Monday, November 2, 2015

CBS News: 'Many Hit With Obamacare Sticker Shock' Guy Benson

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CBS News: 'Many Hit With Obamacare Sticker Shock'
Guy Benson
As Obamacare enters its third year of implementation, CBS News points out what we've been highlighting for months -- the 'Affordable' Care Act continues to be a promise-breaking misnomer for millions of consumers.
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Three Palestinians Launch Knife Attacks Near Tel Aviv, West Bank
Matt Vespa
Frustrated Campaigns May Hold Events Without the RNC's Blessing
Cortney O'Brien
Hillary: On Second Thought, I Do Support Some Boots on the Ground in Syria
Guy Benson
Yes, Black Lives Matter Activists Were Ready For Hillary In Atlanta
Matt Vespa
Claws Out: Fox Business Promises "Real Debate" On Nov. 10
Christine Rousselle
Speaker Ryan Goes ‘Full Ginsburg’ On Sunday Circuit, Says House GOP Will Become ‘Proposition Party’
Matt Vespa
VIDEO: Republican Presidential Candidates Want Some Changes Before Next Debate
The Republican presidential candidates are revolting!
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VIDEO: Donald Trump: "No Thanks" John Oliver
While the rest of America was doling out candy on Oct. 31, Donald Trump was doling out disses.
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VIDEO: NTSB Confirms Wreckage Is Sunken Ship El Faro
The N.T.S.B. has confirmed that it found the wreckage of the lost cargo ship El Faro was found at the bottom of the ocean over the weekend.
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Just Go Away Jeb, Preferably Mad
Kurt Schlichter
Its not enough that Jeb Bush be allowed to bow out of the race and retire with dignity to spend the rest of his life not being president.
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“Can America’s Moral Compass Be Restored?”
Terry Paulson
When the reported disproportional response of Israel to the unprovoked attacks by Islamic extremists who bomb, stab and attack their citizens are equated and described merely as a somehow equivalent cycle of violence, Americas moral compass has lost its true North.
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CNBC Does the Impossible, Unites Crowded GOP Field
Debra J. Saunders
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had a standout moment early in Wednesday night's Republican debate when he went after, not other Republicans, but the CNBC moderators, none of whom appeared to have "any intention of voting in a Republican primary."
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As He Signs Budget Deal, Obama Says 'There’s No Better Christmas Present For the American People'
Matt Vespa
Well, it’s a done deal. Obama has signed off on the two-year budget agreement, which raises the debt ceiling until Mach of 2017.
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Carly Fiorina Issues Challenge To Ladies of The View: Have The Guts to Insult Me To My Face
Katie Pavlich
In case you missed it last week, the mature, professional women over at ABC's The View took a swipe at Carly Fiorina's "demented face" after she made her third debate appearance in Boulder Colorado.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
GOP Elites, Stop Biting Our Hands That Feed You
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US Intelligence Is No Match for Iranian Deception
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Spiritual Suicide: When European Churches Sell Their Souls to Islam
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No Hand Raising
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What’s the Beef
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With Ex-Im Reauthorization Passage in House, Just Follow the Money
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New Sig Sauer MCX 5.56 Rifle | Bob Owens
New York Billionaire Bloomberg Pours In Millions In Effort to “Buy” VA Senate | Bob Owens
Stop the Bleed: Tourniquet Time has Come | Brent Wheat
John McCain Doesn’t Understand the MHS Contract, And Needs To Shut His Pie Hole | Bob Owens
Supreme Court’s Decision Could Lead To Second Civil War | Bob Owens
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Dispute over Internet data collection splits high court | AP News
Delaware governor pardons man who helped slaves escape | AP News
Avocado with your hotdog? YouTube Chilean-U.S. comedy hits Netflix | Reuters News
Kansas City World Series champs' parade planned for Tuesday | AP News
UN group says Malaysia Anwar's jailing politically motivated | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
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Nevertheless I will remember My covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant. EZEKIEL (16:60)

Carry the Bible with you wherever you go | 18 Cheshvan 5776
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Nevertheless I will remember My covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant.

EZEKIEL (16:60)

וְזָכַרְתִּי אֲנִי אֶת בְּרִיתִי אוֹתָךְ בִּימֵי נְעוּרָיִךְ; וַהֲקִימוֹתִי לָךְ בְּרִית עוֹלָם

יחזקאל טז:ס

v'-za-khar-tee a-nee et b'-ree-tee o-takh bee-may n'-u-ra-yikh va-ha-kee-mo-tee lakh b'-reet o-lam

Today's Israel Inspiration

Ezekiel was one of the few prophets in the Bible that served outside the Land of Israel. He is the paradigm of a leader who stays committed to his values even under difficult circumstances. In Hebrew, his name is pronounced יחזקאל/ye-KHEZ-kel which means "God will strengthen." Curious about the meaning of your name in Hebrew? Order a beautiful, personally researched Hebrew name certificate today!

