Thursday, July 1, 2021




Patty McMurrayJune 28, 2021UncategorizedComments Offon Sidney Powell On How Election Can Be Overturned: State Legislators “have the power to recall the electors for fraud” [VIDEO]
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100 Percent Fed Up reports – Attorney Sidney Powell appeared on Lindell TV with conservative “Frank” host Brannon Howse, where she discussed potential steps that need to be taken to remedy a potentially stolen election.

“I think it’s certainly important for people to understand what happened here, and the more information we can get about that the better” Powell told Brannon House, host of Lindell TV. “It’s particularly important for our state legislators to understand it because they have the power to recall the electors for fraud,” she said.

Powell explained, “Fraud officiates or disposes of everything—undoes everything that wrongfully happens as a result of that fraud.” The former federal prosecutor appears to be suggesting that the state legislators have the power to undo the election that sent Joe Biden to the White House.


Last month, during her appearance at a “For God & Country Patriot Roundup” conference in Dallas, Powell discussed what would happen if forensic audits like the one in Maricopa County, AZ prove massive voter fraud stole the election from Donald J. Trump and unfairly gave the win to Joe Biden? “He can simply be reinstated,” Powell told the audience.


Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Lindell have all been sued by Dominion Voting Machines for defamation. Powell doesn’t appear to be running away from the fight for election integrity anytime soon.

The post Sidney Powell On How Election Can Be Overturned: State Legislators “have the power to recall the electors for fraud” [VIDEO] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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PA loses a billion shekels because of its terror reward policy Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jul 1, 2021 Read on our website



PA loses a billion shekels because of its terror reward policy

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jul 1, 2021
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This weekend, July 3, will mark three years since Israel adopted the “Law to freeze money that the Palestinian Authority has paid in connection with terrorism from the money transferred to it by the government of Israel, 2018” – popularly known as Israel’s “Anti-Pay-for-Slay” law. When the law passed, the members of Israel’s Parliament who promoted the law, MPs Avi Dichter and Elazar Stern, specifically thanked Palestinian Media Watch for helping to formulate and sculpt the law.

In a nutshell, the law provides that every year the Israeli Minister of Defense presents a report to the Israeli Security Cabinet in which he details how much the Palestinian Authority spent in the previous year paying financial rewards to imprisoned terrorists, released terrorists, wounded terrorists, and the families of dead terrorists – collectively known as the PA’s ”Pay-for-Slay” payments. Once approved, that sum is then deducted, in twelve installments, from the tax revenues that Israel agreed to waive in favor of the PA, as part of the Oslo Accords.

The rationale underpinning the law was provided by PMW. In its presentations, PMW proved that instead of using the tax revenues to fulfill its duty to combat terror, the PA was using the tax revenues to implement its pugnacious terror reward policy.

Since passed, the Security Cabinet has approved three of the four reports submitted by the Minister of Defense (the approval of the fourth report is pending). Symbolically, pursuant to these decisions, and in coincidental coordination with the anniversary of the passage of the law, today also marks the day when over one billion shekels have been deducted from the tax revenues.

The first decision to implement the law was made by the Security Cabinet in February 2019, shortly after the brutal murder of Ori Ansbacher. In that decision, the Security Cabinet decided to deduct a sum of approximately 502 million shekels ($138,572,080 at the time of the decision) – the sum PMW exposed as reflecting the PA’s payments to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners in 2018. In the decision, the Security Cabinet instructed the Minister of Defense to present an additional report regarding the PA’s payments in 2018 to the wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorists. 

The second decision to implement the law was made in December 2019. On this occasion, the Security Cabinet approved the deduction of approximately 149 million shekels ($43,148,910 at the time of the decision) – that being the sum stipulated by the Minister of Defense that the PA had spent in 2018 paying rewards to wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorists.

The third decision to implement the law was taken at the end of November 2020. In that decision, the Security Cabinet approved the deduction of 609 million shekels ($183,796,200 at the time of the decision)  – that being the sum the PA had spent in 2019 on its ”Pay-for-Slay” payments. This sum is meant to have been divided into twelve parts, each just over 50 million shekels, and deducted at the end of each month starting with the end of December.

Accordingly, adding these figures together (502 million + 149 million + 350 million (7 months x 50 million)) gives a total of just over one billion shekels.

