Thursday, October 1, 2020

Abbas’ latest joke: Appoint terrorists to fight terror Maurice Hirsch, Adv.‎ | Oct 1, 2020 Read on our website



Abbas’ latest joke: Appoint terrorists to fight terror

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.‎ | Oct 1, 2020
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“Money for nothing”  
‎– the PA version of Dire Straits

  • PA planning to absorb released terrorists into the PA Security Forces ‎

  • PA pays released terrorists high monthly salaries for not working

  • ‎PA grants terrorists free university education, professional training, and ‎even dental work ‎

In a revealing interview, the Director of the Palestinian Authority-funded ‎Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, made ‎three exceptional revelations – all of which are relevant for the PA’s foreign donors. ‎They show what the PA prioritizes spending its money on, and ultimately, what ‎purposes the foreign donors are helping to fund.‎

Since Palestinian Media Watch exposed the PA’s terror reward payments, many ‎countries who donate funds to the PA earmark their donations for specific ‎purposes, such as the payment of the salaries of civil servants. According to Abu ‎Bakr, the PA’s latest exercise in deception is to recruit released terrorists - to whom ‎the PA pays salaries for doing nothing - to fulfill ostensibly legitimate PA positions, ‎and thereby deceive the world into funding the PA’s outrageous terror reward ‎program. Most outrageously, it appears that the PA is going to integrate the released ‎terrorists into positions in the PA security forces - the very same forces tasked with ‎fighting terrorism.‎

During the interview, Abu Bakr admitted that there are 7,000 - 8,000 released ‎terrorist prisoners who receive a monthly salary from the PA for doing nothing! ‎

‎“A prisoner is released from prison and receives a released prisoner’s ‎salary, without working and without doing anything... We have 7,000-8,000 ‎released prisoners who are receiving a salary like this.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs,  Sept. 7, 2020]‎

Next, Abu Bakr admitted that despite the deep financial crisis the PA has put itself ‎in, and their appeals to the world for assistance to deal with the effects of the Covid-‎‎19 pandemic, the PA continues to pay salaries to terrorists. He even put his own job ‎on the line should the terrorist salaries not be paid: ‎

‎“I will quit if the allowances are not paid”‎

Finally, Abu Bakr explained some of the additional benefits - such as university ‎education, professional training, and even dental work - the PA grants to released ‎terrorists: ‎

‎“Every prisoner who is released after a year is eligible to study at university ‎and also carpentry, metalworking, and the like. Any profession that we can ‎cover for him. We are also covering dental treatment up to 5,000 [Israeli] ‎shekels. We cover implants.”   ‎

Money for nothing

The 2004 PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs guarantees ‎terrorists - both those in prison and those released from prison - a monthly salary ‎and many other benefits. ‎

PA Government Decision No. 15 of 2013, as amended in 2015, adopted the ‎‎“Regulation for Ensuring Jobs for Released Prisoners” which codifies both the ‎payment of salaries to released terrorists and the other benefits to which they are ‎entitled.‎

Paragraph 8(1) of the regulation provides:‎

‎“A released male prisoner who was in prison for 10 years or more, and a ‎released female prisoner who was in prison for 5 years or more, will be ‎employed with a salary in the state institutions, according to the table ‎appended to this regulation.”‎

While this provision might suggest that these released terrorists - men who spent 10 ‎years in prison and women who spent 5 years in prison – will actually be gainfully ‎employed, article 8(3) clarifies:‎

“Every released prisoner who is employed with a salary according to this ‎clause, is required to comply with the official decisions of the state ‎institutions and to present himself to work if he is requested to do so.”

In other words, released terrorists who meet the criteria are not actually employed by ‎the PA. Rather, they simply receive a salary for a position, for which they must ‎present themselves only if specifically requested to do so. According to Abu Bakr, ‎there are between 7,000 – 8,000 released terrorists who are “employed with a ‎salary” but sit around doing nothing.    ‎

The pay table (referenced in para. 8(1)) attached to the regulation sets the salaries ‎of the released terrorists according to the pay scales of non-terrorist, law-abiding, ‎real, senior civil servants. According to the pay scale, terrorists released after 10 ‎years in prison receive a starting salary equivalent to that earned by an A class ‎manager or of a Lieutenant Colonel, simply because they are released terrorists. ‎

While the fact that the PA pays substantial salaries to terrorists who are just sitting at ‎home is cause for concern, the PA’s new initiative to “solve” this problem is even ‎more worrying. In the interview, Abu Bakr explained that PA Chairman Mahmoud ‎Abbas recently approved a change in policy to recruit the terrorists to the PA’s ‎security forces! ‎

