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UNICEF on Wednesday became the third U.N. agency in less than 48-hours to begin an internal inquiry into allegations of sexual abuse of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as claims of rape by U.N. workers threaten to engulf the globalist organization.
The children’s fund said it was “appalled that people who identify as UNICEF workers have reportedly committed abuse against vulnerable women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.”
Earlier Wednesday the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said it too was investigating allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by one of its staff during the DRC’s Ebola crisis, while the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) made a similar announcement Tuesday.It added that once the internal inquiry is complete, “There will be serious consequences for any staff who have been found to have sexually abused people.
As Breitbart News reported, W.H.O. has been accused by at least 50 women of a series of sexual attacks in a joint investigation by two news agencies.
Local women were allegedly plied with drinks, “ambushed” in hospitals, forced to have group sex with aid workers, and two became pregnant. Jobs in return for repeated sexual favors has also been alleged against both men and women.
The allegations cover the period between 2018 and March this year.
“The actions allegedly perpetrated by individuals identifying themselves as working for W.H.O. are unacceptable and will be robustly investigated,” the organization said in a statement.
The Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu has initiated a review of the specific allegations, as well as broader protection issues in health emergency response settings.
For its part, UNICEF said that it “encourage(s) all victims to come forward”, adding that it has “strengthened our efforts to prevent, and respond to, sexual exploitation and abuse” in the past two years and has now sent extra staff to DRC to investigate the latest allegations.
“Such abuses by U.N. personnel and other humanitarian workers are an outrageous breach of trust with those we are mandated to support, often in very trying humanitarian circumstances,” the IOM said earlier Wednesday.
Allegations of sexual misconduct have arisen in all peace operations deployed by the U.N. for the past 20 years at least.
These behaviours are diverse, ranging from sex trafficking, rape, sodomy, and murder to prostitution, the production of pornography and transactional sex, with differing degrees of coercion, consent and criminality.
Perpetrators have targeted adults and young vulnerable children, with the primary victims women and children under the age of 18 who are incapable of fighting back against their U.N. blue helmeted-attackers.
Democrats have been strategically scaring the nation into believing that this election will be chaotic – a constitutional crisis – because of what President Trump may do to win or might do if he loses. They even suggest – even outright claim – that Trump will not leave the Oval Office if he loses the election. That is utterly absurd, but they obviously believe in the ignorance and gullibility of the Democrat base.
We have to keep in mind that it is the Democrat and the left-wing media that did not accept the results of the 2016 election. They declared Trump to be an illegitimate President and commenced an unprecedented campaign of opposition – even attempting to remove Trump from office – under the banner of the #NeverTrump Resistance Movement. Republican apostate and MSNBC payroller Michael Steele went so far as to declare that the people should not treat Trump as a real President “because he is not” – and the media should not report what he says. That is cancel culture on steroids.
With the support of the elitist media, Trump’s political enemies carried out a conspiracy theory motivated two-year investigation – falsely alleging that the Trump campaign criminally conspired with the Russians (ultimately disproven by the Mueller Investigation) – and the most political and baseless impeachment in American history.
The Democrats and the left-wing media are already queuing up the specious narratives for a chaotic election. There are three principle thrusts – and all of them require mendaciously redefining normal and legal actions – quite common, in fact – as sinister plots.
Trump will rig the election
Because of the scope of the vote, it is exceedingly difficult – but not impossible – to change the proper outcome of a presidential election by various nefarious means. In the historic record, there have only been two presidential elections that may have been decided wrongly because of political chicanery. The first was the 1876 election in the Electoral College of Republican President Rutherford B. Hayes over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden. The final and deciding electoral vote was determined by a deal in which Hayes agreed to remove federal troops from the unrepentant south in return for the necessary electoral votes to be elected President. That deal – The Compromise of 1877 – led to the violent takeover of the old Confederacy by the Democratic Party and 100 years of tragic Negro oppression.
