Tuesday, June 1, 2021

FACEBOOK LIFTS BAN ON COVID POSTS Posted by Alice Green | Jun 1, 2021 | 0



Facebook Lifts Ban on COVID Posts

Facebook on Wednesday announced it had lifted a ban on posts suggesting COVID was man-made.

Earlier that day, President Biden asked federal investigators to “redouble” their efforts to determine the origin of the virus. He gave them 90 days to submit a report. Investigators do not agree on its origin.

Some believe it “emerged from human contact with an infected animal.”

On the other hand, others believe it came “from a laboratory accident,” said Biden.

Documents have confirmed at least three researchers working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology sought hospital care for COVID symptoms in November 2019. Keep in mind the lab specializes in coronavirus research. The employees fell sick shortly before the virus began to spread throughout Wuhan.


In February, Facebook said it would remove content alleging COVID was man-made “following consultations with leading health organizations including the World Health Organization,” which had supposedly “debunked” that theory. 

“In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation with public health experts, we will no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made from our apps,” said the company last week. “We’re continuing to work with health experts to keep pace with the evolving nature of the pandemic and regularly update our policies as new facts and trends emerge.”


Facebook has no right to decide what information the public can see. It also has no business shaping public opinion in regards to the pandemic. As I wrote in a previous article (click here), the site was recently running an algorithm that identifies and downgrades content promoting vaccine hesitancy. 

Just like Facebook’s longtime habit of downgrading conservative content and banning conservative influencers, the site’s actions regarding COVID are unconstitutional and inappropriate. Facebook should be sued out of existence. 


Facebook Ends Ban on Posts Asserting COVID-19 Was Man-Made 

FB ends ban on posts claiming COVID-19 is man-made

Facebook no longer treating ‘man-made’ COVID as a crackpot idea 

EUROPE PREPARES TO RELEASE VACCINE PASSPORTS Posted by Jacob Machine | May 31, 2021 | 0



Europe Prepares to Release Vaccine Passports

Are we about to see the beginning of the mark of the beast or just another silly health precaution reaching out too far? 

In an article from Yahoo! Life today, countries from Europe are preparing to release a new app featuring a scannable QR barcode telling officials if any individual is free of the Covid 19 virus, recently tested negative or has been documented to have been fully vaccinated. 

Reporting from Copenhagen, Denmark presented the new digital passport as a way of tracking travel and monitoring actions by its own people within Europe and potentially further across the globe. Beginning July 1st, people will need the passport to go to the store, get a haircut, eat at a restaurant or travel anywhere within Europe. 

During a press conference outside the Copenhagen airport, Health Minister Magnus Heunicke spoke out about the new app declaring, “What we get now is an app that makes it easier and simpler to use. There is no doubt that we will have to use it over the summer, but it is of course something that needs to be phased out”. He showed the audience a sample of how the app works, flashing green if any human is free to travel or flashing red if there is a violation of their health codes further blocking travel. 

Oddly enough, Finance Minister Nicolai Wammen said if the app flashes red it will not say why. So if the app decides a human cannot travel, it will not give you a reason or feedback for doing so, seemingly opening the door for potential abuse and misuse. 

The article itself says that Wammen is unsure if the collective nations within the European Union will be prepared for the transition into the new technology by July 1st, but that Denmark will be ready to lead the way in this new system of action. It also goes on to say that the app “allowing residents to reunite with friends and relatives” will seemingly be a good thing for the people. But as individual humans across Earth face different rules and regulations concerning the Coronavirus, shouldn’t everyone already have the right to spend time with friends and family as they please? Certainly this is not the case in many places around the world, but the expectation of the capability to do so is completely understandable and should also be brought up when discussing these topics around the world. 

In the United States, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a release on April 6th that the Federal Government is “not now nor will be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a credential”. Let us hope that this remains the case here, no matter what the future holds with concern towards the Covid 19 pandemic. 

So far, several states have enacted legislation banning the vaccine passport requirements including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Montana, South Carolina, Texas, Utah & Wyoming. Many other states have said publicly that they do not plan to support vaccine passports as being mandatory. 

In March, New York became the first state to launch its own vaccine passport, called the Excelsior Pass. So far, the app is free and voluntary. 