Abu Bakr: “A prisoner is released from prison and receives a released ‎prisoner’s salary, without working and without doing anything. We raised ‎before President [Abbas] the need to absorb the [released] prisoners, so ‎that no one will feel that he is at a high level and sits [idly by]. We have ‎‎[released prisoners ] with degrees – matriculation, BA, MA, and Ph.D. Why ‎should we not absorb them into the PA institutions? Praise Allah, a number ‎of days ago the president agreed to this suggestion and assembled a ‎committee of the highest levels led by Prime Minister Muhammad ‎Shtayyeh, to begin absorbing these prisoners. We have 7,000-8,000 ‎released prisoners who are receiving a salary like this. This is also being ‎exploited against us in Europe, the US, and Israel - that they receive a salary ‎because they killed and did this and that...” ...‎

Ma’an host: “They will be absorbed in positions?”

Abu Bakr:“In security positions – the [PA] Security Forces, or in the ‎governmental ministries, the institutions of the PA, and its authorities.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Sept. 7, 2020]‎

Clearly, in the PA world where terrorists are paid cash rewards simply for being ‎terrorists - including murderers and mass murderers and other members of ‎internationally designated terror organizations such as Hamas, Palestinian Islamic ‎Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine arrested for the full ‎spectrum of terror offences - it is fitting to recruit the released terrorists into the ‎security apparatus that is meant to fight terror.  ‎

Despite financial crisis, terrorist prisoners still get paid
In the last few months, the income of the PA has plummeted, both as a result of the ‎Covid-19 pandemic and as a result of the PA’s decision to cut its ties with Israel, ‎including refusing to accept hundreds of millions of shekels that Israel collects in ‎taxes and transfers to the PA every month. To cover the shortfall, the PA has been ‎begging the world to increase donations. While many, most predominantly the EU, ‎have generously answered the call the PA has shamefully continued to waste its ‎own money by maintaining its cash rewards to the terrorist prisoners. ‎

PA Government Decision Number 23 of 2010, “Regarding the Regulation of ‎Payment of the Monthly Salary to the Prisoner” codifies both the pay scale of the ‎terrorist prisoners and other benefits to which they are entitled. ‎

The pay scale starts at 1,400 shekels/month, rising with time spent in prison to ‎‎12,000 shekels/month.‎

 ‎  ‎

Due to the financial crisis, the PA has had to cut significantly the salaries it pays to ‎its civil servants. Since the PA also considers the terrorist prisoners in their prison ‎cells to be “employees” of the PA, the same salary cuts, which were applied to the ‎law-abiding, non-terrorist, civil servants, were also applied to the salaries of the ‎terrorists. The exception to that rule being the part of the terror salaries that the PA ‎deposits monthly to the accounts of the prisoners in the prisons for use in the ‎canteen. ‎

Ma’an host: “[You’ve said] “I will quit if the allowances are not paid.” In other ‎words, if the [PA] Ministry of Finance does not pay the allowances of the  ‎Commission [of Prisoners’ Affairs], even partly...”‎

Abu Bakr: “We have the canteen [expenses] that are paid monthly to the ‎prisoners. They are being paid, and also on the first of the current month [of ‎September] they transferred the canteen [expenses] to us... The prisoners’ ‎allowances are also being paid...”‎

Host: “The prisoners’ issues need to be at the top of everyone’s priorities, ‎even in a matter such as their allowance payments. Do you think that the ‎prisoners’ cause is being neglected and is no longer at the top of the ‎priorities regarding the monetary allowances paid to them?”‎

Abu Bakr: “No, I don’t think so and the proof of this is that even when the ‎Israelis cancelled the allowances, a full salary was paid to them. A 100% ‎salary was paid to the prisoners, while the [public] employees received half a ‎salary.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Sept. 7, 2020]‎

As exposed by PMW, in 2019 the PA admitted to spending 517.4 million shekels ‎‎(circa 150 million US dollars) funding its terror rewarding salaries. With an average ‎monthly expenditure in excess of 43 million shekels, even if the PA cut the salaries ‎of the terrorist prisoners in half, it still means that the PA’s terror rewards cost over ‎‎21.5 million shekels (circa 6.25 million US dollars) every month. ‎

Free studies and dental work

Referring to some of the other benefits the PA provides to the terrorist prisoners and ‎released terrorists, including higher or vocational education and dental work, Abu ‎Bakr added: ‎

‎“In prison [the prisoner] is “covered,” [and paid for] whether at university or ‎studying for his matriculation exam... Every prisoner who is released after a ‎year is eligible to study at university and also carpentry, metalworking, and ‎the like. Any profession we can cover for him. We are also covering dental ‎treatment up to 5,000 [Israeli] shekels. We cover implants.”‎

