Couple Who Refused Abortion, Entrusted Son to ‘God’s Hands’ After Being Told Condition Was Terminal, Learns Doctors Misdiagnosed Baby
By The Editor
Photo Credit: Drew and Ariann Corpstein/GoFundMe
DES MOINES, Iowa — A couple in Iowa who was counseled by doctors to abort their unborn son after he was diagnosed with a terminal condition has learned that their child, who was born last month, was misdiagnosed and is expected to live after all.
“I didn’t feel like it was my decision to make,” Ariann Corpstein told the Des Moines Register of the recommendation to abort. “We knew that our baby was probably not going to be born alive. Whatever happens, it’s in God’s hands.”
Corpstein and her husband Drew were informed earlier this year following an ultrasound at 20 weeks gestation that their baby had malformed brain tissue. They consequently sought out a specialist, who advised that the child had a brain stem, but not a complete brain.
Seeking yet another opinion, a second specialist said that while the child had some brain matter, it had not divided into halves.
The Corpsteins were told that their child, who was diagnosed with hydranencephaly, would only last for days, at the most, after birth. They were recommended two options, both of which meant ending their baby’s life: obtain an abortion, or induce premature labor now in the hospital.
However, Ariann knew that she couldn’t take the matter into her own hands. She and her husband determined to trust God, no matter the outcome.
“I’m so glad that she was so strong in her foundation,” Drew told Fox & Friends on Thursday.
The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at Christian News