Saturday, December 1, 2018

Report: Whistleblower Who Found Information Showing Feds Ignored Hillary's Dealings With Russians Has Home Raided By FBI

Hillary Clinton.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
In a stunning display, a man who is a recognized government watchdog and had given Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz documents showing federal officials ignored the relationship among Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One, had his home raided by the FBI, despite the fact that his status was protected by law.
As Richard Pollock of The Daily Caller reports, “The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges.”
Dennis Nathan Cain, a former FBI contractor, was confronted at his home in Maryland the morning of November 19, according to his attorney, Michael Socarras. Socarras charged, “The bureau raided my client to seize what he legally gave Congress about the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One.” He told The Daily Caller the FBI’s raid was an “outrageous disregard” of whistleblower protections.
The FBI agents conducted the raid after gaining permission from federal magistrate Stephanie A. Gallagher in the U.S. District Court for Baltimore. FBI spokesman Dave Fitz confirmed to The Daily Caller, “On Nov. 19, the FBI conducted court authorized law enforcement activity in the Union Bridge, Maryland area. At this time, we have no further comment.”
Socarras said the agent who spearheaded the raid said Cain possessed stolen federal property; when Cain tried to dissuade the agent from entering his home by noting that Cain was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act, recognized as such by Horowitz, that didn’t work. Neither did Cain informing the agent that the information he had passed to Horowitz had already been sent to the Senate and House Intelligence committees. The agent still entered Cain’s home with his fellow agents.
Although Cain gave the agents the information they sought immediately, Socarras told The Daily Caller that the agents took six more hours searching the home.
Socarrs confirmed that the documents were all legally transferred to Horowitz and then the congressional committees. He stated, “After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member of his staff physically take Mr. Cain’s classified document disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence committees.” He continued, “For the bureau to show up at Mr. Cain’s home suggesting that those same documents are stolen federal property, and then proceed to seize copies of the same documents after being told at the house door that he is a legally protected whistleblower who gave them to Congress, is an outrageous disregard of the law.”
Socarras charged, “I cannot believe the Bureau informed the federal magistrate who approved the search warrant that they wanted to search the home of an FBI whistleblower to seize the information that he confidentially disclosed to the IG and Congress. … The [whistleblower act] authorizes employees of contractors to take government property and give it to the two intelligence committees confidentially.”
Socarras also blasted the FBI for contacting Cain directly after the raid and bypassing Socarras. He told The Daily Caller, “After the raid, and having received my name and phone number from Mr. Cain as his lawyer, an FBI agent actually called my client directly to discuss his seized electronics. Knowingly bypassing the lawyer of a represented client is serious misconduct.”

Radio Station Bans This Classic Christmas Song Because It Allegedly Promotes Date Rape "Baby Its Cold Outside"

Radio Station Bans This Classic Christmas Song Because It Allegedly Promotes Date Rape

"Baby Its Cold Outside"

