Sunday, October 1, 2017

Planned Parenthood Applauds Illinois Gov. Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Abortions Throughout Pregnancy

Planned Parenthood Applauds Illinois Gov. Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Abortions Throughout Pregnancy

Planned Parenthood praised Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner for going back on his promise this week by signing a bill to force taxpayers to fund abortions through all nine months of pregnancy.
On Thursday, the pro-abortion Republican signed a bill to keep abortion on demand up to birth legal and establish the Land of Lincoln as a “safe haven” for women seeking abortions.
Rauner previously said he would veto the radical pro-abortion bill. He said taxpayer funding for abortion is too “divisive,” a fact backed up by polling. Polls consistently show that a strong majority of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortions, including those who identify as pro-choice.
But Rauner did not stick to his promise.
On Thursday, the abortion business Planned Parenthood praised Rauner for taking “the important step of signing HB 40 and safeguarding the right of a woman to safe and legal abortion regardless of how much money she makes or where she lives,” according to the News Tribune.
Forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions has been one of the abortion chain’s top political priorities. Jennifer Welch, the president of Planned Parenthood of Illinois, lauded Rauner for helping them achieve that goal in Illinois.
“Thank you Governor Rauner for signing HB 40,” Welch said. “With access to abortion under attack at the federal level, it is essential to make sure that women will have access to safe and legal abortion in Illinois.”
A lot of people are not happy with Rauner, though, including millions of voters and female political leaders.
Illinois Lieutenant Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti called the pro-abortion legislation a “political ploy” to divide the state. She also shared a very personal reason why she supports the right to life for unborn babies.
“As a pro-life Republican, I disagree with the Governor’s decision to sign HB 40,” Sanguinetti said. “I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for a 15-year-old refugee who chose to have me and keep me.”
State Sen. Sue Rezin also sharply criticized the governor for forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions when Illinois is facing a financial crisis.
“Not only can taxpayers not afford this, but polls show that the majority of people in our country don’t want their tax dollars funding abortion,” Rezin said. “As a mother of four, I am pro-life will continue to stand up for the unborn and taxpayers.”
The legislation likely will have devastating effects on unborn babies in Illinois.
Emily Troscinski, executive director of Illinois Right To Life, said the state once funded unrestricted abortions through Medicaid in the late 1970s, and taxpayers paid about $1.8 million for about 12,738 unborn babies’ abortion deaths at the time.
She predicted that state taxpayers will be forced to pay for as many as 12,000 unborn babies’ abortion deaths annually because of the legislation.
“House Bill 40 would undo a decades-old ban on taxpayer funding of abortion costing us thousands of lives a year,” Troscinski said.
According to the Pro-Life Action League, the bill also would keep abortion legal in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Furthermore, the Illinois State Assembly synopsis of the bill says the bill would remove “language [from state law and policy] … that the unborn child is a human being from the time of conception and is, therefore, a legal person for purposes of the unborn child’s right to life.”
In October 2016, a Politico/Harvard University poll found that just 36 percent of likely voters supported taxpayer funding for abortions, while 58 percent opposed it. These findings are consistent with previous polls from various groups.
Interestingly, the poll also found that voters who make more than $75,000 were more supportive of forcing taxpayers to fund abortions (45 percent in favor), while those who make $25,000 or less were strongly against it (24 percent in favor).
ACTION: Complain to Gov. Rauner. Call Rauner at 217-782-0244. Or send him an electronic message here.

Euthanasia Activists Want to Euthanize Alzheimer’s Patients, Even Without Their Consent

Euthanasia Activists Want to Euthanize Alzheimer’s Patients, Even Without Their Consent