Since the only criteria required by the PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ ‎Affairs to receive the salaries and benefits described by Abu Bakr is to be a terrorist ‎arrested by Israel, it is clear that the goal of these overly generous payments is to ‎incentivize and reward terror.‎

These payments continue to this day irrespective of the circumstances and ‎irrespective of the PA’s begging the international community to increase donations ‎to relieve them of the self-imposed financial crisis. ‎
‎ ‎
If Mark Knopfler, the legendary lead vocalist of the British rock band Dire Straits, ‎were a Palestinian terrorist, the group’s iconic parody, “Money for nothing” of the ‎MTV culture, would have taken on a whole new meaning. ‎

The following is a longer excerpt of the interview with Abu Bakr:‎

Video posted on the Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs; ‎the video shows an interview by the independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an ‎with Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr

Independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an host: “The debts of the [PLO] ‎Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs are accumulating, and a while ago you said: ‘I will ‎quit if the allowances are not paid’ – in other words, if the [PA] Ministry of Finance ‎does not pay the allowances of the Commission, even partially. Let us talk first ‎about the problem: First of all, what are the Commission’s allowances? Where are ‎they being paid? We know that the prisoners are studying in the universities, and ‎accordingly there are allowances that are transferred to the universities in exchange ‎for the prisoners’ studies. Could you explain to us first about this matter?”‎

Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr: “Firstly, there ‎is an economic crisis, whether in the Commission or in the PA in general. We are ‎witness to the PA’s difficulty in transferring half salaries to the [PA public] ‎employees. Now regarding the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, we have the ‎canteen [expenses] that are paid monthly to the prisoners. That is not being ‎touched. They are being paid, and also on the first of the current month [of ‎September] they transferred the canteen [expenses] to us as they are.”‎

Host: “The prisoners’ expenses.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The prisoners’ allowances are also being paid, and what is correct ‎in relation to the [public] employees is correct in relation to the Commission of ‎Prisoners’ Affairs. We are being subjected to great pressure, primarily on the ‎Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs. For example, in Gaza half salaries have been ‎paid for a long time, and for a number of months they have given them half of their ‎half salaries. There is also the matter of stopping the salaries on a monthly basis, ‎particularly in Gaza. It appears that there are many annoying reports that are being ‎published and this also constitutes [a problem] for us, since everyone is calling us. ‎We are the address. They are calling us. Another matter-”‎

Host: “In other words, who is publishing these reports?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “I don’t know. From Gaza, of course. Like, people- Now the ‎universities, for example. Every prisoner who leaves the prison – in the prison he is ‎‎‘covered,’ [and paid for] whether at university or studying for his matriculation exam ‎and the like. Every prisoner who is released after a year is eligible to study at ‎university and also carpentry, metalworking, and the like. Any profession that we ‎can cover for him. We are also covering dental treatment up to 5,000 [Israeli] ‎shekels. We cover implants.”‎

Host: “For all the prisoners, or for prisoners who served a specific number of years?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “I am speaking about all the prisoners who served more than a ‎year in prison.”‎

Host: “More than a year, okay.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “They have the right to this. Now on the topic of the PA, and even ‎the Ministry of Finance, those who are close to this matter are not saying ‘We don’t ‎want to pay,’ but a number of [academic] institutions have begun – after [the debts] ‎were not paid for a while – to implement measures.”‎

Host: “Like who?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “For example the Arab American University. There are three or four ‎‎[prisoners] who completed their degree, and one of them completed the degree a ‎year and a bit ago and they want to appoint him to a specific field, but he cannot ‎work because they are delaying his degree.”‎

Host: “They are delaying it because [the debts] were not paid?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “[Because] they were not paid. Even though a while ago we paid ‎them $18,000. Al-Quds Open University, for example- I wanted to say that they have ‎gotten close to $2.5 million.”‎

Host: “The debts!”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The debts. However, they are committed, and [Al-Quds Open] ‎University President Dr. [Younes] Amr said that even if the debts reach $250 million ‎he would not be able to prevent a prisoner, a fighter, from studying. Abu Dis ‎University is also [committed] to us, but not at the same level. In any case, matters ‎have begun to move.”‎

Host: “What is the approximate sum of the debts to the universities? Do you have ‎an idea, Mr. Qadri?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Over $3 million.”‎

Host: “To the universities.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “To the universities. $3-3.5 million.”‎

