Evening News

DECEMBER 1, 2021
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Catholic Info Hour.
Diane • 36 minutes ago There are those who know that abortion IS murder and the rest pretend it is not. How evil are we to murder the most innocent amongst us? When these liberal women get out there and insist that it is their body and they should be able to do what they want with it. Your right to murder your child ended when you chose to have sex, with the potential of getting pregnant. If you do not want to get pregnant, then, do not have sex, until you want that child. Be responsible and not out of control of your own body. The child suffers for your selfishness and weakness.
Tess208 • 2 hours ago This show was wonderful! As a Pro-Life activist since 1970, for the first time I feel there is a sense of optimism in the air! Michael and company have done a wonderful job of taking the viewer on a Pro Life journey from the beginning to the place we find ourselves today. While I am afraid some Life enthusiasts feel that the overthrow of Roe would mean instant abolishment of abortion, this coverage made it abundantly clear that if God should grant is victory, our job has just begun. There will be a price-even more so than in the past. Pray, receive the Sacraments and show up.
Stan • 5 hours ago The USCCB and pope Bergoglio were caught (again!) with their pants down. They spent so much energy and time to save ongoing Eucharistic sacrilege and the pro abortion narrative by Biden, Pelosi, and rest of the "Catholic" Democrat activists. And just moments later, totally independent of the nefarious efforts of Cupich and other "Catholic" "shepherds," the Supreme Court may actually put a significant halt on the mass slaughter of innocents.
And, what's most amazing, all this is happening only days after Biden soiled his pants while receiving Bergoglio's blessing and the USCCB had their big pointless meeting in Baltimore. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways!
Stan • 7 hours ago Sotomayor (video @17:00): it's OK to kill a baby as long as it doesn't feel pain; it twitches when poked with a knife as a dead man's foot would react to the same.
It's pretty silly for one of the nation's top judge to miss the nonsense of such argument. Sotomayor basically argued that a killing of another human being can be legal when it's done without inflicting pain. There are many situations when a person is sedated for surgery, under influence, or unconscious beyond the point of feeling pain, and it's still absolutely not legal or moral to kill them.
Obama's handlers, it seems, picked Sonia to the Supreme Court for one reason and one reason only: because she is a rabidly pro abortion Democrat.
Michael P. Mc Crory • 11 hours ago Congratulations Michael V and Christine Niles. What a spirited, insightful exchange from start to finish. With the info you provided it was like we ourselves were there to experience history in the making. The Church Militant team puts every other Catholic media source to shame. Hats off to all of you. Let's hope they are carving a special place in heaven for you in thanksgiving. You are sensational. For my part I will fast all day Friday that God's will be done.
Robbi • 11 hours ago Sotomayer reported to question angrily is interesting. Never ceases to amaze at how hearts seem to harden and minds close when discussing abortion while the tone and context of the pro-aborts become attacking/cajoling at the same time. The apparent need to protect one's own ego when abortion is addressed is the top priority. I don't recall anything in our lifetimes having quite the same emotional, wide-ranging impact upon persons as abortion. Perhaps, slavery was similar in the past?
While the country is focused on the Supreme Court and abortion; exactly WHAT are the clowns in the car doing in the rest of the govt.? Is this too a crisis the Nazis can capitalize on?
trackingtruth • 12 hours ago Thank you for your devotion to giving us the light of truth regarding this critical Supreme Court decision. I am not Catholic but I have been a faithful subscriber because you report on the issues that I care about.
I come from the Jewish perspective and you may be interested in knowing that the oral tradition regarding God's destruction of Sodom was that the city/state had codified immoral practices into law. There were may corrupt and immoral behaviors that God tolerated because He allowed mankind the freedom ( and curse) to exercise free will. Sodom, however, cast these immoral behaviors into law and this was what broight their destruction.
I fear for our nation as some members of the judiciary use their power to further their immoral adgeda. Let us all pray that these Supreme Court justices find the courage within themselves to support God's will.
Robbi trackingtruth • 11 hours ago I feel you. The Torah is "The Age of the Law" and it makes total sense God would act upon the institutionalization of grave sin in the society of His people as is written. In actuality, the whole Bible is about the history of God and his people and it's bothered me to imagine abortion to be made the law of our land for the reasons you write. As Israel, the United States was founded as a nation under God and the founding Fathers did go to Church after signing the Constitution to dedicate this country to the work of God. To make abortion the law of the land is terrifying for me as well.
Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago • edited Right to Privacy was established in Griswold v Connecticut. Warren Burger’s comments are consistent with Reagan’s. Reagan, In signing the California Therapeutic Abortion Act had no idea that abortions would skyrocket in his state. Both were naive on the consequences of their actions.
Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago I wish I could share the optimism of those who were there…. But I was around when Casey was handed down…. In fact, my memory is that I had just returned from an NRLC convention…. We had such great hope at that convention ☹️
Peter Molloy Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago Keep the faith! Miracles can and do happen. So many Rosaries can’t go unheard.
Baseballmomof8 Peter Molloy • 12 hours ago You are so right… I participated in our “Adoration to end Abortion” today… thanks for the encouragement 😊👍🏻
tap • 14 hours ago Biden says he still supports Roe vs Wade. He then sputtered, 'Hey Wilton give me another one of those wafer thingies and this time put a little cheese on it boy.
