Thursday, August 1, 2019



On the debate stage, Bill de Blasio is a cocky and arrogant presence whose message is that politicians, like him, can accomplish all the leftist goals anyone can imagine. Meanwhile in the audience and outside, police and anti-police protesters were both protesting Bill de Blasio.
It's a dubious achievement when both sides of an issue hate your guts and think you're doing a terrible job.
NYPD cops turned out Wednesday to protest New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s appearance at the 2020 Democratic primary debate, calling on him to get back to the Big Apple, negotiate with the men and women in blue, and "finish the job that he ran for."
“Can’t run the city, can’t run the country,” roughly 20 New York officers chanted outside the Fox Theatre in Detroit, where Hizzoner will face off against nine rivals at the second night of primary debates Wednesday. They also carried signs accusing him of failing to help homeless New Yorkers, cutting city workers’ health care and putting “working people last.”
Some of this is a union thing. And so it differs from the anti-police protesters in the audience interrupting Bill de Blasio. But it does serve as a reminder of how badly his final term in office has been spinning out of control. And how poor his management of the city really is.
Had some of the candidates on the debate stage been more on the ball, they could have spiked it, but instead the failed mayor has been allowed to get away with babbling about pre-K while New York City is falling apart and much of the metropolis, across the spectrum, hates him.



What if Democrat voters are not as impressed by a clown bus of candidates relentlessly reciting leftist talking points at each other?
CNN's poor debate ratings suggest that after the first few debates, viewers have had enough and really don't want anymore.
The first night of CNN’s Democratic debate in Detroit drew 8.7 million television viewers, a steep drop from last month’s event hosted by NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo.
The June event brought in 15.3 million viewers across the three networks on Night One, with 18.1 million tuning in for the second night, a Democratic primary record.
CNN also announced that 2.8 million watched via livestream on the network’s platforms. NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo said they drew more than 9 million online stream viewers on the first debate night in June across their own digital properties, along with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
This isn't exactly good news for the Dems. Although it may be good news for Biden. And some of the poorer debate performers.
So what's going on here?
1. More Democrats may be solidifying behind chosen candidates and see less reason to watch the debates. But the data for that is thin.
2. After two nights of this, people are increasingly bored. The debates are repetitive and offer few surprises. The candidates don't really engage. And there are too many of them. And aside from Marianne Williamson, and to a lesser degree, Andrew Yang, they're not entertaining.
If you don't follow politics, what you're really seeing are a bunch of people you don't know, squabbling without actually settling things. And not in a particularly interesting way either.
I suspect ratings may pick up when the field narrows. But viewers losing interest this early on is a bad sign. For the Dems.


A depressing statistic. And an unfortunate sign of the descent of the Democrats into increasingly overt anti-Semitism.
While the Democrats claim that criticizing the state of Baltimore is racist, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the public face of the Democrat Left, has twice justified violence against Jews.
This was last week.
In defending BDS (or opposing efforts to condemn the anti-Semitic movement), Cortez said, “My concern with being overly punitive on nonviolent forms of protest is that it forces people into other channels and I would hate to be a part of, you know, paving that kind of path.”
The implication, as Jewish activists pointed out, is that if Jews condemn BDS, their enemies will be 'forced' to use violence against Jews.
Her latest remarks echo the same theme. Minus the BDS part.
“Once someone doesn’t have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot, right?” she said. “But it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m not even just talking about Palestinians, I’m talking about communities in poverty in the Un​ited States, I’m talking about Latin America, I’m talking about all over the world.”
That's after agreeing that Jews are white supremacists.
Hamas doesn't riot. Even its protests consist of inflicting violence on others. And if they don't have clean water, it's the doing of their own terror state governments.
But the larger issue is that Cortez keeps justifying violence against Jews. And at a time when Democrats are embracing Sharpton, best known for the Crown Heights Pogrom, that is a huge problem.
And while the Democrats actually tried to use Jews to go after Trump over his criticism of Baltimore, by claiming that "infested" is anti-Semitic language, they look away as Cortez continues justifying violence against Jews.


Empowering women and girls in a region of tyranny, misogyny and gender apartheid.

