Saturday, April 2, 2016

And those that went down toward the sea of the Arabah, even the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off; and the people passed over right against Yericho. Joshua 3:16 (The Israel Bible™)

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And those that went down toward the sea of the Arabah, even the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off; and the people passed over right against Yericho.


וְהַיֹּרְדִים עַל יָם הָעֲרָבָה יָם-הַמֶּלַח תַּמּוּ נִכְרָתוּ וְהָעָם עָבְרוּ נֶגֶד יְרִיחוֹ

יהושוע ג:טז

v'-ha-yor-deem al yam ha-a-ra-va yam ha-me-lakh tamu-nikh-ra-tu v'-ha-am av-ru ne-ged y'-ree-kho

Shabbat Inspiration

The parting of the Sea of Reeds as the Jewish Nation left Egypt is a well known miracle of the Exodus.  Did you know that as the Jews entered the Land of Israel, God performed an equally miraculous parting of waters.  As described in the Book of Joshua, the waters of the Jordan rose up as a standing wall for the Nation to cross through to the Promised Land.  The waters that flow into the Jordan from above and below were stilted mid- flow for the entire miracle's duration.  At the southern end, today's verse describes the
Dead Sea as being cut off from its regular flow.  It's not so commonplace to be able to identify elements that were involved in an ancient miracle!

David's Waterfall

Come along and explore the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve in this superb HD video.

Who Will ISIS Strike Next?

Urgent terror watch! The Islamic State terror group is reportedly in the advanced stage of plans to murder Jewish children in Turkey.

Star of David Necklace

The Star of David is a timeless symbol of the Jewish People. Mentioned in the bible as being the symbol of david, it now adorns the Israeli flag. The Israeli jewelry designer Ester Shahaf adds her personal artistic statement to the Star, in endless variations. This lovely Star of David necklace is crafted of .925 Sterling silver with Swarovski crystals, copper appliqués and delicate hand painting.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

The Dead Sea, by Daniel Santacruz.  A lesser known Biblical miracle, the waters of the Jordan, whos southernmost tip edges the Dead Sea rose up like a wall as the Jews crossed into the Land of Israel in the time of Joshua.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robin Sussman in memory of her parents Sigmund and Barbara Beer.

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  It is an honour to receive Israel 365’s daily communication and a great help towards my Hebrew studies. May you all continue to prosper and know what a contribution you are making to the world which very much needs Israel's Light to lighten the gentiles in every area of its being. With grateful thanks, Dorothy Harding, Cyprus
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Journalists From Largest Muslim Nation Visit Israel

Israel Today
Friday, April 01, 2016
To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
  Journalists From Largest Muslim Nation Visit Israel
Journalists From Largest Muslim Nation Visit Israel
Prime Minister Netanyahu personally hosts delegation of Indonesian journalists, calls for official diplomatic relations
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  Arab Woman Names Newborn Baby after IDF Officer
Arab Woman Names Newborn Baby after IDF Officer
Just another example of how Israel cares for its neighbors, contrary to claims of 'racism' and 'apartheid'
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  Why is Israel Cutting Power to Jericho?
Why is Israel Cutting Power to Jericho?
Israel will be condemned by the world, but there's a perfectly good reason to cut power to Jericho
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  I Am My Brother's Keeper
I Am My Brother's Keeper
Israel Today speaks to Yazidis displaced by ISIS and the Israeli Jews who are helping them
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  Moving to Israel to ESCAPE Terrorism?
Moving to Israel to ESCAPE Terrorism?
As Islamic terrorism spreads, Jewish communities in the West are an increasingly favorite target
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Freedom of religion: Muslims at the Western Wall
Emergency aid: Yazidis find a friend in Israel
Myth or Fact: Apartheid Claims Are Anti-Semitic
Hebrew in Gaza: Is there hope for a better future?
Theological terrorism: The Larnaca Declaration
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Officials: U.S. Considers Easing Ban on Dollars to Help Iran

Friday Apr 1, 2016

Top Stories

Officials: U.S. Considers Easing Ban on Dollars to Help Iran
The Obama Administration is considering easing financial restrictions that prohibit U.S. dollars from being used in transactions with Iran. Angry lawmakers countered that Tehran would be getting more than it deserves from last year's nuclear accord.

Gil Troy: AIPAC’s Student Activists: Pro-Israel, Pro-Active, and Often Progressive
"Last week, at AIPAC’s Policy Conference...I focused on the 4,000 campus delegates attending – up more than 25 percent from last year."

U.S. Tests Potential Israeli Cure for Victims of 'Nuclear Terrorism'
An arm of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is moving into advanced testing of an Israeli product that promises to treat victims of radiation exposure from industrial catastrophes or the specter of nuclear material in the hands of terrorists.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Don't Let Others Blindness Stop Your Greatness"

Published on Apr 1, 2016

It is time to turn up the heat and take authority of your life also Help Us Spread the Word

FBI Finds "Pipe Bombs Devices On Power Grids"

Published on Apr 1, 2016

Word on the Street is the pipe bomb devices were found on Massachusetts power grid also Help Us Spread the Word also also


Published on Apr 1, 2016

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