Several ally countries are already working on vaccination passports such as Israel and Japan, while ally countries in the Americas and Africa are continuing to keep it optional and questioning the validity of such a notion. When it comes to global travel, citizens of all countries will just have to wait and see what happens. China has already moved forward with vaccination passports through the WeChat app. 

If the virus comes back around here in the United States, here’s to hoping that at least the majority of states decide to continue supporting the freedoms of its own people to decide what is best for them and continue to not accept the idea of mandatory U.S. or global vaccination passports for travel and commerce.

NEW BOOK REFLECTS ON EARLY COVID NARRATIVE TRUTHS Posted by Jacob Machine | May 31, 2021 | 0



New Book Reflects on Early Covid Narrative Truths

As a writer, I published a new book called Understanding 2020: An American Journal as a day by day reflection and analysis of the events of the year 2020 from the perspective of a poor artist living in the woods of Texas and off the beaches of Florida. I began writing the book on January 1st of 2020, writing every day and not having any idea what was to come through the next year of time. I published the book, currently on sale through Amazon, on January 1st of 2021.

After a year of censorship, division and misinformation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, I would like to share a page from the book from March 14th 2020. Let me say first that currently the news media is backtracking and the narrative now has opened up to where even mainstream media is questioning whether the virus came from a lab and how much was known about what was happening in the beginning stages of the situation. 

After publishing my book, I would also like to share that every time I attempted to promote the new book on Facebook or Instagram, I was instantly slapped with a warning taking any viewers to a page on CDC guidelines and information rather than directly linking over to show my new book or the work that I was doing. 

Now, the narrative has taken a complete 360 back to the beginning of thought. Here’s what I wrote in my new book on April 14th of 2020 based on the information I could find at the time.

“April 14th, 2020 –

I decided to take a look back into what has just happened as I haven’t been paying enough attention to what is happening in the world around me. Everything has been happening so fast and my mind has been caught up in trying to adapt.

From what I can see, the first person said to have the virus was in November of 2019 in China’s Hubei Province. December 1st another unrelated to the Wuhan Seafood Market. December 8th is the official first patient, but local papers and government documents are said to say otherwise. China sequences it December 27th. Dr. Li Wenliang leaks the information as the Wuhan Health Commission issued an urgent notice December 30th. Dr. Li catches the virus and later dies on February 7th. 27 cases confirmed in Wuhan as China lets the WHO know, but says there is no evidence of human to human transmission. Wuhan gets the full virus genome January 2nd, shares the information with the WHO ten days later on January 12th. January 14th human to human is proven. January 15th, the first person with the virus flies in to Washington State from Wuhan.

Now thousands and thousands are dead, with no end in sight.

A public health emergency was declared on January 31st, when Trump finally was able to block travel from China, against the call of some who thought it wasn’t necessary.

March 17th the lockdowns began.”

And that is what I wrote in my new book for that day.

Going even further back, on March 11th of 2020, I wrote in the book that, “I watched Joe Rogan speak with Michael Osterholm about the virus and what is coming in the future. Sounds like this is something we might be dealing with for a long time. An awful thought to think we could be in this situation all year. With it being an election year, I can’t help but question if this virus is a weapon or an accident on purpose”.

If you’d like to read further into my experience from last year, look up the hard copy book of Understanding 2020: An American Journal by Jacob Machine. Hopefully you will not be censored for just looking my work up. I will keep writing regardless of modern suppression of free speech and the freedom of thought. 

Keep learning and keep moving forward out there ya’ll. 

Never lose hope.

POLITICIZING A MOTHER’S GRIEF Posted by Larry Horist | Jun 1, 2021 | 0



Politicizing a Mother’s Grief

It is hard to imagine a greater tragedy for a parent than to lose a child in the prime of his or her life.  Parents often express the hope that they will not outlive any of their children.  As a parent, I understand that sentiment.

A parent grieving the death of a child deserves the sympathy from all decent people.  But when a parent replaces the black armband of mourning with a political banner, they open themselves to the vicissitudes of political conflict.

Such is the case of Gladys Sicknick, the mother of Brian Sicknick. Brian Sicknick was the 42-year-old Capitol Hill officer who died after being on duty during the January 6th riot.  He did not die of any injuries he suffered at the riot.  The medical examiner was very clear.  He died OF NATURAL CAUSES.

