Flotsam and Jetsam
- Disobedience: The Trail to Spiritual Stagnation July 26, 2014
- Fearlessness: Walking with the Shield of Faith July 26, 2014
- An Open Letter to The White House July 24, 2014
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014
7-29-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News
7-29-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News
large number of earthquakes in America western states. nothig to worry about, that is what goverment says, so I guess it is ok?
Phone Call From Israel As War Rages
Published on Jul 29, 2014
Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana talking to Amy in Haifa Israel as the war rages in the Holy Land also
Unusual Tornado Hits Boston
Published on Jul 29, 2014
Paul Revere brought forth an alarming warning and so did the tornado warnings in Boston also
John Kerry And His "Big Bias Blunder" Chaos In Holy Land
Published on Jul 29, 2014
Israeli Government is sick and tired of the blundering of American Sec. Of State John F. Kerry also
URGENT! Ebola crossing into USA!? It's In Atlanta says global incidents map
Published on Apr 9, 2014
Is Ebola already here? Says so on the outbreak map of USA.
Published on Jul 11, 2014
Since the outbreak of the deadly strain of Zaire Ebola in Guinea in February, many people have died as the disease has travelled to neighbouring Sierra Leone, Liberia and Mali. The outbreak has sent shock waves through communities who know little of the disease or how it is transmitted. The cases in Mali have added to fears that it is spreading through West Africa.
This latest outbreak, which has yet to be contained and is being considered by Doctors Without Borders as an "unprecedented epidemic," illustrates several troubling truths about global health care, emergency response to outbreaks, and the perception many have of a West subjecting the developing world to a "medical tyranny."
One must wonder then, if MSF and other global health agencies can train Ugandan medical staff and hand over responsibilities to prevent a future outbreak to the government of Uganda, why haven't similar provisions been undertaken in nations like Guinea, Liberia, Mali, and Sierra Leone. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Ebola outbreaks occur "primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests." Why then have nations in Central and West Africa not been prepared for such outbreaks -- particularly when the many of the nations that back MSF are already heavily involved in the internal affairs of many of these nations?
The Guardian's article, "How the World Health Organisation covered up Iraq's nuclear nightmare," illustrates how the WHO's conclusions were manipulated by politicized science, and offers the world a cautionary tale of how organizations like the UN and WHO cannot be entrusted to oversee issues of human health, our environment, or anything else upon which humanity's existence hinges.
This latest outbreak, which has yet to be contained and is being considered by Doctors Without Borders as an "unprecedented epidemic," illustrates several troubling truths about global health care, emergency response to outbreaks, and the perception many have of a West subjecting the developing world to a "medical tyranny."
One must wonder then, if MSF and other global health agencies can train Ugandan medical staff and hand over responsibilities to prevent a future outbreak to the government of Uganda, why haven't similar provisions been undertaken in nations like Guinea, Liberia, Mali, and Sierra Leone. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Ebola outbreaks occur "primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests." Why then have nations in Central and West Africa not been prepared for such outbreaks -- particularly when the many of the nations that back MSF are already heavily involved in the internal affairs of many of these nations?
The Guardian's article, "How the World Health Organisation covered up Iraq's nuclear nightmare," illustrates how the WHO's conclusions were manipulated by politicized science, and offers the world a cautionary tale of how organizations like the UN and WHO cannot be entrusted to oversee issues of human health, our environment, or anything else upon which humanity's existence hinges.
URGENT UPDATE: EBOLA Pandemic Liberia Shuts Down Its Borders
URGENT UPDATE: EBOLA Pandemic Liberia Shuts Down Its Borders
is it coming to America, is it air borne, kills 90% of those that get it. What are we going to do when the real panic begins and the boarders even though closed are breached. And they will be!