Diane • 36 minutes ago There are those who know that abortion IS murder and the rest pretend it is not. How evil are we to murder the most innocent amongst us? When these liberal women get out there and insist that it is their body and they should be able to do what they want with it. Your right to murder your child ended when you chose to have sex, with the potential of getting pregnant. If you do not want to get pregnant, then, do not have sex, until you want that child. Be responsible and not out of control of your own body. The child suffers for your selfishness and weakness.
Tess208 • 2 hours ago This show was wonderful! As a Pro-Life activist since 1970, for the first time I feel there is a sense of optimism in the air! Michael and company have done a wonderful job of taking the viewer on a Pro Life journey from the beginning to the place we find ourselves today. While I am afraid some Life enthusiasts feel that the overthrow of Roe would mean instant abolishment of abortion, this coverage made it abundantly clear that if God should grant is victory, our job has just begun. There will be a price-even more so than in the past. Pray, receive the Sacraments and show up.
Stan • 5 hours ago The USCCB and pope Bergoglio were caught (again!) with their pants down. They spent so much energy and time to save ongoing Eucharistic sacrilege and the pro abortion narrative by Biden, Pelosi, and rest of the "Catholic" Democrat activists. And just moments later, totally independent of the nefarious efforts of Cupich and other "Catholic" "shepherds," the Supreme Court may actually put a significant halt on the mass slaughter of innocents.
And, what's most amazing, all this is happening only days after Biden soiled his pants while receiving Bergoglio's blessing and the USCCB had their big pointless meeting in Baltimore. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways!
Stan • 7 hours ago Sotomayor (video @17:00): it's OK to kill a baby as long as it doesn't feel pain; it twitches when poked with a knife as a dead man's foot would react to the same.
It's pretty silly for one of the nation's top judge to miss the nonsense of such argument. Sotomayor basically argued that a killing of another human being can be legal when it's done without inflicting pain. There are many situations when a person is sedated for surgery, under influence, or unconscious beyond the point of feeling pain, and it's still absolutely not legal or moral to kill them.
Obama's handlers, it seems, picked Sonia to the Supreme Court for one reason and one reason only: because she is a rabidly pro abortion Democrat.
Michael P. Mc Crory • 11 hours ago Congratulations Michael V and Christine Niles. What a spirited, insightful exchange from start to finish. With the info you provided it was like we ourselves were there to experience history in the making. The Church Militant team puts every other Catholic media source to shame. Hats off to all of you. Let's hope they are carving a special place in heaven for you in thanksgiving. You are sensational. For my part I will fast all day Friday that God's will be done.
Robbi • 11 hours ago Sotomayer reported to question angrily is interesting. Never ceases to amaze at how hearts seem to harden and minds close when discussing abortion while the tone and context of the pro-aborts become attacking/cajoling at the same time. The apparent need to protect one's own ego when abortion is addressed is the top priority. I don't recall anything in our lifetimes having quite the same emotional, wide-ranging impact upon persons as abortion. Perhaps, slavery was similar in the past?
While the country is focused on the Supreme Court and abortion; exactly WHAT are the clowns in the car doing in the rest of the govt.? Is this too a crisis the Nazis can capitalize on?trackingtruth • 12 hours ago Thank you for your devotion to giving us the light of truth regarding this critical Supreme Court decision. I am not Catholic but I have been a faithful subscriber because you report on the issues that I care about.
I come from the Jewish perspective and you may be interested in knowing that the oral tradition regarding God's destruction of Sodom was that the city/state had codified immoral practices into law. There were may corrupt and immoral behaviors that God tolerated because He allowed mankind the freedom ( and curse) to exercise free will. Sodom, however, cast these immoral behaviors into law and this was what broight their destruction.
I fear for our nation as some members of the judiciary use their power to further their immoral adgeda. Let us all pray that these Supreme Court justices find the courage within themselves to support God's will.Robbi trackingtruth • 11 hours ago I feel you. The Torah is "The Age of the Law" and it makes total sense God would act upon the institutionalization of grave sin in the society of His people as is written. In actuality, the whole Bible is about the history of God and his people and it's bothered me to imagine abortion to be made the law of our land for the reasons you write. As Israel, the United States was founded as a nation under God and the founding Fathers did go to Church after signing the Constitution to dedicate this country to the work of God. To make abortion the law of the land is terrifying for me as well.
Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago • edited Right to Privacy was established in Griswold v Connecticut. Warren Burger’s comments are consistent with Reagan’s. Reagan, In signing the California Therapeutic Abortion Act had no idea that abortions would skyrocket in his state. Both were naive on the consequences of their actions.
Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago I wish I could share the optimism of those who were there…. But I was around when Casey was handed down…. In fact, my memory is that I had just returned from an NRLC convention…. We had such great hope at that convention ☹️
Peter Molloy Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago Keep the faith! Miracles can and do happen. So many Rosaries can’t go unheard.
Baseballmomof8 Peter Molloy • 12 hours ago You are so right… I participated in our “Adoration to end Abortion” today… thanks for the encouragement 😊👍🏻
tap • 14 hours ago Biden says he still supports Roe vs Wade. He then sputtered, 'Hey Wilton give me another one of those wafer thingies and this time put a little cheese on it boy.