As a citizen of Iraqi Kurdistan, I am greatly pleased that not too long ago, Nechirvan Barzani, a strong feminist and advocate for women’s rights, was sworn in as the Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s President. When he was Kurdistan’s Prime Minister, I had the honor of working in his media office and the office tasked with rescuing kidnapped Yezidis. There, I witnessed how Barzani is one of the greatest advocates for women’s rights in the Middle East region. I saw how he tirelessly worked to save abducted Yezidi women and girls. I witnessed how he passed legislation that is greatly beneficial for women’s rights.   
Under the leadership of Barzani, Kurdistan amended the Iraqi Personal Status Law, which was used as an excuse to justify honor killings. On top of that, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq ratified Article Eight on the Elimination of Domestic Violence, which outlaws all gender-based violence. As a result of these measures, honor killings in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq are considered intentional homicide and due to the changes in the law, the number of honor killings in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has significantly decreased since the Kurds received autonomy.
In addition, the Kurdish authorities outlawed all forms of forced marriages and female circumcision, restricted polygamy and reformed the inheritance law in order to guarantee a fair share for females. Furthermore, Barzani also succeeded in having the parliament pass a law stressing that a man cannot marry a second wife without the first wife’s permission. The first wife has to come to the court and sign a document stating that she gives her husband permission to take on a second wife. 
“By revising and introducing these laws, the differences in the protection of women rights between the Kurdistan Region and other parts of Iraq have become immense,” Nichervan Barzani proclaimed after honor crimes and other incidents of violence were outlawed within Iraqi Kurdistan. He continued:
These laws have enabled the Kurdistan Regional Government to take practical and systematic steps to curb violence and other forms of discrimination against women. The government has established a directorate for combating violence against women and established shelters for women under threat. It has also established courts and appointed special prosecutors within police stations to investigate cases related to violence against women.
Barzani’s advocacy for women’s rights also extends to Kurdistan’s minority groups. When Barzani was Prime Minister, he saw to it that the KRG established a special office to rescue Yezidis. According to official figures from the Kurdistan Regional government, since 2014, over 3,300 Yezidis have been liberated from ISIS captivitysince the KRG opened the office to rescue Yezidis. While it is true that ISIS kidnapped 6,417 Yezidis and only about half of them have been accounted for, Yezidis can rest assured that Kurdistan’s new President Nechirvan Barzani will not rest until all of the Yezidis are rescued from ISIS.  
Sadly, I live in a part of the world that is dominated by misogyny, patriarchal viewpoints and systematic violence against women. However, despite this reality, Kurdistan’s President Nechirvan Barzani views women to be equal partners in the struggle for the liberation of Kurdistan. He values their contributions to Kurdish society and wants them to live dignified lives. For Barzani, empowering Kurdish women and girls is a top priority. He truly is a male feminist living in a part of the world dominated by patriarchal totalitarian dictatorships.   
Kurdistan’s President Nechirvan Barzani understands the importance of upholding women’s rights globally. This is why he has done everything in his power to promote the well-being of women and girls within Kurdistan when he was Prime Minister. With the swearing in of Barzani to the presidency, I am positive that Kurdistan’s women and girls have a promising future ahead of them.  
Kawyar Shahed Omer worked as KRG Coordinator with international media outlets covering the frontlines against ISIS. She served on the press committee of the Kurdistan Referendum High Committee.   She has a BA in International Studies from the American University of Sulimani- Iraq.  


It’s a vibrant city, just don’t let it vibrate you.

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.
This new edition of The Glazov Gang features the Daniel Greenfield Moment with Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Daniel discusses Welcome to Rat and Democrat-Infested Baltimore, warning that: It’s a vibrant city, just don’t let it vibrate you.
Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch Daniel unveil The Incredible Victimhood of Kamala Harris, where he asks: Will the oppression of the privileged millionaire never end?

Follow The Glazov Gang on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.


Seeks to convert climate change crisis skeptics into believers.