Host: “That indicates that for a long period there have been no allowances to pay ‎these debts to the universities.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “There has been an economic crisis for two years already. We are ‎paying in parts, slowly. In other words, this present year [2020], at the end of the ‎year, we agreed to take 100,000 [Jordanian] dinars (approximately $141,000 –Ed.) ‎for the universities each month... The crisis arrived – the Coronavirus and the ‎‎[economic] crisis – [and things] have been frozen for a year, but we hope [for ‎resolution soon]. This week a meeting will be held with the Ministry of Finance. It ‎was supposed to be held last week, but they were very busy with arranging the ‎salaries, the half salaries, in cooperation with [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas] and ‎‎[PA] Prime Minister [Muhammad Shtayyeh]. The loan from the banks has reached ‎approximately 5 billion shekels according to my understanding – these debts for us, ‎for the PA. In other words, we don’t envy our situation.”‎

Host: “This meeting, or the call for a meeting, arrived after you sent [a message] to ‎the president and prime minister, informed them about this topic, and briefed them ‎on this crisis?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The crisis is known. The crisis is known to everyone.”‎

Host: “But perhaps you informed them about your intention to quit?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “No, that is an old matter, not new, at the level of the [Fatah] ‎Central Committee. But now I say, for example the salaries that are nearly stopped ‎monthly – there is a way now that we may participate in examining these cases. ‎Before that, the salaries were stopped without any consultation with us. Now ‎‎[cooperation] can be carried out between us. In other words, the bodies that are ‎reducing the salaries-”‎

Host: “The prisoners’ salaries?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The salaries that were stopped for some of the prisoners.”‎

Host: “You asked that the matter be carried out in consultation with you first.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Yes, it will be done in consultation and we will study some of the ‎cases and the people whose salary was stopped in prison in particular, and also ‎outside of prison, as there is a sector whose salary was stopped. There is a solution ‎also to the other matters. It may be that the Ministry of Finance has no connection to ‎the matter of stopping the salaries – the Ministry of Finance spends what comes to ‎it.”‎

Host: “Let’s say that sometimes the matters do not come easily. In other words, early ‎signs of a solution do not come easily. You pressed for this, but even though the ‎matter was not new you threatened to tender your resignation, and afterwards came ‎responses, discussions, and conversations on this matter.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “There is huge pressure on us.”‎

Host: “From whom?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “From the people. Prisoners’ families, prisoners inside the prisons, ‎prisoners outside the prisons. We have a huge number of queries that we cannot ‎deal with. For example, a prisoner from Gaza whose salary was stopped... talks with ‎me and tells me: ‘We cannot live. My salary was 6,000 shekels [a month] – it became ‎‎3,000 shekels when they reduced it. We relied on the 3,000 shekels, and now I am ‎getting half of that same 3,000 shekels.’ I tell him: ‘There is economic hardship and ‎there are other bodies.’ He tells me: ‘You are our address, and if you cannot solve ‎our problem – please, quit!’ And he is right in what he says, completely right.”‎

Host: “In other words, one of the prisoners told you these things, that you [should ‎quit].”‎
Qadri Abu Bakr: “More than one. I feel their sadness and pain. There is no doubt, ‎the situation is very difficult. This situation, as I said, is true for everyone, but ‎particularly for the prisoners. Regarding me personally, I feel that there is ‎helplessness. In other words, in general, and helplessness regarding us too, we are ‎the ones who are being negligent.”‎

Host: “This neglect- in other words, the prisoners’ issues need to be at the top of ‎everyone’s priorities, even in a matter such as their allowance payments. Do you, ‎Mr. Qadri, think that there is neglect and negligence on the prisoners’ cause and it ‎is no longer at the top of the priorities regarding the monetary allowances that are ‎paid to them?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “No, I don’t think so and the proof of this is that even when the ‎Israelis cancelled the allowances (refers to Israel’s Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law to deduct ‎the PA’s terror salaries; see note below –Ed.), a full salary was paid to them. A 100% ‎salary was paid to the prisoners, while the [public] employees received half salary. ‎Also for me personally, as a prisoner who served 17 years, I had a half salary paid to ‎me. It may be that I will refuse [to accept the salary], I will be different, because it is a ‎general cause. Sometimes a number of prisoners ask- even now prisoners call me ‎and ask: ‘Why are we not being paid 100%?’ We told them that this was a ‎provocation by the US (apparently refers to the Taylor Force Act; see note below –‎Ed.) and currently there is [economic] distress for everyone. In other words, we can’t ‎enforce a double standard. There are also topics that we have discussed in the past ‎with the president, for example a prisoner is released from prison and receives a ‎released prisoner’s salary, without working and without doing anything. We raised ‎before President [Abbas] the need to absorb the [released] prisoners, so that no one ‎will feel that he is at a high level and sits [idly by]. We have [prisoners who are ‎released] with degrees – matriculation, BA, MA, and Ph.D. Why should we not ‎absorb them into the PA institutions? Praise Allah, a number of days ago the ‎president agreed to this suggestion and assembled a committee of the highest ‎levels led by Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, to begin absorbing these ‎prisoners. We have 7,000-8,000 released prisoners who are receiving a salary like ‎this. This is also being exploited against us in Europe, the US, and Israel - that they ‎receive a salary because they killed and did this and that. The prisoner himself ‎needs to feel that he is giving, dedicating [himself].” ...‎