Boko Haram Kidnaps Cameroon Deputy Prime Minister Wife
Published on Jul 29, 2014
The Beast is rising as radical Islam continues to inflect murder and mayhem among the innocent people of the world also also
"My Little Children"
Published on Jul 29, 2014
Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana reads I John Chapter 2
Monday, July 28, 2014
7-28-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News
7-28-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News
7-28-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News
7-28-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News
The Hard Part of Forgiveness (pt 2)
The Hard Part of Forgiveness (pt 2)
I don’t know who to credit for this, but it is an excellent definition of Forgiveness:
To forgive means to restore a bond of love and communion when there has been a rupture. Sin ruptures our relationship with God and others, as also do offenses taken and given among people.
That my friends is the reaction of our sinful nature. We prefer to categorize that individual in terms of what they said or did to us. Well, you better let it go, because the longer you nurture that anger and alienation, the more deeply the resentment is going to take hold of our heart. It will ruin your prayer life and your relationship to the Lord wibe weakened — or destroyed.
Forgiveness means overlooking the sin or transgression, and restoring a bond of love. It does not mean justifying the offensive action or accepting it as right, nor does it mean justifying one’s own anger or sinful reaction. Forgiveness means laying aside our judgments of the other person and our own sinful reactions, and accepting others for who they are.
Our Father’s forgiveness is unconditional and absolute. And as Jesus put it, “If you are willing to forgive others who have done something wrong to you, and simply let any resentment and bitterness go, your heavenly Father will do the same for you.
“However, if you refuse to forgive others, even for their reckless and willful sins against you, neither will your Father forgive you your sins against Him” (Matthew 6:14-15)
No, our God may not punish you outright, but if you continue to alienate yourself from Him with your unforgiveness, you will be punishing yourself. You will turn in on yourself in anger and self-hatred, which will shatter your relationship with Him, cutting yourself off from His love.
With these Morning Messages, I take you on guided tours to, as Bunyan described, the Celestial City. At times we linger at corners familiar and unseen. And explore the depths of our faith along the way.
The trail is long, but there’s no hurry. Though we do need to stock up on supplies for the way, and that’s where I need your help. If you enjoy these messages, please consider becoming a contributing member of this tour group. It will be very much appreciated.
Guilt and Forgiveness (pt 2)In "Daily Thoughts"
The Hard Part of Forgiveness . . .In "Daily Thoughts"
Forgiveness . . .In "Daily Thoughts"
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Turkey To Send Flotilla II With Turkish Troops To Gaza!!
Published on Jul 28, 2014
Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey is sending another flotilla of ships to Gaza but this time with Turkish troops also
Flames Of Fire Threaten 500 Homes In California
Published on Jul 28, 2014
Wild fires burned down 13 homes and 38 buildings Sunday July 27, 2014 in Northern California also
North Korea Threatens Nukes On The White House!!
Published on Jul 28, 2014
Are You Serious? North Korea threatens to nuke the White House and Pentagon also
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Pope Francis Freemason Mass in Bethlehem, Cenacle,The Coming Alien Invas...
Published on May 27, 2014
New To Our Broadcasts? Be sure to catch up! You will not believe how late the hour is:
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For these headlines and more visit us on our Facebook Page Today. Go to the link at:
**** Don't forget to sub my channel for the latest in Breaking News Bible Prophecy!
For these headlines and more visit us on our Facebook Page Today. Go to the link at:
Euphrates Runs Dry as Plague of Snakes Torments Iraq, U.S. Knew in Advan...
Published on Jun 24, 2014
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Evangelist Anita Uncovers the Following:
- One World Religion "House of One" in Berlin, Germany
- World Cup: Men are traveling to Brazil for Sex with Children
- Man knowingly infected 15 year old with HIV Virus after meeting on Chat Room
- U.S., U.K. Knew about ISIS Takeover Months in Advance
- Iraq Euphrates Runs Dry and a Plague of Deadly Snakes is Unleashed!
- and much, much, more...
