Paul Turns Prison Into Holy Ghost Gold

Sermon delivered by Doug Giles, from text: Eph.3:1-13

Do you trust that God is in charge in your life? Even when things seem to be going completely sideways?

If you watch how many Christians pray, they are very happy to accept God’s good plan in their life when everything is going according to plan. But when those plans go off the rails, they freak out.

Paul was a different kind of cat. He was slandered, flogged, shipwrecked, imprisoned, and eventually martyred. And at no point in any of that do we see any evidence of Paul throwing a pity party.

In fact, he is warned several times by prophetic utterance that the journey he was about to take would end with him thrown in prison… and he took it in stride. Because Paul had a secret.

He understood something about the blessing of God that Churchianity has lost sight of…

It’s not about the WHAT. It’s the WHO. And when you have HIM… you’ve got it all. The treasure you’ve laid hold of is something that NOBODY can take from you. Doug explains what that looks like in this week’s sermon:

The PERFECT Gift For The Art Loving Warrior

Dear Fellow Warriors: My new book just dropped, GILES VOL. I: The Biblical Warrior Collection. It’s a full color coffee table compilation of my biblical paintings over the last 20yrs. As you know, I don’t depict the biblical men in this book as sweet bearded women but rough troublemakers who shook all of hell’s habitations. It’s a great gift for the male and female scrappy warriors on your Christmas list. Young kids will love it too. 70+ original paintings. 234 pages with the scriptural inspiration behind each painting. It’s a beautiful book.

RECOMMENDATIONS. “One reason I buy Doug’s priceless art is to make bold statements on the walls of my home. Lively discussions come alive to bring home the Gospel messages behind the brushstrokes gifted to Mr. Giles. Pastor Doug’s creativity in canvassing the Biblical perspective is daring and courageous.”
– Captain Robert Reinecker

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