The culture of death is an aggressive virus. Its pushers are now moving to permit Alzheimer’s patients to be killed if the person so requested in writing before becoming incompetent. (That “if” won’t last long if such homicides become normalized.)
Over at First Things, I detail the lethal threats:
  • Polls from Quebec–where euthanasia is legal–show that more than 90% of Alzheimer’s caregivers support such a policy. More than 70% support euthanizing those in their care even if they never asked to be killed.
  • Netherlands and Belgium already permit euthanasia for Alzheimer’s. In one case, the person killed was struggling against being killed. So the doctor instructed her family to hold her down as she gave the lethal jab.
  • Compassion and Choices teaches the elderly how to commit suicide by self starvation.
  • Prominent bioethicists want caregivers forced to starve Alzheimer’s patients to death if they asked in an advance directive–even if they willingly eat.
I have written about many of those matters here. But here is something that I think receives too little attention. From, “Euthanasia for Alzheimer’s Patients?”:
There’s one more point to which we must attend. Suffering due to Alzheimer’s disease sometimes falls heavier on caregivers than on patients. True, many say at the end of the difficult road that it was an honor to care for their incapacitated loved ones. But we shouldn’t sugarcoat it: Caregiving can be exhausting and heartbreaking, and in some cases perilous to caregivers’ health…
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Caregivers are properly allowed to refuse intensive life-extending medical treatment. Then, when death comes, it as a matter of nature taking its course.
But allowing caregivers to order doctors (or nurses) to end the patient’s life is a bridge too far. At least in some cases, such a license would allow caregivers to put a patient out of their misery. Add potential conflict-of-interest issues, such as inheritance and the costs of treatment, and we see the potential for elder abuse.
Our stampede to avoid suffering at nearly all costs endangers the morality of society. If a society is judged by the way in which it treats its most vulnerable citizens, we will reject the killing agenda and focus our efforts on mitigating suffering and promoting better care. Note: Wesley J. Smith, J.D., is a special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a bioethics attorney who blogs at Human Exeptionalism.

Late-Term Abortionist Sues to Keep Medical Records of the Women He Aborted at Abortion Clinic That Closed

Late-Term Abortionist Sues to Keep Medical Records of the Women He Aborted at Abortion Clinic That Closed

Nebraska’s all term abortionist LeRoy Carhart is suing the former owners of the now-shuttered Germantown Reproductive Health Services, a Maryland abortion business where he once worked, for custody of all GRHS’s medical records.
Carhart is seeking declaratory judgement, which is a simple statement from the court to settle a dispute. No monetary damages are involved.
In the case filed on September 14, 2017, Carhart asserts that he is the rightful owner of the medical records because the women were his patients, and not the patients of Germantown Reproductive Health Services where he conducted “advanced gestation abortions” between December 4, 2010 and August 24, 2017.
Despite the reality that other abortionists also worked at GRHS on and off during that same time period, Carhart is demanding all medical records currently in GRHS’s posession.
When Carhart asked for the records prior to filing the lawsuit, GHRS refused to hand them over.
GRHS owners Nancy Samuels and Todd Stave, who are siblings that inherited the abortion business from their father in 2000, refute the notion that the medical records belong to Carhart, and note that GRHS has a legal responsibility to maintain the records – a responsibility they believe cannot be unilaterally transferred to Carhart.
However, in their answer to Carhart’s suit, Samuels and Stave have offered to transfer the medical records in question to Carhart’s custody, as long as the court approves of the transfer and absolves them of any legal liability.
In the complaint document, Carhart claimed he was the subject of pro-life harassment and expressed fears over the unlikely prospect that with the purchase of the Germantown Reproductive Health Center office by the Maryland Coalition for Life, the medical records may “fall into the wrong hands.”
“As usual, Carhart hysterically argues that the Boogie Man is after him, making outlandish claims that pro-life organizations have tried to do him and the GHRS staff harm, which, of course, is simply not true,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Operation Rescue first discovered that Carhart was hiring on as an independent contractor with GHRS in 2010, after his efforts to conduct “advanced gestation abortions” on babies in the late-second and third trimesters of pregnancy failed in Kansas and Nebraska due toopposition from pro-life groups, including Operation Rescue.
Based on fifteen years of experience with Carhart, Newman suspects there are suspicious motives behind his suit.
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“Carhart may be trying to control the documents because he has been known to falsify entries on medical records in the past. If those charts were to fall into the hands of the Maryland Board of Physicians, he may find himself in a heap of trouble. So, it is more likely he is looking out for his own interests in this suit above all else,” said Newman. “I doubt that Stave and Samuels really want the responsibility or cost associated with maintaining GHRS records, and are just trying to avoid any legal pitfalls in transferring them.”
But, there is good reason to ascribe nefarious motives to Carhart’s actions.
In 1993, Carhart entered into an agreement with the Nebraska Department of Health promising he would no longer engage in unacceptable behavior, including “[t]he act of a doctor falsifying entries on a patient chart.”
In 2009, Operation Rescue conducted an undercover investigation that found Carhart was training clinic workers to falsify ultrasound results by manipulating the transducer to achieve the desired gestational age.
One former Carhart employee submitted a sworn affidavit to the Nebraska Attorney General’s office later that year, indicating that Carhart falsified the fetal ages. She recounted the incident of a minor girl who was beyond the legal gestational limit for an abortion in Nebraska, according an ultrasound examination by his nurse. The former employee alleged that Carhart falsified the fetal age so he could conduct the abortion illegally.
A hearing date in the records case has been set for October 18, 2017. Note: Cheryl Sullenger is a leader of Operation Rescue.

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