Sunday, October 1, 2017

Kentucky Gov Appeals Judge’s Ruling Denying Women Ultrasound of Their Baby Before Abortion

Kentucky Gov Appeals Judge’s Ruling Denying Women Ultrasound of Their Baby Before Abortion

 STATE   MICAIAH BILGER   SEP 29, 2017   |   11:36AM    FRANKFORT, KY
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin announced plans to appeal a judge’s decision earlier this week to strike down a state law that helps make sure women are fully informed before having an abortion.
Amanda Stamper, a spokeswoman for the pro-life governor, said Bevin was disappointed by the ruling, but his administration is hopeful that the courts eventually will uphold the law, the AP reports. She said the state plans to appeal immediately.
The Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, which passed in January, requires abortionists to perform an ultrasound and describe the image of the unborn baby prior to an abortion. It also requires that women be given the opportunity to hear their unborn baby’s heartbeat, which begins about four weeks after conception.
U.S. District Judge David Hale blocked the Kentucky law Wednesday, ruling it violates doctors’ First Amendment right to free speech.
Hale, who was appointed by pro-abortion President Barack Obama, also basically said women are too emotionally fragile to handle basic, scientific facts about human development. It’s more important that they be shielded from the facts and allowed to abort their unborn babies in ignorance, than be told the harsh truth.
“Requiring physicians to force upon their patients the information mandated by [the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act] has more potential to harm the psychological well-being of the patient than to further the legitimate interests of the Commonwealth,” Hale wrote in his decision, according to USA Today.
The ACLU and EMW Women’s Clinic, the last abortion facility in Kentucky, challenged the law earlier this year. They celebrated the ruling Wednesday, claiming the law is “demeaning and degrading” to women.
But many women do not feel the same way. State Rep. Addia Wuchner spoke out against the judge’s ruling Wednesday.
“I just feel strongly that women have to have all the information when making their health decisions,” Wuchner told WLKY News. “Women are making some very difficult decisions with many complexities, and this piece of legislation also allowed them to make complete and informed decisions.”
Another female lawmaker, State Rep. Kimberly Moser, R-Taylor Mill, also has been a strong advocate of the legislation.
Moser previously explained the bill will help to ensure that women are fully informed before making a final decision about an abortion.
“It is with accurate information that a patient can make an informed decision regarding their treatment, whether it is treatment for a brain tumor requiring an MRI or CAT scan, or if it is to determine the health and the progress of a pregnancy through an ultrasound,” Moser said.
The Ultrasound Informed Consent Act requires medical staff to perform an ultrasound prior to the abortion and allow the woman to see it if she chooses. It also requires the medical staff to describe the image of the unborn baby, its size, organs and other features and allow the mother to hear the baby’s heartbeat.
Abortion facilities almost always perform ultrasounds prior to an abortion to check the gestational age of the unborn baby. An ultrasound also is vital in determining if the pregnancy is ectopic, a potentially life-threatening condition. But many post-abortive women have said they were denied the opportunity to see their unborn baby’s ultrasound image before their abortion.
Right now, 26 states have some requirement in place about giving the woman information about the ultrasound prior to the abortion, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Canada Moves Closer to Euthanizing People With Alzheimer’s or Dementia

Canada Moves Closer to Euthanizing People With Alzheimer’s or Dementia

A high-profile murder case has sparked a debate about whether people who cannot consent can be killed ethically
According to a survey conducted last week by the Université de Sherbrooke, in Quebec, 91 percent of the family caregivers surveyed would agree to extending euthanasia to terminally ill people who are incapable of decision-making, if there were “signs of distress and a written directive”. These latter “conditions” remind us of what was supposed to be the principal criterion in the Quebec law, that of the person being at the “end of life”, which is already being challenged in the courts at the present time.
As usual, instead of seeing in these results a cry of distress from family caregivers of persons with Alzheimer and other dementias, the spotlight is once again focused on euthanasia with its public aura as a solution to suffering. At the same time, it is a real cold shower on all the organisations that accompany with such dedication incapable people and their families. Could we not also infer from this result that only 9 percent of caregivers in Quebec have access to high-quality professional support?
However, before getting carried away by the frenzy of a debate on euthanasia, it would be wise to consider the implications of extending induced death to incapable persons.
First of all, we must recall that the drive for extension of euthanasia to this group was triggered by the high-profile murder of a woman with Alzheimer’s by her husband who “cracked” because he felt left alone. “No one asked me how I’m doing,” he confessed immediately after his act of homicide. Our political decision-makers have turned this murder motivated by desperation into a Trojan horse to promote including a group of extremely vulnerable people among those eligible for medically induced suicide.
In the event of this extension of euthanasia being accepted – less than two years after the law came into force – two “safeguards” that were deemed fundamental at the outset would automatically fall: decision-making capacity and consent to choose death.
Nothing less.
Moreover, in the depth of the current debates, a dramatic message hides behind the possibility of extending euthanasia to people who are no longer able to make their own decisions. Presumably, these people would no longer be fully considered as human beings.
Indeed, their will to live at the moment of their killing would no longer have to be respected, under the pretext of their having written an advance directive in the past. Therefore, it is not a question of consenting or refusing consent to medical care in the event of incapacity – as is the case with the advanced medical directives that are already legal in Quebec. Rather, it is a matter of allowing a person to kill someone who is unable to consent, even when there is no question of artificial life support.
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The difference is essential.
In such circumstances, it would be legally – and appear to be morally – possible to explain to them that they are no more than the shadow of a real person who is somehow already dead and who put in writing, in their “true lifetime”, that they would like us to kill them if they became incapable. “You no longer agree? You seem happy now? It does not change anything, you cannot change your mind. Your will to live no longer counts,” we would answer them. “What matters is the document you signed when you were a real person, saying that you must now be put to death. Yes, putting you to death are the exact words since you are in such a vulnerable state that you have become incapable of making an informed decision about yourself or your property. This is the definition of incapacity.”
Thus, by denying their right and even their desire to live, people living with a form of dementia will be implicitly regarded as sub-human beings who will inevitably have to bow to the will of their “former self”.
Moreover, this scenario is not some kind of scarecrow. It is not at all hypothetical since we had a concrete example recently in the Netherlands, where a woman with dementia was euthanized against her will. Moreover, the possibility of such a turn of events is reinforced by another result of the Université de Sherbrooke’s poll, which reveals that 72 percent of respondents were in favour of euthanasia “even in the absence of a written directive”.
Of course, the suffering of family caregivers is very real, but their reaction stems largely from the woeful lack of support for the majority of the people affected by this type of disease. As serious and revealing as it may seem, it has unfortunately become common to hear that death is preferable to life in a CHSLD (nursing home). It seems to me that this would be a good starting point for tackling the problem at the source…
Meanwhile, the dangerous tangent that legal euthanasia installs in every society that has endorsed it continues fatefully its advance in Quebec. It is insinuating into our collective thinking the notion that death – not good health care, quality support and adequate living conditions – is a solution to suffering for you and your loved ones. In the current debate, the logic inherent in assisted suicide now plunges another condition of life into disgrace, such that the death of the people who live with it is presented as preferable.
Yet, in a promotional trailer about the Carpe Diem approach, Ms. Blandine Prévost, 38, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, perfectly sums up the human alternative that should be advocated: “It is in changing the way we are seen by people that lies the hope that I can be a person right to the end.”
In other words, beyond debates on euthanasia, it seems therefore urgent to ask ourselves, as a society, how we consider people who have rendered incapable because of illness. Do we still grant them their full humanity?
LifeNews Note: Aubert Martin is the Executive Director of Vivre dans la Dignité (Living with Dignity), a Quebec-based organisation. Pro-Life News Report Pro-Life News Report

