Monday, November 2, 2015

And the Elect shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. - Its going to get ugly folks!!

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And the Elect shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. - Its going to get ugly folks!! CONTRIBUTOR: . Mystery Babylon is Revealed – And the Elect shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. When Mystery Babylon is revealed, the Great Whore will be destroyed, and God’s Elect will be persecuted for three and a half years. Dan 7:7 After...

Watch End Times Prophecy That Is Engulfing The World NOW! CONTRIBUTOR: . Please Visit for News and Bible Prophecy Updates What events are happening now that is ushering End Times Prophecy? What role will the United States play in ushering Biblical Prophecy? Are the storm clouds of GOG/MAGOG forming in the Middle East as we speak? Where do Russia and the...

Judges: Cops Can't Boot Christians Because Muslims Violent -Ruling Puts 'Heckler's Veto' Liability for Constitutional Violations on County, Officers CONTRIBUTOR: . by Bob Unruh The full panel of judges on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Constitution doesn’t allow police officers to eject Christians from a public area just because Muslims are threatening violence. The decision came in the long-running “heckler’s veto” case that erupted...

Pope Francis: Every Christian must be prepared for martyrdom CONTRIBUTOR: . Vatican City, Oct 30, 2015 / 10:36 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Friday Pope Francis reflected on the life and death of Blessed Oscar Romero, who was recognized as a martyr earlier this year, stressing that each Christian ought to be ready to give their life for the faith. “A martyr...

A Living Christ sends an Open Letter to Alex Jones and John Stadtmiller.

CONTRIBUTOR: . A Living Christ sends an Open Letter to Alex Jones and John Stadtmiller. By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© — A Living Christ Alex, John, this is an open letter which each of you may respond to,or not. What either of you think of me, this Living Christ...

Pope calls for 'synodal' Church where all listen, learn, share mission CONTRIBUTOR: . Cindy Wooden | Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY -- Marking the 50th anniversary of the Synod of Bishops, Pope Francis outlined his vision for a Church that is "synodal" at every level, with everyone listening to one another, learning from one another and taking responsibility for proclaiming the Gospel. "The...



Empty Spaces

CONTRIBUTOR: . Empty SpacesCome back to me, fill these empty spacesAllow me to rememberer forgotten facesBlurred figures crowd together in my mindSearching through them, the familiar to findMemories clutch at the dawn of my morningBy evening disappear without any warningPain becomes etched upon a confused visageRecalling passing time as a cluttered collageSmiling...

EF All Saints and All Souls in Philedelphia CONTRIBUTOR: . The Traditional Latin Mass Community of Philadelphia will celebrate the feast of All Saints at the church of St Edmond, where a regular Sunday EF Mass has been held every Sunday at noon since July. Click here for their website, and here for directions to St Edmond. In addition, for...

A Word to all Political slaves falsely arrested and brought to Court: Take the Spiritual Path or SUFFER.

CONTRIBUTOR: . A Word to all Political slaves falsely arrested and brought to Court: Take the Spiritual Path or SUFFER. One DOES NOT NEED an audience to support them when they are falsely arrested and brought before a court of Satanists. That is the political Way, the Way of Hell, the...

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Bullies Think Its A Good Idea To Pick On Young Girl… Then They Realize Her Dad Is Real-Life LEGEND

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Bullies Think Its A Good Idea To Pick On Young Girl… Then They Realize Her Dad Is Real-Life LEGEND

A proud father recently took to Twitter to congratulate his daughter on being accepted to college, where she will pitch for the softball team. Then the trolls showed up and changed everything. Unfortunately for the trolls, the proud father was none other than retired World Series MVP and future Hall of Fame pitcher for the...…+Then+They+Realize+Her+Dad+Is+Real-Life+LEGEND&count=none
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VIDEO: MSNBC Makes Outrageous Move the Instant Hispanic Guest Says She Likes the GOP

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Reminiscent of a scene out of the 1980's classic naval aviation film "Top Gun," U.S. fighter jets recently had to scramble to intercept Russian planes flying dangerously close to a U.S. aircraft carrier. According to Stars and Stripes, the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan was conducting maneuvers with South Korean forces in international waters when it was...…+This+Was+Too+Close+For+Comfort&count=none
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BOOM: Rush Limbaugh Goes Nuclear on Trump, Carson Critics… “I Don’t Give a Damn!”

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PHOTO: Cop Agrees To Pose For Photo With Man… Then The Unimaginable Happens

According to WKOW, a Madison, Wisconsin, police officer was patrolling downtown on Oct. 23 when he came across a man in possession of one of the stupidest inventions ever made--a cellphone case that looks like a handgun. The officer told the man that the gun-shaped cellphone case was a bad idea and that he should...…+Then+The+Unimaginable+Happens&count=none
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"Blood Moon" Over Sea Of Galilee

Published on Oct 30, 2015

Unscheduled "Blood Moon" over the Sea of Galilee tonight in Israel also

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