Host: “They will be absorbed in positions? In other words-”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Yes, security positions – the [PA] Security Forces, or in the ‎governmental ministries, the institutions of the PA, and its authorities. This is a very ‎positive program.” ...‎

Host: “However, the topic does not begin and end just with the universities. In other ‎words, the headquarter buildings of the Commission also have not paid their rents ‎for a while.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Not only the Commission, also the governmental ministries. They ‎briefed me that there are many governmental ministries that are not paying like us. ‎We have the matter of the vehicles, we have the matter of the [public] employees in ‎the organizational structure, we have countless problems. So too in other ‎governmental ministries there are problems... The political situation is also a ‎reflection of the economic situation.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Sept. 7, 2020]‎


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Arrest Sheds New Light on Joint Hizballah/Quds Force Terror Unit by Yaakov Lappin Special to IPT News October 1, 2020


Steven Emerson, Executive DirectorOctober 1, 2020

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Arrest Sheds New Light on Joint Hizballah/Quds Force Terror Unit

by Yaakov Lappin
Special to IPT News
October 1, 2020



Photo source: Shin Bet. Yasmin Jabar with two members identified by Israel as operatives of the joint Hizballah-Quds Force unit.

Israel's intelligence community recently shed light on a terrorism unit that is jointly run by Hizballah in Lebanon and the Iranian overseas Quds Force. A long-running intelligence investigation has revealed details about the working methods employed by both of these terrorist entities in their common efforts to kill and maim Israelis.

Israel's Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency, together with the Israel Police, announced Sept. 17 that they had uncovered a plot by the joint unit, aimed at recruiting Israeli Arabs and Palestinians for terror attacks inside Israel.

The investigation resulted in the arrest of a Palestinian woman, Yasmin Jabar, a resident of the Old City in Jerusalem, who had been working at Hebrew University's National Library in Jerusalem. According to a senior Shin Bet source, the investigation honed in on suspected operatives that were recruited by Hizballah, and in the process, also uncovered cell activities in Turkey.

The investigation is part of a wider Israeli effort to thwart Iranian and Hizballah terrorism and espionage rings, "including those that originate in the Turkish arena, and to expose all of the elements in Israel and Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] that assist in this," the source said.

Hizballah is notorious for its large-scale arsenal of surface-to-surface projectiles, estimated at around 170,000 rockets and missiles. The Iranian Quds Force is the driving force in arming the organization, and funding it to the tune of $700 million a year.

But in addition to building up its rocket and missile arsenal, Hizballah is also busy with multiple efforts to recruit and dispatch terror cells to attack Israelis, both inside Israel and around the world. The Islamic Republic's Quds Force, whose commander Qassem Soleimani was assassinated in Baghdad by a U.S. drone strike last January, and is now led by his former deputy, Esmail Ghaani, continues to be Hizballah's partner in this endeavor.

The latest investigation uncovered how Hizballah uses secret communications channels, including the transmission of coded messages through social media networks, according to the Shin Bet. It also highlighted meetings by recruiters and operatives held around the world, "with an emphasis on Turkey," and the use of fictitious codenames by operatives during their operational missions to hide their membership in Hizballah.

Jabar was arrested by Israeli security forces Aug. 20 after falling under suspicion of being recruited by Hizballah. Additional suspects also were arrested on suspicion of belonging to the cell, including a Palestinian woman living in Ramallah who had spent time in Turkey in recent years.

The investigation found that Hizballah was holding conferences for young Palestinians in Lebanon, aimed at identifying potential recruits from Israel and the West Bank. Jabar, the Shin Bet said, was identified and marked out by Hizballah personnel after taking part in such a conference in Lebanon in 2015.

She received an operational codename – "Rahil." On a subsequent visit to Lebanon in 2016, two members of the joint unit run by Hizballah and the Quds Force, identified as Atiya Abu Samhadna and Muhammad Al-Haj Mussa, connected "Rahil" to a senior terror operative, identified by the Shin Bet as Jafar Kabisi, a man involved in past Hizballah recruitment efforts.

"Since being recruited by Hizballah, Jabar held secret communications with her operator, though the sending of covert agreed-upon messages on social media networks (such as Facebook and Instagram), and in line with an operational briefing and instructions she received from Hizballah," the Shin Bet stated.

