Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Loretta Lynch: The FBI/State Still Investigating Hillary With 'Career independent' Agents and Attorneys Matt Vespa

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Super Tuesday: Trump, Clinton Set To Sweep The South; Trump To Emerge As Undisputed GOP Frontrunner
Matt Vespa
We’re less than 24 hours from Super Tuesday, where voters will decide who to allocate the 595 Republican and 1,004 Democratic delegates up for grabs across the South, Midwest, and Northeast.
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Loretta Lynch: The FBI/State Still Investigating Hillary With 'Career independent' Agents and Attorneys
Matt Vespa
Rubio on Trump's Stubby Fingers: 'You Know What They Say About Men With Small Hands...'
Guy Benson
Q-Poll: Total Disaster For Rubio In Florida, Trump Leads By 16 Points
Matt Vespa
SCOTUS: Justice Thomas Breaks 10-Year Silence
Matt Vespa
Seven Things to Look Out For This Week
Christine Rousselle
MSNBC Intends To Cut Ties With Tampon Earrings-wearing Melissa Harris-Perry
Matt Vespa
Losers Don’t Legislate
Terry Paulson
Its time for Republicans to step up to the challenge of supporting a candidate that can win.
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Video: Trump Repeatedly Avoids Condemning Infamous White Supremacist and KKK
Guy Benson
Let me begin by noting that I'm not generally a great fan of "will you repudiate X, Y, or Z?" questions from journalists.
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Shocker: Kids From Gun-owning Families Know Not To Pick Up Firearms Unattended
Matt Vespa
Fox 17 Nashville aired segments of a study from Texas about kids and guns last Friday.
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Jumping Ship: Hillary Loses Top DNC Official to Sanders
Katie Pavlich
In case you missed it over the weekend, Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton routed socialist Bernie Sanders in South Carolina ahead of Super Tuesday tomorrow.
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Sen. Jeff Sessions Endorses Trump
Christine Rousselle
Sen. Jeff Sessions endorsed Donald Trump at a rally in Alabama.
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Middle East Political Analyst Details How the Obama Admin Has Underestimated World Powers
Cortney O'Brien
An exclusive conversation with an Israeli analyst who has studied terror for over 30 years.
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Terrific: Top Hillary Aide Who Used Private Server For Classified Info Still Has Top Level Security Clearance
Katie Pavlich
Cheryl Mills has been the Clinton family attorney for more than two decades and currently serves on Hillary Clinton's campaign for the White House.
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Sen. Ben Sasse: I Will Never Ever Vote for Trump
Christine Rousselle
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) posted "An Open Letter to Trump Supporters" on his official Facebook page that outlined exactly why he will not be supporting Donald Trump this November if he were to be the nominee.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
I Can’t Blame Those Who Will Never Vote For Trump
Kurt Schlichter
Kurt  Schlichter
The Millennial Case For Ted Cruz
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Katie Kieffer
The 2016 Election Is All About SCOTUS!
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Ken Blackwell
How Did It Get This Bad?
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Lawrence Meyers
The Light at the End
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Rich Galen
2 Percent Growth Is a Loser for the Angry Middle Class
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Larry Kudlow
A New Kind of Target: Low-information Journalists Pile on Conservative Prosecutor
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Rachel Alexander
If Your Child Behaved Like Donald Trump Would You Be OK With It?
Kimberly Fletcher
Kimberly Fletcher
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
We Are NOT All The Parents of Thugs | Bob Owens
Giant Shotgun Pellets! Giant Gummy Bears! Steel Plates! Mayhem! | Bob Owens
Man Pushes His Way Into Apartment, Threatens Homeowner, Gets Shot | Bob Owens
What If I Told You Silencers Are Useful, Not Scary? | Bob Owens
Barbara Sanders Is Smarter And Better Than You | Bob Owens
Political News
The Latest: Judges grill Menendez lawyer in corruption case | AP News
Voters in Florida begin early voting in crucial primary | AP News
Bishop denounces Trump chants at high school basketball game | AP News
State Department says will release final set of Clinton emails Monday | Reuters News
Oscars TV audience lowest in eight years, ratings data shows | Reuters News
Obamacare in Full Effect
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My beloved is mine, and I am his, that feedeth among the lilies. SONG OF SONGS (2:16) (The Israel Bible™)

 It's a leap year, 366 days of j365!
 | 20 Adar I 5776
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My beloved is mine, and I am his,
that feedeth among the lilies.


דּוֹדִי לִי וַאֲנִי לוֹ הָרֹעֶה בַּשּׁוֹשַׁנִּים

שיר השירים ב:טז

do-dee lee va-a-nee lo ha-ro-e ba-sho-sha-neem

Jerusalem Inspiration

The Talmud records a debate among the Sages regarding whether or not Song of Songs should be included in the Biblical canon. According to Rabbi Akiba, not only does Song of Songs belong in the canon but it is holier than any of the other Biblical books. In his words, “all the writings are holy, but the Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies.” What makes Song of Songs so holy? It is precisely because it speaks of the relationship and the love between the Children of Israel and the Creator.  What is the setting of the allegorical relationahip described throughout Song of Songs? Of course, it is in the Land of Israel that lover and beloved engage in an eternal dance to find eachother and reunite, just as the Nation longs to finally reunite with its beloved Almighty in the holy land.  Spreading the significance of the Land of Israel and the Divine relationship just got easier! With TheIsraelBible.com, you're just a click away from fantastic insight into the Bible and the holy land.

All New Hebrew Music Monday: "Lay Us Down"

Enjoy our new Hebrew music video "Lay Us Down" (Hakshiveynu) with stirring lyrics from the Shabbat evening prayers. Learn Hebrew the fun way - with song!

Israel a Step Ahead in Cancer Research

Israel does it again! A cancer study hailed this week as potentially showing revolutionary results for the treatment of leukemia is based on research undertaken by Prof. Zelig Eshhar of Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science.

"Generation of the Desert"

A collection of poems from artist Sarah Feld, Generation of the Desert confronts the difficult questions which arise from living in the Land of Israel. Through moving prose, Feld conveys the spirtiuality that permeats the landscape. With raw emotion she explores the depths of her love of the land and her limitless love of her nation.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

An orange tree covered in snow in the Land of Israel by Yehoshua Halevi.  It's amazing how these sweet fruits thrive in the winter weather.

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Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Fantastic to See These Photos”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  Hello Rabbi Tuly Weisz. Just wanted you to know there are many many many people all over the world who truly love Israel and the Israeli people and this time.....we won't be quiet! Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Israel, how I wish I could visit!
Shalom, Kathy Meyer

It's fantastic to see these photos. As a Christian I like to see them because they boost my faith in the word of God. Shalom, Simon Mumburi
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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