The second was the 1960 election of President Kennedy. Historians are mostly in agreement that vote fraud by the Chicago Daley Machine and the political forces of then-Senator and Democrat vice presidential candidate Lyndon Johnson led to the illegal flipping of electoral votes of Illinois and Texas – providing the young senator with the win in the Electoral College.
Modern day Democrats constantly warn of the risk of voter oppression – especially involving Black and Hispanic voters. The problem with that theory is that the actual statistics indicate that Black and Hispanic voters are casting ballots in much higher numbers than they had previously. And even if you were to believe that massive voter oppression exists, there is no evidence that it was a factor in deciding any election – at least not since the racist Democrats got booted out of the South. If there is some organized and strategic nefarious voter suppression, it is one of the most failed gambits in political history.
What is ignored is the prospect of the casting of millions of illegal ballots giving an unearned victory to the Biden/Harris team in the Electoral College. By the estimation of the liberal Pew Research, there could be as many as 20 million ballots in circulation that could be cast by – or in the name of – individuals who are either dead or not legally eligible to vote. Absentee balloting – even no excuse absentee balloting – is not the major problem. Although it can be a marginal problem. That is because individuals must REQUEST a ballot. The more troublesome practice – which Democrats are aggressively pursuing – is the sending out millions of unsolicited ballots – including to those 20 million folks about which Pew Research warned.
There is likely to be a lot of confusion, chaos and controversy over the upcoming election because there will be a lot of improper ballots to be challenged for a lot of good reasons. Placing the emphasis on vote-by-mail, the Democrats and their media buddies have all but assured the confusion, chaos and controversy.
But thank God for the Electoral College. Despite all the chaos, the court battles and the accusations of vote fraud, the EC assures that there will be a legitimate President to take the oath of office on Inauguration Day. Without that bit of Founders’ genius, the chaos, the court battles and the accusations of vote fraud could go on for months – without a legitimate President to transition into that office.
Trump will not accept the results of the election
Those advancing the propaganda that Trump will not leave office in some dictatorial fashion give the impression that the President will simply refuse to accept the results of the election and hang around the Oval Office with his feet on the desk. That is such an absurd scenario that is it shameful that there are some people – so hateful of Trump or just plain stupid — that will actually believe it.
What they are really referring to is the possibility that Trump and the Republicans may challenge some voting in the courts – if they believe that there might have been outcome-altering mistakes or mischief. The left will recast that traditional, legal and common practice into a sinister plot.
In other words, what the Al Gore Democrats did in 2000 – and political parties and candidates have done thousands of times over the years – will be deemed a sinister move only because those legal rights might be exercised by the much-hated Donald Trump.
This becomes a likely scenario because of the changes that we have made – and are making today – in our election procedures. Think about it. We live in an age of communication in which technology operates at the speed of light – and yet we are facing the likelihood of having the most unsettled and prolonged vote count in modern history. It was not long ago, when the outcome of our elections was declared within hours – even minutes – of the polls closing on the west coast.
Today, it is possible that there will not even be an “unofficial” result for days or weeks … or months … after what we once called Election Day. Sometimes progress is going back to what worked – but that is a discussion for another time. In the meantime, it appears that the Democrats are going to use the election chaos and confusion — for which they are largely responsible — as a political weapon to be used against Trump and Republican candidates.
Declaring martial law
Among the possibilities that Democrats are promoting – as utterly ridiculous as it is – is that Trump will declare martial law. Now the implication is … is … Hell, I have no idea what that means. Are they saying that somehow Trump will put U.S. Marshals in front of polling places to block voters? Will they be seizing ballot boxes and dump them in the river – one of the tactics of the old Chicago Democrat political machine?
Of course, this is nothing more than the current level of anti-Republican HYPER hyperbole. It is not the sort of stuff any rational person would believe – or any rational political figure would assert. But these are not rational times.
The strategy is not entirely foolish. Evil and ugly, yes, But not foolish. You can almost believe that they will declare ANY use of U.S. Marshals as evidence of declaring martial law.