Israel was not alone in passing legislation to combat the PA’s “Pay-for-Slay” payments. In March prior to the passage of the Israeli law, the US adopted the Taylor Force Act which conditions US aid to the PA on the complete abolition of the ”Pay-for-Slay” policy, including, inter alia, the 2004 PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners and regulations adopted pursuant to the law. When given the choice of receiving US aid or continuing to reward terrorists, the PA chose to reward terrorists.  

Indeed, despite the deductions and while aware of the consequences, the PA has made the positive decision to give precedence to continue paying the terror rewards, while ignoring the suicidal financial constraints. As PMW recently exposed, PA TV is repeatedly showing a video of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in which he declares that even if the PA is left with only one penny he will pay it to the terrorists:

“A blessing is sent to our loyal Martyrs, our prisoners, and their families who are standing firm and bearing their suffering with patience. We say to them, to the families of the Martyrs, that we will defend their rights regardless of the price we’ll have to pay. I won’t submit to what Israel has requested. I won’t submit. Even if I’m left with one penny, I’ll pay it to the families of the Martyrs, to the prisoners, and to the wounded, and I won’t withhold this from them.”

[Official PA TV, June 4 (twice), 5 (twice), 6 (four times), 9 (twice), 11 (twice), 12, 15, 16 (twice), 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 28, 2021]

While combatting the PA’s “Pay-for-Slay” payments is not simple, and will take time, it is nonetheless a moral imperative. Slowly, but surely, Israeli’s Anti-Pay-for-Slay law together with the Taylor Force Act and other measures, some of which have already been adopted while others still need to be adopted, will make a difference, and the PA will be forced to abolish its policy of rewarding terror, or face the consequences. 

© Palestinian Media Watch, 1996-2021. Writings, translations, and videos may be used, provided that clear attribution is given to Palestinian Media Watch. 
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What is the quickening of the Holy Spirit? Questions about God, the Bible and the Christian culture


What is the quickening of the Holy Spirit?

Questions about God, the Bible and the Christian culture

Question:  I’m searching for info on the quickening of the Holy Spirit.  Most of the info I've found so far is confusing.  Is the quickening when we receive the HS or does the quickening (fluttering, stirring) occur after the indwelling?  Do we contribute to the quickening or is it totally the timing of the Holy Spirit (example when we submit our will to God`s will, etc.).  I’ve referenced I Corinthians 15:45Isaiah 57:10?; Ezra 9:8Romans 4:17Leviticus 13:10Leviticus 13:24Ezra 9:9; Thank you.

Answer: I’m not surprised that you’ve found a lot of confusing information on the workings of God’s Holy Spirit because there are so many extra-biblical assertions made about him, so many churches that emphasize his workings, and so many people listening to some “inner voice.” These form an important category: People who have abandoned the counsel of God’s word to pursue the teachings-of-men. No wonder you sense confusion! God is not the author of confusion, but these teachers are. They are either not born-again at all (and therefore have no indwelling Holy Spirit to guide them), or they have indeed been born-again, but have abandoned prayerful Bible study. Either way confusion reigns and they simply invent doctrine.

The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit indwells all born-again believers in Jesus Christ.

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,” (Romans 8:14–16, ESV).

His primary job is to teach concerning Jesus.

“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.” (John 15:26, ESV)

This will largely be accomplished through the illumination of Scripture.

“these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.” (1 Corinthians 2:10–15, ESV).

No believer now receives any legitimate information that is separate from Scripture. The early believers, those Christians who did not possess a completed Scripture, were sometimes directly instructed by the Holy Spirit, but this is no longer the case. Today, God speaks to his mature Church through his completed Scripture. Nothing extra-biblical is ever truly “a word from God.”

The Holy Spirit also has the job of administering his gifts. These enable the Body of Christ (which is his Church and is comprised of all believers everywhere) to do the work of Christ while on this earth. (Romans 12:6) None of these works will be outside of God’s scriptural revelation, and any teachings that emphasize the activity of the Holy Spirit over the study of God’s word or the person of Jesus Christ are always suspect.

