Friday, July 1, 2016

BREAKING: Devastating Truth About Huma Leaks… Look Where She Was on 9/11
BREAKING: Devastating Truth About Huma Leaks… Look Where She Was on 9/11
The truth about Hillary's Muslim best friend and assistant just came out, and it's devastating. Look where Huma was on 9/11. These people are enemies of the state, and this is the smoking gun that proves it. Read more...
Watch: 3 Words Canadians Just Chanted After Obama's Speech Will Send Chills Down Americans' Spines
Yikes. Obama was just ending his speech when Canada's Parliament broke out in a 3-word chant that will be the LAST thing many Americans want to hear... Read more...
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WATCH: Trump Releases Second Hillary “Legendary Lie” Video… And It’ll Leave Her In Utter SHOCK
Donald J. Trump's scorched earth campaign against Hillary just ratcheted up another notch. He's released this devastating video capturing one of her most despicable lies. She's going to absolutely lose it when she sees this all over TV. Read more...
Michelle Takes Obama Daughters On 'Girl-Power' Vacation -- One Thing People Instantly Notice
Something about the trip is raising eyebrows... Are you counting down the days until the Obamas leave the White House? Read more...
Judge Napolitano Warns of MASSIVE FBI Rebellion on Eve of DNC… “Saturday Night Massacre”
Fox News' Judge Napolitano is warning that something huge could be about to happen at the FBI right before Hillary officially gets the Democrat nomination. If he's right about this, Hillary's victory parade will be over before it even starts. Read more...
Watch: Mom Of Slain Benghazi Hero Sends 4-Word MISSILE To Hillary After Bombshell Report
Trey Gowdy's long awaited Benghazi report finally came out yesterday. Hillary's sick response stunned a lot of people, but no one was more upset than this mother of a man who died in Benghazi. Every single person needs to see the four words she has for Hillary Clinton in the wake of this report... Do you support this bold Benghazi mom? Read more...
Huckabee Issues Surprise Statement Immediately After George Will Deserts GOP
Longtime conservative pundit George Will hates Donald J. trump so much that he's now announced he's leaving the GOP. Well, Gov. Mike Huckabee got wind of this and issued one of the most surprising statements we've ever heard from him. Huck's not messing around here... Read more...
Breaking: Bill Clinton Was Just Caught Making Unannounced Move That's Raising Eyebrows
Bill Clinton was just spotted having an unexpected meeting that's raising questions... Are Bill and Hillary the LAST people you want back in the White House? Read more...
BREAKING: Newest National Poll Reveals Stunning Truth About Trump
This most recent poll is a shocker... When asked who they wanted between Hillary and Trump, America just surprised everyone. Did you see this coming? Read more...
VIDEO: Benghazi Hero Just Made Bombshell Announcement About Hillary... NOT What She Wanted
One of the Marines who survived Benghazi just made a POWERFUL move against Hillary that could do serious damage to her campaign. Help spread this video - people NEED to see it. Do you support what this Benghazi hero just did? Read more...
JUSTICE: Major Company Disses Trump… Now Look What Their Customers Are Doing
A massive U.S. company decided to disrespect Donald J trump. Now their customers have gotten revenge in a huge way. Read more...
Ted Cruz Just Fired A Missile At Trump Out Of Nowhere... Could Be A Huge Game Changer
Wow. A lot of people are going to be surprised by the massive statement Ted Cruz just slapped his former presidential rival with. Do you think Republicans need to get behind Donald J Trump for president? Read more...

And he erected there an altar, and called it El-elohe-Israel. Genesis 33:20 (The Israel Bible™)

The Hebrew meaning behind Israel | 24 Sivan 5776
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And he erected there an altar,
and called it El-elohe-Israel.

וַיַּצֶּב שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ וַיִּקְרָא לוֹ אֵל אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל

בראשית לג:כ

va-ya-tzev sham miz-bay-akh va-yik-ra lo el e-lo-he Yis-ra-el

Jerusalem Inspiration

The name “Israel” refers to both the Land and the People and has a deeper meaning as well. The first letter of the word "Israel" is the י - yud, which is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The final letter in "Israel" is the tall lamed - ל, the largest letter in the alphabet. The very name of the Jewish people, ישראל - Yisrael, alludes to both its humble beginnings as well as its exalted destiny. Share in the blessings of Israel and keep God's word close to your heart with the Jerusalem Nano Bible necklace, now $50 OFF

With These Hands, We Have Created Greatness

From war hero to farmer, teacher to midwife, “With These Hands” tells the stories of the everyday heroes that make Israel great.

BREXIT in the Bible Codes

A few hours after Brexit was announced, Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson turned to the Hebrew text of the Bible and found a stunning revelation of Brexit in Bible Codes.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

A sculpture of the old city of Jerusalem in Acre, by Noam Chen.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Harley Branitz of New York. Todah rabah!

“Thank You For Jerusalem365”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai. Thank you for Jerusalem365. It has become a part of our life.
We are from South Africa. All our and best wishes. Winston & Ria Worthington.

Hi, I really enjoy your posts, I have a longing to visit Israel. Kind Regards- Linda Davies
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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