Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Church Militant...12/01/2021...For whistleblowers, law enforcement, detectives: Help us fight corruption in the Church


War for young souls rages on.
Paris prelate quits over 'affair' as plans for dumbing down shrine leaked.
Court decision frozen.
Watch all the Baltimore 2021 rally talks and interviews.
Something we all need.
Observe Advent to celebrate Christmas properly.
November 29, 2021
November 30, 2021
November 29, 2021
The scourge of transgenderism.

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The Law and the Gospel Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. JAMES 2:10


Books for Christmas 2021...Advent and the Jewish Prophets...The complicated story of Catholicism, religious tolerance, and early America


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Advent and the Jewish Prophets

By Dawn Beutner on Dec 01, 2021 03:03 am
Advent and the Jewish Prophets By Dawn Beutner Why did Michelangelo paint seven Old Testament prophets in the Sistine Chapel? Because Jewish prophets such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah are important figures in the Jewish [...]
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Books for Christmas 2021

By George Weigel on Dec 01, 2021 03:02 am
Some suggestions for Christmas giving, in the form of books that amuse, inspire, educate or all-of-the-above: Prison Journal, Volume 3 – The High Court Frees an Innocent Man, by Cardinal George Pell (Ignatius Press). The [...]
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The complicated story of Catholicism, religious tolerance, and early America

By James Matthew Wilson on Nov 30, 2021 09:17 pm
For the Catholic Church, America has never been just a nation or a state. It constitutes rather a political and theological problem. That is as much the case now as it has ever been. The [...]
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On translating Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange, Divine Liturgy, and cocktails

By Derya M. Little on Nov 30, 2021 08:30 pm
When we first met, Dr. Matthew K. Minerd greeted us with his favorite cocktail and a warm smile in his home where the smell of books and good food invited every newcomer to a cozy [...]
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John 17:3 (3) And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. New King James Version


(3) And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

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  John 17:3

(3) And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
New King James Version   Change your email Bible version

This verse provides a succinct yet broad biblical definition. We tend to think of eternal life as simply endless life when it is not. Jesus' definition of eternal life is "knowing God." We could say it is understanding the way God lives or that the quality of life that God lives is eternal life. He does not live as a human lives, but He lives on the God-plane. We must learn to live as He lives, to think as He does, to act as He does, to write His image on our minds.

God has set the Sabbath apart so we can know Him, that is, so we can know what eternal life is and live it. Knowing Him is eternal life. Another way to put it is that eternal life is being intimate with Him. He is not intimate with people who rebel against Him nor those who, on the Sabbath day, have their minds on everything else but Him and His way of life. Such people talk about everything else except the things that concern Him and our relationship with Him. Using the metaphor of a courting couple, we cannot come to know Him by going out on a date with Him and then not paying any attention to Him.

The proper observance of the Sabbath is given to humanity so that we might come to know God better on this day than is possible on any other day of the week. He provides an entire twenty-four hours to spend with Him. It is no wonder that He became upset with Israel because they ignored what He wanted from them on the Sabbath. They spent precious little time with Him. They failed to dig into His Word and so failed to discuss His message, His attitudes, His character, His purpose. Their minds were on everything else but Him.

We know that, if we went out with someone of the opposite sex, with whom we expected to have an enjoyable time, and that person paid attention to everybody else except us, we would be frustrated and angry. We would never want to go out with that person again. That is the issue. Eternal life describes the way God lives, and the Sabbath is set apart so that we can come to know Him and become more intimate with Him.

People spend an untold number of years preparing to earn a living in this world. Doctors spend four years at college then study more years at medical school and during their internship. It might take eight, ten, or twelve years for them to prepare a doctor to be successful.

By contrast, God commands us to set aside just one day each week to help us prepare for living endlessly in the highest quality - as He does.

— John W. Ritenbaugh

To learn more, see:
Sabbathkeeping (Part 1)

Listen to this sermon

Related Topics:
Courting Couple Analogy
Eternal Life is Being Intimate with God
Sabbath as Holy Time


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