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Evangelist Anita Uncovers the Following:
- One World Religion "House of One" in Berlin, Germany
- World Cup: Men are traveling to Brazil for Sex with Children
- Man knowingly infected 15 year old with HIV Virus after meeting on Chat Room
- U.S., U.K. Knew about ISIS Takeover Months in Advance
- Iraq Euphrates Runs Dry and a Plague of Deadly Snakes is Unleashed!
- and much, much, more...
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Ebola Kills Over 700 Including Doctors 2 Americans Are Now Sick!
Published on Jul 28, 2014
Liberia's top doctor has died and 2 Americans have been affected including 33 year old Dr. Kent Brantly working for Samaritan Purse of Billy Graham Ministries also
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Surprise Thunderstorms (Los Angeles, CA / Venice Beach, CA)
Published on Jul 28, 2014
A large line of thunderstorms that originated off the coast of San Diego County worked their way up the coast of Los Angeles County. These thunderstorms produced very heavy rain and deadly lightning. Over 10 people were struck by lightning with these storms. These storms are also responsible for starting brush fires in the Catalina Island. Most people were caught off guard when these storms rolled into the area. The skies turned sunny about an hour later with no sign of any storm what's so ever. More storms are possible for tomorrow especially for the mountains and deserts.
Deadly Lightning Strikes Venice Beach Los Angeles California
Published on Jul 28, 2014
One man is dead 13 people injured in a "mighty thunderbolt from heaven strikes 13 in California also
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"I Sink In The Mire"
Published on Jul 28, 2014
Are You Serious? 3 Days of Summer Fire and Pastor Paul Begley reads from psalm 69 1-14
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Ichabod or Renewal?
Ichabod or Renewal?
I have explained how I occasionally scan the TV channels to see what the “famous” preachers are saying. What’s amazing is how so many of them keep saying, “God is doing a new thing in his church!” This “new thing” they keep promising is sometimes called a revival, an special outpouring, or a visitation, or a miraculous move of God.
I don’t mean to sound skeptical, but I have been hearing that for bunches of years . . . I heard about times of renewal happening in Tulsa; Dallas; Lakeland; Toronto; and several other cities and countries. The thing is, these “new things,” eventually die out. And once they have faded, another “new thing,” has to take its place. After another couple of years, another visitation sparks some interest. Sadly, I know of some believers who need to jump from one event to another, just to get a renewed “Fire.”
Yes, I realize that I occasionally like to “stir the pot,” a little. Yes, I believe our Father is capable of doing something new in his church. But you won’t find this mighty work of the Spirit in just one location. I mean, you can drive to Florida or Texas or wherever you think it might be happening, or . . . you can stay where you are, because the visitation, if you will, is happening in every state and around the world, even as you are reading this message.
The thing is, the Spirit of God won’t begin a new thing in the Church until He does away with the old. This is a biblical principle that has been proven throughout centuries of Church history, and is found in both Testaments and governs any true move of God. The way Jesus described it, he won’t put new wine into old wineskins (see Mark 2:22).
This principle of doing away with the old and raising up the new, was first introduced in the Old Testament at Shiloh. During the time of the Judges, God established a holy work in that city (see Judges 18:31). Shiloh was where the Wilderness Tabernacle (called generically the house of God) was erected and semi-permanently located when Israel entered the Promised Land. This is where the official Priesthood operated, which was the center of all religious activity in Israel.
The name Shiloh itself means “that which is the Lord’s.” This is referring to everything that represents Yahweh and reveal His nature and character. The Lord spoke to his people at Shiloh and where Samuel first heard Yahweh’s voice and where the Lord revealed his will to him (see I Samuel 1).
So if you follow the history of Isra’el, the Lord quit leading and guiding them because His laws had become perverted, and the people had become lazy, and sensual, and Shiloh had become corrupt. God told Samuel, “Shiloh has become so defiled, it no longer represents who I am. This house is no longer mine. I’m finished with it.” So the Lord lifted his presence from the sanctuary and wrote “Ichabod” above the door, which means, “The glory of the Lord has departed.”
