic institutions and scientists to better understand the human mind – and affect it. They aim to find treatments for Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism, depression and more.

New brain implantables that use a wireless remote control to deliver drugs and light are already in the testing process. One such interface, the BATTELLE Neurolife, is designed to let the brain bypass the spinal cord. The smaller-than-a-pea sized chip was recently implanted into a quadriplegic’s brain. The device interprets his brain signals and works with an electrode stimulation sleeve that helps the patient move muscles.

Implantables can save lives, improve health, prevent diseases and even begin to make us superhuman. But with all great opportunities also comes increased risk and potential for harm. With implantables, the stakes are high. The data collected with implantable devices is so personal.

So, the risk of hacking puts everyone associated with your business – investors, buyers and other businesses – on edge. In order to assuage their fears and prevent harm, security at every level must be airtight. Further, implantables require tremendous quality and safety controls to prevent a whole range of potential harm.

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Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2015/August03/031.html#2C3hI56zi5qIjlrg.99

RFID "Implantable's Are Coming" Obamacare 2017

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Malzberg | Ben Stein Iran deal a disgrace to humanity

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8-3-15 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News

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