Yes, “the quickening” primarily refers to our “receiving the Holy Spirit”…but I’ll offer a caution here. We receive the Holy Spirit when we receive Christ. Those events are not separated as they were in the embryonic stage of the Church, nor as some Christians aver for today… that at some time after being saved we get some separate “filling” of the Holy Spirit — a phenomenon which is accompanied by a “sign gift,” usually tongues. No. When we receive Jesus Christ as Savior, we receive the indwelling Holy Spirit — as much as we’ll ever get — and more than we’ll ever use.

The word quicken merely means “to make alive” and usually refers to us believers who were formerly dead in our sins, but now have been made alive through Christ. This is particularly germane to your question. Quicken does not mean to energize something which is already alive. The Greeks had another term for that phenomenon: energeo. (You can see energize in that word.) So note the difference. One energizes that which is already alive. One quickens (bring to life) that which was dead. Once born-again, we are no longer dead, so quickening does not apply to Christians except at the moment of the new birth. Most of the verses that you listed show just that, the Leviticus verses graphically so, describing dead flesh which has become alive.

The quickening in 1 Corinthians 15:45 “Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” has nothing to do with a (what a Charismatic Christian might refer to as) a filling or moving of the Holy Spirit. The topic of the paragraph is the resurrection, not the quickening. He uses the term “quickening” here to refer to Christ, and not to Christians, and he uses it to compare Christ’s resurrected state with Adam’s bodily state. This verse in no way connects the Holy Spirit's action with the believer, except that, of course, we belong to Christ.

Concerning any “flutterings or stirrings” (or might I say holy promptings?) I would not presume upon either you or God to restrict your communications or to re-define any phenomena. But, if you are a born-again Christian who prays, who reads the Bible, and who fellowships with other believers, you are probably spiritually healthy enough to properly interpret any promptings from God. Can he use your feelings to prompt you? Certainly! Can your feelings use you? Oh, yes. So, proceed cautiously and test the spirits. God will never tell you to do anything contrary to his revealed will. He will not likely tell you to do anything that would squeeze out a more important thing, like, “Leave your husband and go into full-time service.” Such an idea, no matter how fluttery, would never be from God. So, such a prompting may or may not be from God, but it is not a quickening, since you as a believer are already alive, and a quickening is for the dead.

As a general principle, the more we conform to God’s will, that is, the more Christ-like we become, the more “qualified” we are for his service…or perhaps just more receptive to his prompts. But none of our love-born behaviors should ever be seen as cause-and-effect. God uses whom he will when he wills. (Would Samson make anyone’s preferred-servant list?) It boils down to love. God loves us. We love him. We hang around together. He calls us or not… but we’ve been sufficiently quickened for all service already.

‘LEFTISM V. CONSTITUTION’ NEWS: VIDEO Trey Blanton • • June 30, 2021 Trump judges block Democrat attacks



by Trey Blanton  •  •  June 30, 2021    1 Comment

Trump judges block Democrat attacks

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Judges in the United States are supposed to be impartial protectors of constitutional rights. Human nature, however, means it does matter who is appointed to the federal bench. Church Militant's Trey Blanton looks at the outcome of appointing constitutional judges instead of political cronies.

A Trump-appointed judge determined last week Colorado representative Lauren Boebert could block Democrat state representative Bri Buentello on her personal Twitter account. Buentello complained blocking her violated free speech, after tweeting, "You're a seditionist who is trying to avoid the consequences of your words and actions. Stop disgracing this state and your office. Resign."

Boebert is not accused of preventing anyone from speaking on their own platform, and her constituents can find policy decisions on her congressional website and official Twitter feed.

Unelected Joe Biden has faced multiple roadblocks from Trump judges who have put on ice many of the fake Catholic's harmful agenda items. A Louisiana federal judge, on June 15, said Biden offered no "rational explanation" for banning new oil and gas leases. Louisiana senator Bill Cassidy said of Biden's decision, "And that is bad for the worker. It's bad for the environment. It's bad for our country. It's bad for the world."

Judge Terry Doughty also agreed with state plaintiffs who told the court Biden's ban would cause irreparable injury from loss of jobs and income.