During meetings in Turkey, Jabar received instructions from a female Hizballah operative identified by the Shin Bet as Rand Wahaba, a member of the joint terror unit, who went under the codename of "Wafa."

"During these meetings," Shin Bet said, "it was made clear to Jabar that her role was to recruit additional operatives in Israel, who will act as a cell under her command, with an emphasis on the importance of recruiting from among Israeli Arabs, particularly women, whose advantage is in their ability to move freely in Israel and to act within local cells for gathering information that will be used to plan future terror attacks."

The other operative arrested by Israeli security forces, Ramallah resident Tasnim Al-Qa'adi, is a friend of Jabar's who allegedly took part in the 2015 Lebanon conference as well. There, she met the terror unit's operatives and remained in touch with them, acting as liaison between the unit and Jabar, as part of the unit's efforts to maintain secret communication channels. Al-Qa'adi also allegedly received funds from the terror unit.

This is the second time that the Hizballah-Quds Unit has been exposed by Israel's intelligence community. In June, the Shin Bet identified Beirut Hamud – from Majd al-Krum, an Arab town in Israel's northern Galilee region – together with her husband, Balal Bizari, as recruits for the unit. They were allegedly tasked with recruiting additional members into a cell.

The intelligence agency called Bizari, warning him that Israel was aware of his and his wife's activities. Bizari attempted to dismiss the accusations during the call.

The recent revelations came days after another reminder of Hizballah's worldwide terror activity, which came in the form of a Bulgarian court sentencing of two Lebanese men in absentia for their role in assisting the 2012 Burgas bus bombing that killed seven people, including five Israeli citizens.

An additional reminder of Hizballah's activities came on Tuesday, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israel Defense Force identified three sites in Beirut, embedded in civilian neighborhoods, used by the organization to produce precision guided missiles.

"We all saw the terrible explosion at Beirut port last month," Netanyahu said during a speech delivered by video conference to the United Nations. Using maps for emphasis, he pointed to the blast site. "This is the Beirut port. Two hundred people died, thousands of people were injured, and a quarter of a million people were made homeless. Now, here is where the next explosion could take place. Right here. This is the Beirut neighborhood of Janah. It's right next to the international airport. And here, Hizballah is keeping a secret arms depot. This secret arms depot, right here, is adjacent, a meter away, from a gas company. These are gas canisters. Right here. It's a few meters away from a gas station. It's 50 meters away from the gas company. Here are more gas trucks. And it's embedded in civilian housing here, civilian housing here."

He added, "I say to the people of Lebanon, Israel means you no harm. But Iran does. Iran and Hizballah have deliberately put you and your families in grave danger."

The precision guided missile project is a joint Hizballah-Iranian program, and it includes the conversion of existing rockets into precision projectiles, as well as setting up an array to produce them from scratch within Lebanon.

The program fits in well with Hizballah and Iran's agenda of using human shields to protect offensive capabilities designed to target Israeli civilians.

Whether through missiles or terror plots, Israel's defense establishment is continuously monitoring, and occasionally exposing, efforts by Iran and Hizballah to target Israelis.

Yaakov Lappin is a military and strategic affairs correspondent. He also conducts research and analysis for defense think tanks, and is the military correspondent for JNS. His book, The Virtual Caliphate, explores the online jihadist presence.

Copyright © 2020. Investigative Project on Terrorism. All rights reserved.

Related Topics: HizballahRecruitment  |  Yaakov Lappinterror plotsShin BetYasmin JabarHebrew UniversityJafar KabisiMuhammad Al-Haj MussaIranQuds ForceEsmail GhaaniTurkeyTasmin Al-Qa'adiHizballah missile sites 

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Democrats prepping to create chaos if Trump wins by Larry Horist September 29, 2020 in Politics and Elections


Democrats prepping to create chaos if Trump wins

Democrats have been strategically scaring the nation into believing that this election will be chaotic – a constitutional crisis – because of what President Trump may do to win or might do if he loses.  They even suggest – even outright claim – that Trump will not leave the Oval Office if he loses the election.  That is utterly absurd, but they obviously believe in the ignorance and gullibility of the Democrat base.

We have to keep in mind that it is the Democrat and the left-wing media that did not accept the results of the 2016 election.  They declared Trump to be an illegitimate President and commenced an unprecedented campaign of opposition – even attempting to remove Trump from office – under the banner of the #NeverTrump Resistance Movement.  Republican apostate and MSNBC payroller Michael Steele went so far as to declare that the people should not treat Trump as a real President “because he is not” – and the media should not report what he says.  That is cancel culture on steroids.

With the support of the elitist media, Trump’s political enemies carried out a conspiracy theory motivated two-year investigation – falsely alleging that the Trump campaign criminally conspired with the Russians (ultimately disproven by the Mueller Investigation) – and the most political and baseless impeachment in American history.

