Friday, July 1, 2016

Uh Oh: U.S. Sailors Gave Up Sensitive Passwords For Military Laptops, Cell Phones to Iranians Katie Pavlich

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Uh Oh: U.S. Sailors Gave Up Sensitive Passwords For Military Laptops, Cell Phones to Iranians
Katie Pavlich
Six months ago, ten U.S. Navy Sailors were taken captive by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Persian Gulf.
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Trump Beats Hillary by 4 Points in This Latest Poll, Majority Say Muslims Should be Banned in Another
Justin Holcomb
Where Was President Obama The Night of Benghazi? We Still Don't Know
Katie Pavlich
It's Working: Blue Cross/Blue Shield Reports Heavy Obamacare Losses Across the Country
Guy Benson
R. Lee Ermey Has Some Advice For Americans On Firearms–And Liberals Are Sure To Hate It
Matt Vespa
This Gary Johnson Ad Is Pretty Spectacular
Christine Rousselle
Inviting Chaos: Cleveland Relaxes Rules On Protests Near Republican Convention
Leigh Wolf
Clinton Donor Promised To Make Her 'Look Good' If Appointed To National Security Board
Matt Vespa
Clinton promised Foundation donors wouldn't get preferential treatment...
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The Most Awkward Handshake Of All Time
Christine Rousselle
Watch this display of awkward courtesy of the leaders of Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
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Loretta Lynch Just Met With Bill Clinton and Wants You To Believe They Simply Discussed Grandchildren
Katie Pavlich
Two weeks ago and just hours after officially endorsing Hillary Clinton's run for the White House, President Obama met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch in the Oval Office.
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Mike Lee Unloads on Trump
Christine Rousselle
Utah Sen. Mike Lee (R) refused to support presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump in an interview with NewsMaxTV, and then went on an uncharacteristically intense rant about how he cannot in good conscience support Trump.
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Why A Comment About Brownies Led To Police Showing Up At This School
Matt Vespa
It appears that on June 19, an end-of-the-year school party turned into a social justice nightmare when one student, a third grader, at the William P. Tatem Elementary School made a comment about the brownies being served.
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FBI Is Telling Florida Agencies That Responded to Orlando Attack to Deny Public Records Requests
Leah Barkoukis
Attorney General Loretta Lynch said we may never know Omar Mateen's motive in the Orlando attack.
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Pentagon Lifts Ban On Transgender Military Service
Christine Rousselle
The Pentagon has ended its longtime ban on transgender persons serving in the military.
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'Kate's Law,' Sanctuary City Legislation Gets Vote in the Senate
Cortney O'Brien
Kate’s Law would place a minimum sentence of five years on any illegal immigrant who reenters the country.
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Dr. Frankenstein Elites Created Populist Monsters
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The Embrace of Socialism -- Despite Its Track Record
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The Hidden Fact Presents Terrorism
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He Didn’t Get It His Way: Ronald McDonald Injured In Shootout At Sonic Drive-In | Bob Owens
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BREAKING: Devastating Truth About Huma Leaks… Look Where She Was on 9/11
BREAKING: Devastating Truth About Huma Leaks… Look Where She Was on 9/11
The truth about Hillary's Muslim best friend and assistant just came out, and it's devastating. Look where Huma was on 9/11. These people are enemies of the state, and this is the smoking gun that proves it. Read more...
Watch: 3 Words Canadians Just Chanted After Obama's Speech Will Send Chills Down Americans' Spines
Yikes. Obama was just ending his speech when Canada's Parliament broke out in a 3-word chant that will be the LAST thing many Americans want to hear... Read more...
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Michelle Takes Obama Daughters On 'Girl-Power' Vacation -- One Thing People Instantly Notice
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Judge Napolitano Warns of MASSIVE FBI Rebellion on Eve of DNC… “Saturday Night Massacre”
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Watch: Mom Of Slain Benghazi Hero Sends 4-Word MISSILE To Hillary After Bombshell Report
Trey Gowdy's long awaited Benghazi report finally came out yesterday. Hillary's sick response stunned a lot of people, but no one was more upset than this mother of a man who died in Benghazi. Every single person needs to see the four words she has for Hillary Clinton in the wake of this report... Do you support this bold Benghazi mom? Read more...
Huckabee Issues Surprise Statement Immediately After George Will Deserts GOP
Longtime conservative pundit George Will hates Donald J. trump so much that he's now announced he's leaving the GOP. Well, Gov. Mike Huckabee got wind of this and issued one of the most surprising statements we've ever heard from him. Huck's not messing around here... Read more...
Breaking: Bill Clinton Was Just Caught Making Unannounced Move That's Raising Eyebrows
Bill Clinton was just spotted having an unexpected meeting that's raising questions... Are Bill and Hillary the LAST people you want back in the White House? Read more...
BREAKING: Newest National Poll Reveals Stunning Truth About Trump
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VIDEO: Benghazi Hero Just Made Bombshell Announcement About Hillary... NOT What She Wanted
One of the Marines who survived Benghazi just made a POWERFUL move against Hillary that could do serious damage to her campaign. Help spread this video - people NEED to see it. Do you support what this Benghazi hero just did? Read more...
JUSTICE: Major Company Disses Trump… Now Look What Their Customers Are Doing
A massive U.S. company decided to disrespect Donald J trump. Now their customers have gotten revenge in a huge way. Read more...
Ted Cruz Just Fired A Missile At Trump Out Of Nowhere... Could Be A Huge Game Changer
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