Israeli Flags Across America

Be a part of this incredible initiative, started in South Florida and spreading across the nation, to hang Israeli flags alongside American ones throughout the country. Incredible video!

Ezekiel's Prophecies Point to Russia’s Role in Syria and War of Gog and Magog

Based on the Book of Ezekiel, a Rabbi predicted many years ago that the major world power involved in the war of Gog and Magog would be Russia, along with other startling predictions.

Jerusalem Nano Bible Art Star of David Necklace

In the incredible Nano Bible, the spirit and technology of Israel have come together to produce the world’s smallest bible, printed onto a single 5mm x 5mm surface, and set into a beautiful piece of silver jewelry so that you can take the Bible with you wherever you go.

Today's Israel Photo

A gorgeous photo of the ancient port city of Jaffa, out of which modern day Tel Aviv has grown.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Peggy Morgan of DeSoto, Mississippi. Todah rabah!

“Thank You from the Depth of My Heart”

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Thank you, from the depth of my heart, to you, and all over there. This is simply God's Great Work. May God Bless you Israel. I am Sri Lankan, I appreciate God's Mighty Work. Beautiful Songs. - Shriyanee Nugawela

I want to stay in touch as I am in a Nursing Home & I get to read a little of what is going on. Thank you, & God bless Israel, I keep you in my prayers.- Glynn Glover
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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William Branham "7 Visions Of America"

Published on Oct 31, 2015

William Branham in 1933 had 7 Visions of America and they are all coming to past also

"LIVE EXORCISM" TV Failed ......

Published on Oct 31, 2015

Medium Chip Coffey, and Bishop James Long and others tried to preform a "LIVE EXORCISM" on TV also

BREAKING: ISIS Claims Shooting Down Russian Plane In Egypt

Published on Oct 31, 2015

ISIS is claiming to have "Shot Down" the Russian Flight 9268 over Egypt killing all 224 people on board http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.comalso

Stephen Curry NBA Star "Shines The Light For Jesus Christ"

Published on Oct 31, 2015

Stephen Curry MVP World Champion for the Golden State Warriors gives all the glory to Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior

"Halloween Asteroid" Just Flew By 70,000 MPH

Published on Oct 31, 2015

The "Halloween Asteroid" just flew by the earth at 70,000 MPH and I could almost feel the breeze in my hair also

BREAKING: "Russian Plane Crash" In Egypt 224 On Board

Published on Oct 31, 2015

Russian Plane crash in the Sinai in Egypt with 224 on board on Flight 9268 on an Airbus 321 Aircraft also

Obama and His Neocons Ready to Risk World War III in the South China Sea

War and Conflict News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Obama and His Neocons Ready to Risk World War III in the South China Sea

CONTRIBUTOR: . By Joachim Hagopian Global Research, October 29, 2015 On October 27, the US Navy guided cruise missile destroyer the USS Lassen sailed within 12 nautical miles of Spratly Islands in the South China Sea despite repeated warnings from China that such overt action would be taken as a deliberate provocation...

Syria: At least 40 killed in government forces missile attack on Douma town

CONTRIBUTOR: . At least 40 people were killed and about 100 wounded when Syrian government forces fired missiles into a marketplace in a town near Damascus, a conflict monitor and a local rescue group said on Friday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the war through a network of sources...

Syria: Raqqa Revolutionaries Front rebels announced that they will soon attack ISIS capital Raqqa CONTRIBUTOR: . The head of the Syrian rebel group the Raqqa Revolutionaries Front has announced in a video uploaded to YouTube that his group will “soon” announce a military offensive on Raqqa, the “capital” of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS) terrorist group. The video, uploaded by the group Raqqa is Being Slaughter Silently,...

The Drone Papers By The Intercept

CONTRIBUTOR: . "The CIA killer drones programme is the death penalty without trial, and the new face of US counter-terrorism policy. Reprieve is assisting survivors and victims’ families in their fight for legal accountability, transparency and justice." (Reprieve) Glenn Greenwald, known especially from Snowden case, is a founding editor of The Intercept,...

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Detainee Transfer Announced

Terrorism News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Detainee Transfer Announced

CONTRIBUTOR: . The Department of Defense announced today the repatriation of Ahmed Ould Abdel Aziz from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to the Government of Mauritania.As directed by the president's Jan. 22, 2009, executive order, the interagency Guantanamo Review Task Force conducted a comprehensive review of this case. As a result...

Military Airstrikes Target ISIL Terrorists in Iraq

CONTRIBUTOR: . From a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve News ReleaseSOUTHWEST ASIA, October 29, 2015 — U.S. and coalition military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Iraq, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported today.Officials reported details of the latest...

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