Joining Jennifer Hudson in her first holiday music special is guest Grammy Award¨ winner Michael Bubl�, whose new CD 'Crazy Love' debuted last month at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 Chart.
Matt Dinerstien / Contributor / Getty Images
It sure is cold outside; barely even December yet, and the snowflakes are everywhere, pushing political correctness wherever they fall. Baby, it's bad out there.
The classic seasonal song "Baby It's Cold Outside" has now been banned by a Cleveland radio station after listeners complained it allegedly promotes date rape, according to CBS News.
"Star 102 Cleveland listeners raised concerns about the lyrics of the song 'Baby It's Cold Outside,' with some saying the words send the wrong message in the era of the #MeToo movement," reports the outlet.
On Tuesday, radio host Glenn Anderson wrote how the station came to the decisionto ultimately kick the classic song off its Christmas music roster. "We used to play the song 'Baby It's Cold Outside,' but you're the Christmas Executive Officer at Star 102 and you told us it's no longer appropriate," he said. "I gotta be honest, I didn't understand why the lyrics were so bad...Until I read them."
Anderson said that while he understands the song was written at a different time, it has no place in the woke 21st century.
"Now, I do realize that when the song was written in 1944, it was a different time, but now while reading it, it seems very manipulative and wrong," Anderson wrote. "The world we live in is extra sensitive now, and people get easily offended, but in a world where #MeToo has finally given women the voice they deserve, the song has no place. What do you think?"
As anybody who has ever heard "Baby Its Cold Outside" can attest, the song is a flirtatious duet between a man and a woman in a cozy cabin on a cold winter's night. As the woman prepares to leave, the man attempts to charm her into staying, using the snowy weather as an excuse. Those who claim the song promotes date rape overlook the part where the woman sings "Baby, it's cold outside" in unison with her male partner, signifying that the two were always in synch. CBS profiled how the song morphed from a flirtatious song in the 1940's to some sort of date rape anthem in the #MeToo era:
Written in 1944, song rose to popularity in the 1949 film 'Neptune's Daughter.' It was sung between Esther Williams and Ricardo Montalbán's characters, and then by Betty Garrett and Red Skelton, who reversed the roles.
The song was written by popular Broadway composer Frank Loesser, who originally performed it as a humorous number with his wife. But the lyrics, in today's context, have taken on somewhat more sinister connotations. After the "Me Too" movement gained momentum last year, more women have been speaking out about sexual harassment and assault, and society has become more aware than ever of how widespread the problem really is. The suggestive lines in the song now drum up images of men like Harvey Weinstein, who's been accused of preventing women from leaving hotel rooms, and Bill Cosby, who was convicted of drugging and sexual assaulting a woman.
Surprisingly, the song has its share defenders in feminist circles, who say the song explores the conflicts sexually-free women faced in an era that frowned upon them. Persephone Magazine made this argument:
The structure of “Baby” is a back and forth conversation between the male and female singers. Every line the woman utters is answered by him, until they come together at the end of the song. When we just look at “Say, what’s in this drink,” we ignore the lines that proceed and follow this, which are what indicates to the listener how we’re supposed to read the context.
The song sets up a story where the woman has dropped by her beau’s house on a cold winter night. They talk in the first verse about how long she’s going to stay. She has “another drink” and stays longer, and then later in the evening it’s implied that she’s going to sleep over.
If we look at the text of the song, the woman gives plenty of indication that she wants to stay the night. At the time period the song was written (1936), “good girls,” especially young, unmarried girls, did not spend the night at a man’s house unsupervised. The tension in the song comes from her own desire to stay and society’s expectations that she’ll go. We see this in the organization of the song — from stopping by for a visit, to deciding to push the line by staying longer, to wanting to spend the entire night, which is really pushing the bounds of acceptability. Her beau in his repeated refrain “Baby, it’s cold outside” is offering her the excuses she needs to stay without guilt.
Or one could just view the song as a flirtatious duet between a man and a woman in a cabin on a cold winter's night without having to find some deeper societal meaning.
This is why we can't have nice things.

LEAKED DOCUMENTS: Google Employees Considered Censoring Conservative Media After 2016 Election

