Thursday, October 1, 2020

Joe Biden Says “I am the Democratic Party.” It Supports Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth (Democrats also support Euthanasia of the Old & Useless Joe, better Run.)


Joe Biden Says “I am the Democratic Party.” It Supports Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth (Democrats also support Euthanasia of the Old & Useless Joe, better Run.)


During last night’s first presidential debate, Joe Biden declared that he was the Democratic Party:

My party is me. Right now, I am the Democratic Party. I am the Democratic Party, right now. The platform of the Democratic Party is what I, in fact, approved of.

“The Democratic Party and its leadership want abortion at any time, anywhere, and under any circumstances,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “In his own words, it means that Joe Biden wants abortion at any time, anywhere, and under any circumstances.”

A Biden/Harris administration would seek to:

  • enshrine abortion on demand in federal law;
  • appoint justices who will commit, in advance, to uphold abortion on demand;
  • reverse the Trump Administration’s pro-life policies;
  • reverse President Trump’s Title X rule that prevents family planning grantees from co-locating with abortion clinics, or from referring clients for abortion;
  • promote abortion around the world by reversing the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance program which prevents federal taxpayer dollars from being used by abortion groups to perform or promote abortion overseas;
  • abolish the Hyde Amendment and use federal tax dollars to pay for abortion on demand.

SIGN THE PLEDGE: We Can’t Vote for Pro-Abortion Joe Biden

In an interview with The New York Times editorial board in January 2020, Joe Biden was asked what he would look for in a nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. He said:

They have to have an expansive view of the Constitution. Recognize the right to privacy, unenumerated rights that exist in the Constitution… that means I know they will in fact support Roe v. Wade.

“Joe Biden would force taxpayers to pay for abortions, he would turn back the clock on pro-life policies, and he would run rough-shod over the wishes of the American people in an effort to please pro-abortion groups,” said Tobias. “Women and their unborn children would suffer if Joe Biden were to win.”

Chelsea Clinton Opposes Amy Coney Barrett Because She Supported Pro-Life Laws (Anyone know who this Chelsea Clinton thinks she is. Well, no one else does either.)


Chelsea Clinton Opposes Amy Coney Barrett Because She Supported Pro-Life Laws (Anyone know who this Chelsea Clinton thinks she is. Well, no one else does either.)


Chelsea Clinton slammed Amy Coney Barrett as a potential disaster on the U.S. Supreme Court because she supports laws that would protect unborn babies from abortion.

In an op-ed Monday in Cosmopolitan, Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill and Hillary Clinton, urged voters to “dissent” to Barrett’s confirmation, People reports.

President Donald Trump named Barrett as his choice last week to fill the seat of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a heroine of abortion activists. The president and many others have praised Barrett as a “brilliant and gifted” lawyer who will uphold the Constitution and not legislate from the bench.

A Notre Dame law professor and judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Barrett is Catholic, conservative and pro-life. Therefore, Clinton and other abortion supporters believe there will be “disastrous consequences for the country” if the U.S. Senate confirms her.

“The right to choose … has hung on by the thinnest of legal threads,” Clinton wrote. “One Supreme Court vote could be enough to snap it. Although she doesn’t have a long judicial record, Amy Coney Barrett has voted in two abortion cases—both times in favor of abortion restrictions that would require parental notification and allow the state to ban the procedure on the basis of race, sex, or Down syndrome diagnosis.”

SIGN THE PETITION: Vote to Confirm Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett

Clinton contrasted her with Ginsburg, who consistently ruled in favor of abortion on demand during her nearly 30 years on the Supreme Court. Her father, pro-abortion President Bill Clinton, chose Ginsburg, and last year, he admitted that abortion was a major factor in his choice.

“I admired Justice Ginsburg so much: She was the rare adult who made our country live up to a child’s inherent sense of fairness,” his daughter wrote this week. “Justice Ginsburg served on the court for 27 years. She wrote 483 opinions, many of which were intent on making every American who felt excluded—women in particular—belong.”

Clinton urged voters to follow Ginsburg’s lead as “The Great Dissenter” and demand that the Senate reject Barrett.

“Now it is our turn to dissent against Trump’s choice for Ginsburg’s replacement and against the rush to confirm her before Election Day,” she wrote.

Barrett’s voice would be a welcome change to the liberal, pro-abortion female justices on the court. Ginsburg especially was idolized by abortion activists for repeatedly ruling against pro-life laws. Though abortion is considered a “woman’s issue,” polls consistently show that many women are strongly pro-life and a majority want the law to protect unborn babies from abortion, at least in some circumstances.

If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Barrett would solidify a strong 6-3 conservative majority on the high court. Pro-life advocates hope and abortion activists fear that Barrett could lead to the undoing of Roe v. Wade. Pro-life leaders have praised her as an excellent choice for the court.