Last month, a three-judge panel with the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, blocked a racial policy by the Biden administration. Biden attempted to direct federal aid specifically to women and non-white restaurant owners and farmers. Trump-appointee Amul Thapar said, "The policy's use of race violates equal protection." Stephen Miller, America First Legal founder, spoke on Biden's plan, saying, "It's un-American and, more than that, from a legal standpoint, it is blatantly unconstitutional."

An Obama judge disagreed, saying, "The majority's reasoning suggests we live in a world in which centuries of intentional discrimination and oppression of racial minorities have been eradicated." Conservatives view the recent cases as vindication after Obama-era judges stifled Trump's efforts to protect the country.

In 2017, for instance, Hawaii judge Derrick Watson said Trump could not restrict travel from terrorist nations. After the ruling, Watson was photographed at dinner with Barack Obama, raising questions of impropriety. The Heritage Foundation provided guidance on the selection of Trump's judicial picks. They selected judges who valued interpretation of the Constitution from the perspective of the Founding Fathers over modern political camps.

John Malcolm speaks on the importance of judicial picks, saying, "They will serve for decades, and, there are only so many of them, and they will have a huge direction on the course of law and hence on our democracy."

Judges are appointed for life, which is why it is critical to elect politicians who are consistent with the Constitution rather than establishment cronies. Trump was highly prolific in appointing judges, with 234 in total, including three Supreme Court justices.


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COMMUNION SERVICE IN DRAG NEWS: VIDEO William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • June 30, 2021 48 Comments Sacrilege rising



by William Mahoney, Ph.D.  •  •  June 30, 2021    48 Comments

Sacrilege rising

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In addition to so-called Pride Masses, there are apparently so-called Pride Eucharists. A recent one in California used Hosts that were pre-consecrated by a Catholic priest. Church Militant's William Mahoney looks at the event that took place in the City by the Bay.

Men dressed as women and others held a Pride Eucharist last week at the intersection of Market and Castro in San Francisco.

Two of the men who were in drag are Christian pastors, and it appears a priest also attended. 

The "organizers found a Catholic priest to consecrate the hosts beforehand," according to Mark Guevarra, who posted the event on Facebook.

Canada's archdiocese of Edmonton fired Guevarra as a pastoral associate in 2018 after starting an LGBT support group and refusing to answer if he was in a same-sex union and rearing a daughter.

The sacrilegious service also included "Queer Beatitudes," like:

  • "Blessed are the boi dykes" 
  • "Blessed are the sex workers" 
  • "Blessed are the hot fat girls"

Meanwhile, across the country, Pride Masses are occurring in other dioceses like New Jersey's archdiocese of Newark. 

At Our Lady of Grace in Hoboken, on Sunday, Fr. Alexander Santora offered his fourth annual Pride Mass, standing at a podium while a self-identifying transgender woman gave the homily.

Homilist: "My customers all around the country are so supportive — even some conservative Christians who utter the same words as Pope Francis when they said, 'Who are we to judge?'"

And the prayers of the faithful were replete with themes from supporting LGBT youth to those choosing sex reassignment surgery.

Prayer of the Faithful: "For Christian and for all faith leaders, communities, denominations, who are challenged by LGBTQ issues, that God will give them insight, wisdom and clear understanding, guiding them toward truth, justice, love and light. We pray to the Lord."  

Also in the Newark archdiocese, just one week earlier, another such Mass took place in Upper Saddle River at Church of the Presentation.

Fr. Bob Stagg, pastor: "We’ve got a cardinal in New Jersey who is, frankly, one of the most powerful men in the Church. ... One of the very first things he did three years ago, when he was named cardinal of Newark, was to invite the LGBTQ community to the cathedral in Newark."

The pro-gay cardinal Joseph Tobin's proximity to Pope Francis has been rewarded with high-ranking Vatican positions.

He joined Chicago's pro-gay Cdl. Blase Cupich in March on the Congregation for Bishops, and was appointed earlier this month as a member of the Vatican's highest court, the Apostolic Signatura.

The attempt to normalize perversity in the Church extends from coast to coast, and with men like Tobin and Cupich helping make bishops worldwide, many worry the effort will gain more ground here and abroad.    

Originally from Detroit, Tobin took perpetual vows as a Redemptorist in 1976. He worked as a priest and then pastor in the early '80s at the historic Redemportist-run church of Most Holy Redeemer in Southwest Detroit.


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