BILL CLINTON ONE OF 200 EPSTEIN ASSOCIATESDocuments naming almost 200 people connected to Jeffrey Epstein were unsealed Wednesday, revealing that former President Bill Clinton was an “associate” of the serial child sex trafficker. In a transcript of a deposition, a victim said Epstein told her “one time that Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.” READ
AP BACKPEDELS BIZARRE EDITORIALIZING ON CLAUDINE GAYThe Associated Press (AP) on Wednesday admitted it was in the wrong to publish an article blasting “conservatives” and downplaying former Harvard President Claudine Gay’s responsibility in the plagiarism scandal that led to her resignation. “The story doesn’t meet our standards,” an AP spokeswoman said after widespread criticism of the article.READ
NYTIMES PUBLISHES ESSAY BY DEFIANT GAYClaudine Gay published an op-ed in the New York Times the day after her resignation “warning” that the “campaign” against her “was merely a single skirmish in a broader war to unravel public faith in pillars of American society.” For “the opportunists driving cynicism about our institutions, no single victory or toppled leader exhausts their zeal,” she wrote.READ
GOV. SANDERS CONFRONTS ADMIN’S MILITARY ABORTION POLICYIn a Tuesday letter, Republican Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders formally asked the Biden administration’s Department of Defense (DoD) to end its controversial policy of using taxpayer money to pay for service members’ abortions. Sanders noted that the policy also requires commanding officers to approve “abortion leave” regardless “of any sincere and deeply held religious convictions to the contrary.”READ
GOV. HOBBS GOES AFTER SCHOOL CHOICEArizona Gov. Katie Hobbs on Tuesday announced that she and fellow Democrats will pursue restrictions on the state’s active universal school choice legislation. Her new proposal would give the government power to monitor and report on how private schools spend school choice voucher money.READ
USA BOXING ALLOWS MEN TO FIGHT WOMEN USA Boxing decided last week to allow some men to compete in women’s competitions for the first time in its 55-year history. Female athletes across several sports slammed the policy.READ
SHIA LABEOUF BECOMES CATHOLICThe Capuchin Franciscans announced on January 2 that actor Shia LaBeouf has fully entered the Catholic Church having received the sacrament of Confirmation on New Year’s Eve. “His decision to fully enter the Church is a testament to his sincere desire to grow in his relationship with God and live out the Gospel values,” the Western America Province of Capuchin Franciscans wrote on January 2.READ
LOOPcast LOOPcast reads the signs as lightning strikes the keys of St. Peter and bishops worldwide say “no” to “same-sex blessings.” Harvard dumps its president, Trump dumps the Ohio guv, and can conservatives do better than a pin-up calendar? LISTEN
STUDENTS REACT TO ST. MARY’S COLLEGE RESCINDING ‘TRANS’ POLICY A Catholic women’s college recently retracted its updated policy allowing males who claim to be female to attend the school, but students at Saint Mary’s College who protested the “inclusive” policy told CatholicVote that the battle isn’t over yet.READ
CATHOLIC TRADE SCHOOLS FLOURISHPost-secondary Catholic trade schools are emerging nationwide in response to growing demand for alternative educational paths. The institutions all seek to integrate intellectual life with the life of manual labor without forcing students to assume tremendous debt.READ
IS THERE A CHRISTIAN FEMINISM?It’s a common argument that feminism did not begin as a harmful ideology. First-wave feminism was good and solid, but it took a turn with second-wave feminism (the defining feature being abortion). So can Christians go back to the original intentions and find a Christian-compatible feminism? Here’s an article that dives into those original intentions and helps us find the answer.READ
CATHOLIC 101To receive Holy Communion is to be touched with the flame of eternal Love. Yet, the state of our souls at the moment of reception plays a role in how effective it can be in our life.READ
SAINT OF THE DAYSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton was the foundress and first superior of the Sisters of Charity in the United States. She was born to Episcopalian parents into New York City high society on August 28, 1774. Her conversion unleashed a storm among her Protestant relatives and friends.READ
DAILY PSALM “All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.” (Psalm 98:3)READ
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Four Police Officers Injured In London ‘Diversity Riot’
The U.K.’s massive multicultural experiment went off the rails again Saturday as African immigrants exploded in violence in a South London incident dubbed by some as a “diversity riot.” Four officers attempting to contain the chaos were injured.
Witnesses saw a violent mob armed with sticks clashing with one another and then with law enforcement. Tired burned as immigrants reportedly of Ethiopian and Eritrean backgrounds fought to stop a meeting of African government officials in a theater. As the police intervened, they quickly found themselves under attack by the rioters. Law enforcement officials reported the fighting erupted due to “tensions in the Eritrean community.”
Once again, Ethiopia and Eritrea are nearing war over unsettled territorial disputes.
Southwark authorities said “eight people were arrested in Camberwell this afternoon for offenses including violent disorder, criminal damage, possession of offensive weapon” and an attack on an emergency worker.
The statement added that “four officers were injured, one of whom was taken to the hospital and has now been discharged.”
Exactly what business this African dustup has in the U.K. is anybody’s guess. All too often, Western nations now import third world issues that have nothing to do with their native populations except when violence erupts.
A shining example is the chaos centered around the Oct. 7 massacre of Jews and Israel’s perfectly predictable military response. What is also predictable is that a Middle Eastern issue now spills out into far-flung cities that should be immune to the conflict.
Instead, pro-Palestineans march and wave flags and chant their support for barbaric terrorists. In the U.S. they declared that Christmas was “canceled” due to their ancient warfare.
This is not assimilation, not in the U.K. and not in the U.S. Instead, it is dragging the very same issues that made the home countries utterly unlivable and foisting them onto people who know little and care less about grudges halfway around the world.
Four police officers were injured in a skirmish that had no place in London.