That is a critically important finding. The partisan media repeatedly reported that he died from a blow to the head from a fire extinguisher.  The medical examiner announced that there was no such injury. Then the media falsely reported that he died from the after effect of bear repellent spray.  That also was disproved by the medical examiner.

The media that paid such attention to those false reports have not similarly reported the final medical fact that Sicknick died from natural causes – unrelated to his activities at the riot.  There have been no corrections aired by the left-leaning media.  And still, the media generally reports him as a victim of the riot.  That is a lie that would get the news media four Pinocchios if it were not for the fact that they are the one’s issuing the dubious award to others.

Despite the fact that her son died of natural causes, Sicknick’s mother went to Washington at the request of Democrats to plead for the creation of a controversial special commission to investigate the riot.  She joined in the attack on Senate Republicans who see no need for such a commission.  And her partisan comments were widely reported by the anti-Republican new platforms.

In doing so, Mrs, Sicknick participated in a highly partisan political event. She used the death of her son as a pretext. Even though his death had nothing to do with the rioting.

It is possible to feel empathy for a mother who has lost her child – and maybe understand that her grief made her emotionally susceptible to the enticement of Democrats to engage her in their bogus narratives relating to young Sicknick’s death – but the fact remains that what she did was to use – nay, misuse — the death of her son for purely partisan political purposes.

I fully understand that some will attack this commentary as being insensitive to the tragedy that struck the Sicknick family.  But it is his mother who stepped out from behind the veil of mourning to engage in contemporary political activism. 

As a person who has felt the pain of the death of young family members, I can fully sympathize with her grief but still be critical of her using that tragedy to participate in a fraudulent political narrative.  Whether she did so out of emotional weakness or malicious intent makes no difference.  Her using her son’s death inappropriately is just plain wrong.




Democrats Walk Out On Texas Law for Election Protection

Late Sunday night in Texas, Democrats ignored common order and decided to walk out of a House legislative session on voting protections over disagreements with the hopeful new laws, temporarily forcing Republicans in the House to abandon the legislative session due to a midnight deadline for passing the bill. 

Senate Bill 7 is designed to further protect and enhance the Texas system of voting. It includes legislation requiring identification per vote, laws to empower poll watcher rights and protected official voting outlets from Covid era Democratic policies that are more susceptible to potential fraud.

The bill plans to eliminate drive through voting and 24 hour polling centers, which were only introduced last year in precincts like Harris County to meet constructed illusions of necessity about voting during the Covid pandemic. It also increases fines for any violation of the policies, it bans sending out mass applications for mail in voting and further grants additional powers to judges to throw out an election if too much fraud is found in any given area of an election. 

To any thinking American citizen, these protections should be understood to be a good thing. Everyone should want their individual vote to matter and be protected to the furthest extent of the law, ensuring that the process is valid and complete. 

Yet the usual suspects like CNN and AP News continue to back opposition to voter protection laws using terms like “restrictive” or even more blatantly ridiculous as “racist”, running off yet again with the narrative of victimization. 

Democrats in the House decided to act like children and staged a walkout from the House late Sunday night, leaving the session after receiving a text message of encouragement to do so from the Democratic House leader Chris Turner reading, “Take your key and leave the chamber discreetly. Do not go to the gallery. Leave the building”.

Despite the Texas Senate already signing off on the new protections the night before, Democrats did exactly what the text said and walked out from the House. 

Republican State Rep. Briscoe Cain, who carried the bill in the house, stated about the event, “I am disappointed that some members decided to break quorum. We all know what that meant. I understand why they were doing it, but we all took an oath to Texans that we would be here to do our jobs”.

In reporting from Newsmax, Texas Governor Greg Abbot tweeted that, “election integrity and bail reform were emergency items for this legislative session. They STILL must pass.” adding further that, “they will be added to the special session agenda”.

At the time, it is unsure as to when they will meet again to ensure that voter protections are enhanced for the future of Texas. Americans do not want fast food election processes, we want a secure election process that those who truly love this country can believe in.

Here’s to hoping those in the Texas House are able to keep the legislation moving forward for the betterment of the people. Many states are joining in maintaining protections for voting, including Georgia and Florida, but all are facing the same types of backlash from Democrats across the spectrum.

Why are Democrats so collectively afraid of common sense vote protections? Perhaps it is because they have something to hide and tools they found useful in the last election that they do not want taken away and corrected. 