She is a former clerk of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Like Scalia, Barrett has been described as an “originalist” judge. Though her judicial rulings on abortion are few, she did rule in support of two Indiana pro-life laws during her time on the Seventh Circuit.

She also has made several statements about the value of babies in the womb. According to the Law and Crime blog, Barrett signed a public letter in 2015 that emphasized “the value of human life from conception to natural death.” She also said she believes that life begins at conception.

Barrett is a law professor at the University of Notre Dame, a devout Catholic and a wife and mother of seven children.

Joe Biden Supports Abortions Up to Birth During Debate: “Roe v. Wade is at Stake” NATIONAL STEVEN ERTELT SEP 30, 2020


Joe Biden Supports Abortions Up to Birth During Debate: “Roe v. Wade is at Stake”


During last night’s presidential debate, Democrat nominee Joe Biden supported the Supreme Court decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions up to birth. Although he flubbed and said the opposite, Biden discussed how he opposes Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court in part because she could be a deciding vote to overturn Roe and allow states to protect unborn babies from abortion.

“Roe v. Wade. That’s also at stake right now,” Joe Biden said during the presidential debate, arguing Judge Amy Coney Barrett should not be confirmed to fill the seat vacated after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the election.

Biden argued that the radical pro-abortion decision is “also on the ballot.”

“Why is it on the ballot? It’s not on the ballot,” Trump retorted. “There’s nothing happening there.”

“You don’t know what her views are,” Trump said of Barrett.

SIGN THE PLEDGE: We Can’t Vote for Pro-Abortion Joe Biden

That Biden would stand for the Supreme Court decision that resulted in killing 62 million babies in abortions is not surprising. Biden seems to be deaf to their cries as he calls abortion “reproductive health care” and telling Planned Parenthood he will “do everything in my power” to make sure abortion stays legal up to birth. It’s clear he doesn’t apply any of his Catholic faith to abortion.

Biden thinks that killing babies in abortions is a right and that abortions should be funded in every state with federal taxpayer dollars. Although he euphemistically calls abortion health care, at the time he endorsed forcing taxpayer to fund abortions last year, Biden said: “If I believe health care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone’s ZIP code.”

“We will protect women’s constitutional right to choose, and I am proud to stand with you in this fight,” Biden added, using another euphemism for killing babies in abortions.

Biden has a strong pro-abortion voting record that goes back for many years, and he supported President Barack Obama’s leadership as the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history. What’s more, pro-abortion movement leaders say they “trust” Biden to protect abortion on demand. As the vice president, he supported the administration’s pro-abortion policies, including Obamacare, which forced religious employers to pay for drugs that may cause abortions.

From 2001 to 2008, Biden’s voting record on pro-life issues was close to zero, according to the National Right to Life Committee. In 2005, for example, he voted against the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits funding to overseas groups that promote and/or perform abortions. He also voted repeatedly to require that military service members’ abortions be covered by taxpayer dollars.

To show how far Biden has come toward the pro-abortion view, he once likened an abortion to an operation — as if taking the life of a baby before birth is somehow beneficial in the same manner as a patient’s operation.

Biden said: “Maybe where Romney is most sketchy is on women’s rights. I got a daughter and lost a daughter. I’ve got four granddaughters and Barack has two daughters. And this is to our core. Our daughters and our granddaughters are entitled to every single solitary operation, every single solitary opportunity!”

Meanwhile, President Trump has the support of pro-life groups, which represent the majority of Americans on abortion.

Joy Behar Wants Moderator To Hit Trump With Taser Every Time He Interrupts Biden (Is our Beloved Joy Behar actually threatening harm on our President Trump)


Joy Behar Wants Moderator To Hit Trump With Taser Every Time He Interrupts Biden (Is our Beloved Joy Behar actually threatening harm on our President Trump)


Joy Behar said Wednesday that she would like to see the next debate moderator hit President Donald Trump with a taser every time he tried to interrupt Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Behar, whose pre-debate advice to Biden was to “make a fool” of Trump, had a slightly different take the morning after on ABC’s “The View.”

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Behar began the segment by admitting that she had started drinking early on Tuesday, saying that she “knew what was coming.”

She went on to argue that she would like to see someone like Tony Soprano moderate a Trump debate, adding, “Every time he interrupts, you tase him.”

Behar concluded by referencing her previous career as a schoolteacher.

“When my kids would act up the way Donald Trump acted up last night I would call the parents,” she said. “In this case, we would have to call the Long Island medium to have a seance. So in summation, I felt very bad for Chris Wallace, but the ball is in America’s court now. Are we going to vote for the toddler or the parent? That’s what it comes down to, America. That’s it.”

LifeNews Note: Virginia Kruta writes for Daily Caller. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience.

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