Students at three evangelical colleges were used as guinea pigs several years ago to see if a scientist who is also an evangelical Christian could persuade the schools' devout students that climate change was a man-made catastrophe requiring urgent action to combat. Students at Houghton College, in rural northwestern New York, Tyndale University College, in Toronto, Canada, and Dallas Baptist University, in Dallas, Texas were treated to a nearly one-hour lecture video by Canadian-born Katharine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist and professor of political science who teaches in Texas. One of Ms. Hayhoe’s self-declared missions has been to reach evangelical audiences who are skeptical that there is a dire man-made climate change crisis. She wants to convince them that the scientific warnings about the seriousness of the crisis are very real. “I feel a bit more like a prophet warning of impending doom if we don’t change our ways,” she told an interviewer in 2015, the year that her lecture video was first shown to the evangelical students.
According to an article summarizing the results of the student lecture experiment entitled “Changing evangelical minds on climate change,” co-authored by Ms. Hayhoe’s father, “a single lecture can significantly alter acceptance of climate science, concern regarding its impacts, and support for action among undergraduate students at evangelical institutions in the US and Canada—both immediately following the lecture, as well as up to a month afterwards…this study's participants were all evangelicals, committed to deeply religious views about the Bible, and yet still able to be moved on climate change.”
We do not know how long-lasting the purported conversion of the evangelical students lasted beyond 2015 and 2016, when the students saw Ms. Hayhoe’s video presentation.
Ms. Hayhoe began her lecture with an attempt to distinguish between faith and science. She cited the Bible verse: 'Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen' (Hebrews 11:1 KJV). Then, according to a summary of the lecture set forth in her father’s co-authored article, Ms. Hayhoe said that science is the opposite.
“Now science is the substance of things here and now, the evidence of things we can observe,” Ms. Hayhoe said. Global warming or the fact that human beings are affecting the climate is not a matter of faith or belief but of science, which Ms. Hayhoe defined as “the systematic study of the world through observation and experiment.”
Ms. Hayhoe then proceeded with her description of the science of climate change and its conclusions. In doing so, however, she displayed the moral certitude of a fervent believer rather than the inquiring mind of a scientist who continues to question conventional wisdom. She said, “Only when we have examined and discounted the natural suspects for a changing climate (i.e. changing solar output, natural cycles, etc), can we attribute climate change to people.”
It’s all about the burning of fossil fuels by humans since the start of the Industrial Revolution, Ms. Hayhoe argued, which has added an extra blanket of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere above what would be considered the natural state needed to sustain life. “This extra blanket is causing our global warming,” according to Ms. Hayhoe. Not one of several contributing causes, mind you, but the single most important cause of all.
Ms. Hayhoe’s certitude, she said, is rooted in the science of the greenhouse effect that goes back two centuries. But what she is expressing is little more than a leap of faith of her own, premised on the belief that human beings are the most important entity in the universe contributing to climate change. And from her position of certitude, she preaches drastic action.
“Of course, what we are asking for is a huge change in the fabric of society, as large as the change from slavery to today,” Ms. Hayhoe declared in her lecture. She praised China, in contrast to the United States, for being “the top country in wind producing energy, and the second top country in solar energy production,” while neglecting to mention that China remains the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.
Finally, Ms. Hayhoe touted Citizens Climate Lobby in her lecture. This lobby group has promoted a carbon tax. Citizens Climate Lobby also has stated that it shares the goals of the proponents of the Green New Deal and is “encouraged that Green New Deal supporters have raised the urgency of climate change in the media and within the halls of Congress.”
In short, Ms. Hayhoe morphed from scientist to moralist to political lobbyist advocate, all in the space of her 44-minute lecture to the evangelical students.  
Ms. Hayhoe has not limited herself to taking her climate change message to the evangelical community. Wearing her scientist’s hat, she was a co-author of the latest supposedly scientifically based volume of the National Climate Assessment report issued last year. This report set out dire projections as to what may happen by the end of this century if drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are not taken in time. The long-range predictions are based not on observable evidence but on computer models, which Ms. Hayhoe herself has admitted are inexact. The authors didn’t allow that inconvenient problem to get in the way of advancing their radical policy prescriptions.
Ms. Hayhoe has also worn the moralist hat, extending her attempt to connect fighting climate change with evangelicals’ core values to reaching broader audiences with a similar message. She has exhorted that the urgency of fighting climate change is strongly connected to whatever core value system a person has.
“Does the thermometer give us a different answer depending on if we're liberal or conservative?” she asked rhetorically at a TEDWomen conference last year, for example. “Of course not. But if that thermometer tells us that the planet is warming, that humans are responsible and that to fix this thing, we have to wean ourselves off fossil fuels as soon as possible -- well, some people would rather cut off their arm than give the government any further excuse to disrupt their comfortable lives and tell them what to do.” She then advised, as an antidote to such selfishness, that “just about every single person in the world already has the values they need to care about a changing climate. They just haven't connected the dots. And that's what we can do through our conversation with them.”
It is Ms. Hayhoe who has not connected the dots. She lives within her own bubble of moral certitude, which assumes that everyone must think like she does and worship at the same climate change altar.
"I study climate change because I think it's the greatest humanitarian crisis of our times," Ms. Hayhoe was quoted as saying last year by the Thomson Reuters Foundation
Many people do not share Ms. Hayhoe’s value system and do not connect their own value systems to fighting climate change as their most urgent priority. Some people may, for example, question how Ms. Hayhoe can view climate change as the greatest humanitarian crisis today, eclipsing the mass murder, torture, sexual abuse and persecution of many millions of her fellow Christians and other people of faith by jihadists.
It is not about worrying that government will disrupt our comfortable lives, as Ms. Hayhoe assumed in her condescending explanation of why she believes people resist urgent action to deal with climate change. Many people genuinely worry about having jobs and enough money to take care of themselves and their families today. They worry about seemingly endless wars, nuclear proliferation, and terrorism that can endanger them or their loved ones today. In short, the immediate challenges of life and simply getting through the day take precedence over doomsday predictions of mid to late century economic disasters that climate change may or may not bring about.
The failure of Ms. Hayhoe and her fellow climate change activists to understand all this is what happens when critical thinking and empathy with human beings’ real-life daily concerns are thrown to the wind.

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