The Democrats and the left-wing media are already queuing up the specious narratives for a chaotic election.  There are three principle thrusts – and all of them require mendaciously redefining normal and legal actions – quite common, in fact – as sinister plots.

Trump will rig the election  

Because of the scope of the vote, it is exceedingly difficult – but not impossible – to change the proper outcome of a presidential election by various nefarious means.  In the historic record, there have only been two presidential elections that may have been decided wrongly because of political chicanery.  The first was the 1876 election in the Electoral College of Republican President Rutherford B. Hayes over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden.  The final and deciding electoral vote was determined by a deal in which Hayes agreed to remove federal troops from the unrepentant south in return for the necessary electoral votes to be elected President.  That deal – The Compromise of 1877 – led to the violent takeover of the old Confederacy by the Democratic Party and 100 years of tragic Negro oppression.

The second was the 1960 election of President Kennedy.  Historians are mostly in agreement that vote fraud by the Chicago Daley Machine and the political forces of then-Senator and Democrat vice presidential candidate Lyndon Johnson led to the illegal flipping of electoral votes of Illinois and Texas – providing the young senator with the win in the Electoral College.

Modern day Democrats constantly warn of the risk of voter oppression – especially involving Black and Hispanic voters.  The problem with that theory is that the actual statistics indicate that Black and Hispanic voters are casting ballots in much higher numbers than they had previously. And even if you were to believe that massive voter oppression exists, there is no evidence that it was a factor in deciding any election – at least not since the racist Democrats got booted out of the South.   If there is some organized and strategic nefarious voter suppression, it is one of the most failed gambits in political history.

What is ignored is the prospect of the casting of millions of illegal ballots giving an unearned victory to the Biden/Harris team in the Electoral College.  By the estimation of the liberal Pew Research, there could be as many as 20 million ballots in circulation that could be cast by – or in the name of – individuals who are either dead or not legally eligible to vote.  Absentee balloting – even no excuse absentee balloting – is not the major problem.  Although it can be a marginal problem.  That is because individuals must REQUEST a ballot.  The more troublesome practice – which Democrats are aggressively pursuing – is the sending out millions of unsolicited ballots – including to those 20 million folks about which Pew Research warned.

There is likely to be a lot of confusion, chaos and controversy over the upcoming election because there will be a lot of improper ballots to be challenged for a lot of good reasons.  Placing the emphasis on vote-by-mail, the Democrats and their media buddies have all but assured the confusion, chaos and controversy.

But thank God for the Electoral College.  Despite all the chaos, the court battles and the accusations of vote fraud, the EC assures that there will be a legitimate President to take the oath of office on Inauguration Day.  Without that bit of Founders’ genius, the chaos, the court battles and the accusations of vote fraud could go on for months – without a legitimate President to transition into that office.

Trump will not accept the results of the election

Those advancing the propaganda that Trump will not leave office in some dictatorial fashion give the impression that the President will simply refuse to accept the results of the election and hang around the Oval Office with his feet on the desk.  That is such an absurd scenario that is it shameful that there are some people – so hateful of Trump or just plain stupid — that will actually believe it.

What they are really referring to is the possibility that Trump and the Republicans may challenge some voting in the courts – if they believe that there might have been outcome-altering mistakes or mischief.  The left will recast that traditional, legal and common practice into a sinister plot.

In other words, what the Al Gore Democrats did in 2000 – and political parties and candidates have done thousands of times over the years – will be deemed a sinister move only because those legal rights might be exercised by the much-hated Donald Trump.

This becomes a likely scenario because of the changes that we have made – and are making today – in our election procedures.  Think about it.  We live in an age of communication in which technology operates at the speed of light – and yet we are facing the likelihood of having the most unsettled and prolonged vote count in modern history.  It was not long ago, when the outcome of our elections was declared within hours – even minutes – of the polls closing on the west coast.

Today, it is possible that there will not even be an “unofficial” result for days or weeks … or months … after what we once called Election Day.  Sometimes progress is going back to what worked – but that is a discussion for another time.  In the meantime, it appears that the Democrats are going to use the election chaos and confusion — for which they are largely responsible — as a political weapon to be used against Trump and Republican candidates.

Declaring martial law

Among the possibilities that Democrats are promoting – as utterly ridiculous as it is – is that Trump will declare martial law.  Now the implication is  …  is … Hell, I have no idea what that means.  Are they saying that somehow Trump will put U.S. Marshals in front of polling places to block voters?  Will they be seizing ballot boxes and dump them in the river – one of the tactics of the old Chicago Democrat political machine?

