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Observe advent to properly celebrate Christmas.
November 29, 2021 8 CommentsObserve Advent to celebrate Christmas properly.
The Download
Observe Advent to celebrate Christmas properly.
I dislike long weekends. I miss you folks. 🥰 I listen to the news a day late because I'm busy when your live.
What gets me is the businesses (and people in their own homes) who put out Christmas things (including Christmas music) before Thanksgiving then remove everything by December 26th because by then they've grown tired of it all. Christmas goes from the actual day to the Baptism of the Lord in early January, but certainly at least until Epiphany. It was nice when I lived where there were a lot of Eastern Christian Churches who were on the Julian calendar so their Christmas fell on our Epiphany and their decorations, etc. were out longer. Why can't people simply decorate later and put everything back later?
I used to attend a performance of Handel's Messiah every Advent. Listening to this excellent discussion made me realize what a good preparation for Christmas that is.