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
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. Planned Parenthood Clinic Announces it Will Birth Babies in One Room and Kill Them in Another

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• Euthanasia Activists Want to Euthanize Alzheimer’s Patients, Even Without Their Consent
• Late-Term Abortionist Sues to Keep Medical Records of the Women He Aborted at Abortion Clinic That Closed
• Kentucky Gov Appeals Judge’s Ruling Denying Women Ultrasound of Their Baby Before Abortion
• Canada Moves Closer to Euthanizing People With Alzheimer’s or Dementia

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September Life News Special:

FBI May Launch Criminal Investigation of Planned Parenthood for Selling Aborted Baby Parts
The media attention to Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trade has died down, but federal authorities have not forgotten about it.
Click to Read at

Planned Parenthood Clinic Will Stop Doing Abortions After Trump Defunds Its Sex-Ed Program
An Iowa Planned Parenthood could be shutting down completely at the end of the year because two of its taxpayer funding streams are being cut off.
Click to Read at

Michelle Obama: Any Woman Who Voted for Donald Trump “Voted Against Their Own Voice”
Speaking at a marketing conference on Wednesday, former first lady Michelle Obama suggested that women who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election voted “against their own voice.”

Click to Read at

Planned Parenthood Clinic Announces it Will Birth Babies in One Room and Kill Them in Another
The Planned Parenthood abortion chain in Delaware plans to begin offering prenatal services for the unborn babies who are not going to be aborted.
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YWCA Honors Woman Who Volunteers at Planned Parenthood Abortion Business
You can tell a lot about an organization by the people who it honors.
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Amazing Image From Thermal Camera at Amusement Park Shows Couple’s Unborn Baby
A family in the UK had an unexpected treat on their trip to the Landmark Forest Adventure Park in Scotland.
Click to Read at
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Meet the Abortion Activist Who Gets Hollywood’s Elite to Line Up for Planned ParenthoodThere’s a simple reason why Hollywood has been promoting Planned Parenthood so much these days...
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New York Times Trashes Judicial Nominee’s Catholic Faith: It Makes Her More Radical Than the Mainstream
Earlier this month, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and some of her rude colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee interrogated judicial nominee Amy Barrett about her Catholic faith.
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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Late-Term Abortionist Sues to Keep Medical Records of the Women He Aborted at Abortion Clinic That Closed
Kentucky Gov Appeals Judge’s Ruling Denying Women Ultrasound of Their Baby Before Abortion
Canada Moves Closer to Euthanizing People With Alzheimer’s or Dementia

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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Salvation Prayer...Please Read, Please Consider And Please Print Up and Share. Carl

Salvation Prayer...
Year One Of The Seven has Begun..


Can You Hear A Voice Calling Us From The Heavens.....
For We Are Being Told To Watch The Skies.

Would you like to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Would you like to be saved from all that is about to come? Would you like to be a part of the soon rapture of the church to live with Jesus in his awesome universe and heavenly paradise forever? It is not a mistake that you came here. In fact Jesus wants to be your Savior and He loves you so much that He died on the cross for you others who chose to come to Him. He died in your place. It doesn't matter what you had done, all are welcome to come who are ready to repent of their sins and follow Jesus, desiring for Him to be their Lord and Savior. Please say the prayer below and you too shall be saved! After this please check out the prayer link for additional information you will need to help you with your walk with Christ.

"Dear Jesus, 

I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible.


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