Monday, April 1, 2019

Pathetic: 91-Year-Old Swede Convicted for ‘Hate Speech’ Critical of Islam (He forgot he was no longer able to tell the truth in his country. He needed to be made an example of so they, the country he loved convicted this 91 year old Swede of a hate speech. Some day soon Sharia in his country will make it punishable by Death)

Sick. Sharia law in Sweden. You think they’ll give him hard labor? He’s hardly the first. Last month, a Swedish court convicted a 70-year-old man of “hate speech” for claiming on social media that Somalis are lazy and don’t work. It certainly won’t be the last. Sweden is expected to receive another 7.5 million Swedish Kronor (£618,375/$807,150) from the European Union this year to go towards hate crime projects.



Breitbart, March 31, 2019:
The man, who may be one of the oldest Swedes on record to be convicted of hate speech, posted a number of comments in a Facebook group containing around 12,000 people in which he disparaged Muslims, Lokaltidningen reports.
Among the posts written included one in which the elderly man said, referring to Muslims, “You cannot, with the best will in the world, call these beings people. They seem to be inbred as they carry on.”
BreitbarThe Kristianstad district court convicted the man of hatred against an identifiable ethnic group, noting that the post reached a potential audience of 12,000 and had been up for nearly a year.
“The messages have content that is clearly abusive to Muslims and it, therefore, expresses such inaccuracy as is required to be held liable for the crimes against ethnic groups,” the court said.
While the normal penalty for the crime could include two months in prison, the 91-year-old was given a conditional sentence along with a 6,500 Swedish kronor (£535/$700) fine.
The case is just the latest to involve a Swedish pensioner convicted for hate speech made online. In 2017, a man in his 70s was convicted in Gothenburg for a similar post in which he referred to Muslims as “monkeys” on Facebook.
Earlier this year another pensioner, this time in Uddevalla, was convicted and fined 7,200 Swedish Kronor (£593/$775) for a Facebook post in which the 70-year-old claimed that Somali migrants were lazy and refused to work.
In the last several years, Sweden has seen a surge in reported hate speech crimes, with the social justice group Näthatsgranskaren taking credit last year for the increase, saying that they had made at least 800 reports to police in a single year.
The group also admitted that the average demographic of those they had reported tended to be older women over the age of 65.
Sweden is also expected to receive another 7.5 million Swedish Kronor (£618,375/$807,150) from the European Union this year to go towards hate crime projects.


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WATCH Netanyahu ad: A cheap shot at Obama or a show of strength on Israel’s security?

President Obama did more damage to Israel’s security then anyone, and it’s not even close. Thankfully, the Israelis had the brilliant and indomitable Benjamin Netanyahu to fight back. Here Netanyahu brilliantly schools Obama, when Obama tried to manipulate him into accepting the genocidal pre-1967 borders with the Arabs.
That is just one example. Netanyahu came out swinging during the Iran Nuclear Deal negotiations. Netanyahu knew that the pro-Jihad and Israel-hating Obama would make a disastrous deal with Iran. Netanyahu passionately and courageously stated Israel’s case on the various news outlets, the internet, at the UN, and of course to the United States Congress, which infuriated the anti-Semitic Obama administration.
While Netanyahu would not be successful in stopping Obama’s genocidal Iran deal at the time, his efforts did not go unnoticed by the Trump administration. President Trump rightfully removed the United States from the deal, effectively cancelling it.
Trump deserves huge credit for removing America from this genocidal agreement. However, it is quite plausible that Trump would have maintained the nuclear deal with Iran had Prime Minister Netanyahu not spoken out so clearly, passionately and forcefully against it. One should remember that in 2015, Prime Minister Netanyahu was alone in speaking out against the JCPOA.
The Israelis are going to the polls on April 9. They would be crazy to vote against Prime inisterM Netanyahu, who has taken this tiny piece of beach and transformed into one of the most powerful countries in the world. It is a good idea to remind Israel’s voters what can happen if they have weak and compliant leaders such as Netanyahu’s opponents, especially when dealing with hostile foreign leaders, which may happen again in 2020.
“WATCH: Netanyahu ad: A dis of Obama or show of strength on Israel’s security?,” by Marcy Oster, Jerusalem Post, Marcy Oster, March 29, 2019:
Is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu trying to convince the Israeli public of his national security bona fides? Or is he taking a cheap shot at Barack Obama?
Two weeks before Israelis go to the polls, a Likud party campaign ad shows Netanyahu lecturing the former U.S. president about the peace process in 2011 in front of reporters in the Oval Office.
During that White House visit, Netanyahu told Obama that for Israel to make peace, “Palestinians will have to accept some basic realities.”
“Israel obviously cannot be asked to negotiate with a government that is backed by the Palestinian version of al-Qaida,” Netanyahu is seen saying in the video clip. He also talks about the Palestinians’ demand for a right of return.
“So it’s not going to happen. Everybody knows it’s not going to happen. And I think it’s time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it’s not going to happen,” Netanyahu says in the video, as a stoic Obama studies him, chin in hand.


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