Allow me to explain.
It is not uncommon for U.S. Marshals to be placed in polling places where there has been evidence of irregularities with bipartisan oversight in order TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE BALLOTING. They do not operate as some sort of stormtroopers for one political faction or another.
Because of the high incidents of vote stealing in Chicago, voter integrity groups with which I had been associated – such as Project LEAP (Legal Elections in All Precincts), the City Club of Chicago, the Better Government Association and the League of Women Voters – often joined forces to call on the Justice Department to send in U.S. Marshals to supervise election in a number of high vulnerable precincts. Those requests were almost always agreed to.
If … and that is a big IF … U.S. Marshals are needed and requested based on any record of vote fraud, that is NOT a declaration of martial law. If the request comes from Democrats to address what they allege to be voter suppression, it will be heralded in the media as the proper role for the good and honest members of the U.S. Marshal’s service.
If, however, the request is made to address the traditional practices of the big city Democrat machines, expect Democrat leaders and their media allies to be screaming MARTIAL LAW imposed by that dictator in the Oval Office. That is what they seem to be teeing up to do.
I understand that Democrat leaders and the crony press will pooh-pooh my suggestion of the very existence of vote fraud. They can preach their biased gospel all they want, but I am more than confident that most of those reading my commentary will know full well – having seen or experienced large-scale vote fraud – that vote fraud does exist. As Lincoln wisely noted, you just cannot fool all the people all the time.
And as far as Trump holding office after it has been FINALLY established that he lost the vote – and more importantly the Electoral College tally – that is more a script for a B-rated movie than real life in America. Even obsessive Trump hatred should not create such fools.
So, there ‘tis.
Dallas Jones, political director for the Biden-Harris presidential campaign in Texas, has been accused of participating in a ballot harvesting scheme in Harris County, TX.
This is the same county that is planning to send mail-in ballot applications to 2.37 million potential voters regardless of eligibility.
Testimonies submitted to the Supreme Court of Texas this week also name state Senator Boris Miles (Jones’s former boss), Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, and political consultant Gerald Womack as participating in the scheme.
According to Tyler James, an employee of Mr. Ellis, the scheme expects to produce as many as 700,000 forged ballots.
At least two witnesses told Marler that employees at the Harris County Clerk’s office are aiding the scheme by mixing the forged ballots in with the legal ballots.
Former Harris County Clerk Diana Trautman allegedly knew of the scheme and resigned abruptly in May so that she would not be arrested for election fraud, adds Marler.
A separate testimony submitted by former Houston police officer and private investigator Mark Aguirre corroborates the accusations:
“I have in my possession videotaped interviews of witnesses attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals; illegally going into nursing homes with the complicity of the nursing home staff, and filling out and forging the signatures of nursing home residents; signing up homeless individuals to vote using the ballot harvester’s address then completing the ballot and forging the homeless individual’s signature.”
Similar schemes have been exposed in Texas in the past, meaning the infrastructure for fraud is already in place.
Earlier this year, Harris County Interim Clerk Chris Hollins was sued for sending mail-in ballot applications to everyone, regardless of voter eligibility. Last week, a local GOP ballot security official emailed Hollins to let him know that Harris County was incorrectly training election workers on how to process mail-in ballots.
According to Marler, the law enforcement agencies investigating the scheme will be unable to prosecute crimes until well after the November election. If these schemes are taking place throughout the country, Russian interference is the last thing we need to worry about.
Author’s Note: This is exactly what Trump has warned us about, though I didn’t expect it to come directly from the Biden campaign. Mail-in voting leaves the nation vulnerable to fraud. And now we have evidence that the Dems are taking advantage of this vulnerability to boost Biden’s chances of winning. Despicable.
Biden Campaign Operative, Texas State Senator Accused of Mail-in Ballot Fraud
Biden’s Texas political director accused of being involved in illegal ballot harvesting