Of course, this is nothing more than the current level of anti-Republican HYPER hyperbole.  It is not the sort of stuff any rational person would believe – or any rational political figure would assert.  But these are not rational times.

The strategy is not entirely foolish.  Evil and ugly, yes,  But not foolish.  You can almost believe that they will declare ANY use of U.S. Marshals as evidence of declaring martial law.

Allow me to explain.

It is not uncommon for U.S. Marshals to be placed in polling places where there has been evidence of irregularities with bipartisan oversight in order TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE BALLOTING.   They do not operate as some sort of stormtroopers for one political faction or another.

Because of the high incidents of vote stealing in Chicago, voter integrity groups with which I had been associated – such as Project LEAP (Legal Elections in All Precincts), the City Club of Chicago, the Better Government Association and the League of Women Voters – often joined forces to call on the Justice Department to send in U.S. Marshals to supervise election in a number of high vulnerable precincts.  Those requests were almost always agreed to.

If … and that is a big IF … U.S. Marshals are needed and requested based on any record of vote fraud, that is NOT a declaration of martial law.  If the request comes from Democrats to address what they allege to be voter suppression, it will be heralded in the media as the proper role for the good and honest members of the U.S. Marshal’s service.

If, however, the request is made to address the traditional practices of the big city Democrat machines, expect Democrat leaders and their media allies to be screaming MARTIAL LAW imposed by that dictator in the Oval Office.  That is what they seem to be teeing up to do.


I understand that Democrat leaders and the crony press will pooh-pooh my suggestion of the very existence of vote fraud.  They can preach their biased gospel all they want, but I am more than confident that most of those reading my commentary will know full well – having seen or experienced large-scale vote fraud – that vote fraud does exist.  As Lincoln wisely noted, you just cannot fool all the people all the time.

And as far as Trump holding office after it has been FINALLY established that he lost the vote – and more importantly the Electoral College tally – that is more a script for a B-rated movie than real life in America.  Even obsessive Trump hatred should not create such fools.

So, there ‘tis.


Biden Operative Implicated in Voter Fraud Scheme by Alice Green October 1, 2020 in Politics and Elections


Biden Operative Implicated in Voter Fraud Scheme

Dallas Jones, political director for the Biden-Harris presidential campaign in Texas, has been accused of participating in a ballot harvesting scheme in Harris County, TX.

This is the same county that is planning to send mail-in ballot applications to 2.37 million potential voters regardless of eligibility.

Testimonies submitted to the Supreme Court of Texas this week also name state Senator Boris Miles (Jones’s former boss), Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and political consultant Gerald Womack as participating in the scheme.

Yent and private investigator Charles Marler was first contacted about the scheme by witnesses in December 2019. His sworn testimony explains how ballots are obtained from “the elderly in nursing homes, from the homeless, and from unsuspecting residents’ mailboxes,” filled in out favor of Democratic candidates, and completed with a forged signature. 

According to Tyler James, an employee of Mr. Ellis, the scheme expects to produce as many as 700,000 forged ballots.

At least two witnesses told Marler that employees at the Harris County Clerk’s office are aiding the scheme by  mixing the forged ballots in with the legal ballots.

Former Harris County Clerk Diana Trautman allegedly knew of the scheme and resigned abruptly in May so that she would not be arrested for election fraud, adds Marler.

A separate testimony submitted by former Houston police officer and private investigator Mark Aguirre corroborates the accusations:

“I have in my possession videotaped interviews of witnesses attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals; illegally going into nursing homes with the complicity of the nursing home staff, and filling out and forging the signatures of nursing home residents; signing up homeless individuals to vote using the ballot harvester’s address then completing the ballot and forging the homeless individual’s signature.”

Similar schemes have been exposed in Texas in the past, meaning the infrastructure for fraud is already in place. 

Earlier this year, Harris County Interim Clerk Chris Hollins was sued for sending mail-in ballot applications to everyone, regardless of voter eligibility. Last week, a local GOP ballot security official emailed Hollins to let him know that Harris County was incorrectly training election workers on how to process mail-in ballots.

According to Marler, the law enforcement agencies investigating the scheme will be unable to prosecute crimes until well after the November election. If these schemes are taking place throughout the country, Russian interference is the last thing we need to worry about. 

Author’s Note: This is exactly what Trump has warned us about, though I didn’t expect it to come directly from the Biden campaign. Mail-in voting leaves the nation vulnerable to fraud. And now we have evidence that the Dems are taking advantage of this vulnerability to boost Biden’s chances of winning. Despicable. 


Biden Campaign Operative, Texas State Senator Accused of Mail-in Ballot Fraud

Biden’s Texas Political Director Implicated in Massive Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Harris County 

Biden’s Texas political director accused of being involved in illegal ballot harvesting 




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