Republicans must keep pushing forward in every state to enhance these protections and a return to former order in the voting process. It is an absolute necessity, potentially more important than any other possible legislation at this current moment. 

DEMOCRATS’ FAILED ATTEMPT TO STAND UP TO CHINA Posted by Alice Green | May 31, 2021 | 1



Democrats’ Failed Attempt to Stand Up to China

New York Rep. Gregory Meeks (D) this week introduced a proposal that aims to counter the policy challenges posed by China and to pressure Beijing on human rights.

The so-called EAGLE Act addresses a wide range of concerns including increased investment to promote American manufacturing, trade, and reengagement in international organizations.

The bill describes China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang as “genocide.”

It also demands audits of all Chinese companies listing on US financial markets to determine whether they have committed or contributed to human rights violations.

The 470-page document aims to spur American strategic and economic competitiveness through climate action, development finance, vaccine diplomacy, and digital partnerships.

“[As China] has grown in economic heft, its government has unfortunately used its newfound influence and power in ways that run contrary to the interests of others in the region and clashed with the very international order which facilitated its rise,” says Meeks.  “China increasingly seeks to undermine that rules-based order and challenge America’s place in it.”


  • Aggressive action on its borders 
  • Maritime and territorial claims
  • Economic coercion of US allies
  • Theft of intellectual property and technology
  • Anti-competitive industrial and trade policies
  • Likely release of COVID-19

Meeks’ proposal is a great start. However, it fails to make mention of unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft, or China’s culpability in the pandemic. The provisions designed to increase American support for Taiwan and pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong are so weak as to be non-existent and the rules designed to hold China accountable for its greenhouse gas emissions will never hold. 

Like President Biden, Meeks seems to believe that all we need to do to get along with China is talk. This could be a disastrous bill. Not because the measures it contains are bad, but because the things it ignores will continued to be ignored for the rest of Biden’s presidency.

You can hear Meeks talk at length about his proposal here:

Editor’s Note: This is very much an appeasement bill and is exactly what I would expect from the Biden Administration. China has always been able to manipulate treaties to its advantage. And Trump was the only one that would not allow this to happen.


US house introduces sweeping new bill ‘Eagle Act’ to counter China

Sweeping Bill to Counter China Introduced in US House 

JUNE 1, 2021 After Gas Pipeline, Hackers Now Target Meat Supply By Fraser Dixon In Latest News with No comments Good Morning Americans,


JUNE 1, 2021

After Gas Pipeline, Hackers Now Target Meat Supply

Good Morning Americans,

Hackers are at it again. Several weeks ago, they attacked Colonial Pipeline Co. and caused gasoline shortages. Now, the world’s biggest meat supplier has become the latest victim of a cybersecurity attack. JBS stopped processing at one of Canada’s largest meatpacking plants, canceled all beef and lamb kills across Australia, and canceled kill and fabrication shifts in the U.S.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin accused Sen. Ted Cruz of helping China and Russia by his rhetoric. Cruz tweeted early last month that “woke” policies have reduced US military readiness. Cruz also accused Democrats and woke media of “trying to turn them into pansies.” “Pansy” is a term used for someone effeminate or gay.

Is it bye-bye Bibi now? There are still a lot of obstacles before the opposition can oust PM Benjamin Netanyahu, but Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid is positive they will achieve the “greater goal”. Netanyahu has ruled Israel for a total of 15 years.

The pandemic is making children’s vision worse. Due to increased screen time, of course. According to eye doctors, more and more children who were in virtual school see them for new and worsening prescriptions for myopia, or nearsightedness. Digital eye strain is also a problem.

Naomi Osaka announced she’s backed out from the French Open which is being held from May 30 to June 13. Not only that, the Women’s world number 2 tennis player said she will be stepping back from tennis for some time. On Sunday she won her opening match against Patricia Maria Tig. Osaka said she’ll also skip the press conferences due to anxiety and depression. Hang in there, Naomi.

Va-va-voom! Rebel Wilson hit the beach last weekend displaying her new figure. The comedienne looked fabulous in her summertime-chic look — a black one-piece that features a zipper down the front, Givenchy slides, a blue brimmed hat and classic sunglasses. You can see her photos on Instagram. Rebel, who lost 60 pound last year, looks amazing!

Keep safe,

Fraser Dixon


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