A Google logo is displayed during the Viva Technologie show at Parc des Expositions Porte de Versailles on May 24, 2018 in Paris, France.
Chesnot / Contributor / Getty Images
It’s no secret that Big Tech swings to the Left and that many in the industry were devastated that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. But at Google, some engineers debated whether the company should suppress conservative news websites — The Daily Caller and Breitbart were specifically mentioned — to keep President Donald Trump from winning in 2020, according to internal documentsobtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF).
“This was an election of false equivalencies, and Google, sadly, had a hand in it,” engineer Scott Byer wrote on Nov. 9, 2016, according to the documents.
“How many times did you see the Election now card with items from opinion blogs (Breitbart, Daily Caller) elevated next to legitimate news organizations? That’s something that can and should be fixed,” he also wrote.
Further, Byer suggested Google had “a responsibility to expose the quality and truthfulness of sources – because not doing so hides real information under loud noises,” and suggested “teaching critical thinking” before writing that the company makes sure “we reverse things in four years – demographics will be on our side.”
Other employees were not so keen to censor, believing the move could backfire and lead to “conspiracy theories,” according to the documents.
“Thinking that Breitbart, Drudge, etc. are not ‘legitimate news sources’ is contrary to the beliefs of a major portion of our user base is partially what got us to this mess. MSNBC is not more legit than Drudge just because Rachel Maddow may be more educated / less deplorable / closer to our views, than, say Sean Hannity,” Google engineer Uri Dekel, a Clinton supporter, wrote in response to Byer.
“I follow a lot of right wing folks on social networks you could tell something was brewing. We laughed off Drudge’s Instant Polls and all that stuff, but in the end, people go to those sources because they believe that the media doesn’t do it’s [sic] job. I’m a Hillary supporter and let’s admit it, the media avoided dealing with the hard questions and issues, which didn’t pay off. By ranking ‘legitimacy’ you’ll just introduce more conspiracy theories,” he added.
Byer pushed back, according to the DCNF, writing that “Too many times, Breitbart is just echoing a demonstrably made up story.” He added that MSNBC was guilty of this, too, and insisted he didn’t “want a political judgement.”
“The desire is to break the myth feedback loop, the false equivalency, instead of the current amplification of it,” he wrote.
Mike Brauwerman, another Google engineer, suggested giving users a fuller picture of a story.
“What I believe we can do, technically, that avoids the accusations of conspiracy or bias from people who ultimately have a right and obligation to decide what they want to believe, is to get better at displaying the ‘ripples’ and copy-pasta, to trace information to its source, to link to critiques of those sources, and let people decide what sources they believe,” Brauwerman suggested.
“Give people a comprehensive but effectively summarized view of the information, not context-free rage-inducing sound-bytes,” he wrote.
The leaks of these documents is the latest hit to the corporation. In October, a video of a Google presentation titled “The Good Censor” leaked to Breitbart News and revealed the tech company believed free speech had “gone awry.”
In January 2018, Google was caught incorrectly fact-checking conservative news websites while leaving left-leaning outlets untouched. The company quickly endedits “fact-checking” process.

WATCH: Miley Cyrus Video Features Priests At Strip Club, Children At Firing Range, Miley-As-Jesus (A perfect child of her Master Satan she has indeed become)

Miley Cyrus at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 7, 2018 in New York City.
Jackson Lee/Getty Images
We thought we'd reached peak 2018 with the public meltdown between Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Avenatti and his porn star-turned-feminist icon client, but Miley Cyrus has given us a new pinnacle for the absurd. "Hannah Montana" is now flashing a thong while running from police as priests enjoy a strip club with women wearing nothing else and creepily smiling children shoot at her with evil guns.
In a new music video she produced in collaboration with Mark Ronson, who's partnered with other big stars, including Lady Gaga, the daughter of the man notorious for "Achy Breaky Heart" laments that "Nothing Breaks Like A Heart" while running from the cops O.J. Simpson-style. Because she must prove to us that she's the edgiest of all the edgy artists, Miley makes sure to show us she's in a thong in what must be a self-driving car while fans line the road holding signs that read "We Are Miley."
Since a police chase and just one thong isn't enough to keep viewers' attention for long, the director places Miley, still in her Mercedes, somehow driving through a strip club filled with priests watching a bunch of Stormy Daniels' wannabes. That debauched scene is intercut with children firing hand guns at a shooting range. Miley eventually crashes into that scene as well, and the young girls fire on her car.
The wild ride ends with Miley crashing her Mercedes but miraculously surviving, holding her arms outstretched in Christ-like fashion in front of the cross-like vehicle. It's art, folks.
The Independent reports that the song was "co-written by Cyrus and Ronson, alongside Ilsey Juber, Thomas Brenneck, The Picard Brothers and Conor Rayne Syzmanski, the track will feature on Ronson's forthcoming album, which is set for release next year."
Cyrus and Ronson are scheduled to perform in two weeks on Saturday Night Life, the Independent notes. The song is Cyrus's first single since releasing her album "Younger Now" last week.

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