That my friends is the most dreadful thought we can ever imagine. Yes, it is a frightening thought, but the Lord has completely done away with the old and once again, raised up something new. Thousands of years after Shiloh was abandoned by the Lord, the temple in Jerusalem became known as “the Lord’s house” and God spoke to his people there.
Then, something even greater happened! We are told that “if a man is in Christ he becomes a new person altogether—the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new!” (II Corinthians 5:17). That’s right! Once you discover Jesus as your Savior, you will never need to fear the Lord abandoning you, but even greater news it that you don’t have to waste the time and gas traveling to those “outpourings,” and “new things,” He has already given you a new thing – your life has been made new and you can have an outpouring of His Spirit every day of the week! Go ahead and shout, my friend, because TODAY is your day of renewal!!!
I don’t mean to sound skeptical, but I have been hearing that for bunches of years . . . I heard about times of renewal happening in Tulsa; Dallas; Lakeland; Toronto; and several other cities and countries. The thing is, these “new things,” eventually die out. And once they have faded, another “new thing,” has to take its place. After another couple of years, another visitation sparks some interest. Sadly, I know of some believers who need to jump from one event to another, just to get a renewed “Fire.”
Yes, I realize that I occasionally like to “stir the pot,” a little. Yes, I believe our Father is capable of doing something new in his church. But you won’t find this mighty work of the Spirit in just one location. I mean, you can drive to Florida or Texas or wherever you think it might be happening, or . . . you can stay where you are, because the visitation, if you will, is happening in every state and around the world, even as you are reading this message.
The thing is, the Spirit of God won’t begin a new thing in the Church until He does away with the old. This is a biblical principle that has been proven throughout centuries of Church history, and is found in both Testaments and governs any true move of God. The way Jesus described it, he won’t put new wine into old wineskins (see Mark 2:22).
This principle of doing away with the old and raising up the new, was first introduced in the Old Testament at Shiloh. During the time of the Judges, God established a holy work in that city (see Judges 18:31). Shiloh was where the Wilderness Tabernacle (called generically the house of God) was erected and semi-permanently located when Israel entered the Promised Land. This is where the official Priesthood operated, which was the center of all religious activity in Israel.
The name Shiloh itself means “that which is the Lord’s.” This is referring to everything that represents Yahweh and reveal His nature and character. The Lord spoke to his people at Shiloh and where Samuel first heard Yahweh’s voice and where the Lord revealed his will to him (see I Samuel 1).
So if you follow the history of Isra’el, the Lord quit leading and guiding them because His laws had become perverted, and the people had become lazy, and sensual, and Shiloh had become corrupt. God told Samuel, “Shiloh has become so defiled, it no longer represents who I am. This house is no longer mine. I’m finished with it.” So the Lord lifted his presence from the sanctuary and wrote “Ichabod” above the door, which means, “The glory of the Lord has departed.”
That my friends is the most dreadful thought we can ever imagine. Yes, it is a frightening thought, but the Lord has completely done away with the old and once again, raised up something new. Thousands of years after Shiloh was abandoned by the Lord, the temple in Jerusalem became known as “the Lord’s house” and God spoke to his people there.
Then, something even greater happened! We are told that “if a man is in Christ he becomes a new person altogether—the past is finished and gone, everything has become fresh and new!” (II Corinthians 5:17). That’s right! Once you discover Jesus as your Savior, you will never need to fear the Lord abandoning you, but even greater news it that you don’t have to waste the time and gas traveling to those “outpourings,” and “new things,” He has already given you a new thing – your life has been made new and you can have an outpouring of His Spirit every day of the week! Go ahead and shout, my friend, because TODAY is your day of renewal!!!
With these Morning Messages, I take you on guided tours to, as Bunyan described, the Celestial City. At times we linger at corners familiar and unseen. And explore the depths of our faith along the way.
The trail is long, but there’s no hurry. Though we do need to stock up on supplies for the way, and that’s where I need your help. If you enjoy these messages, please consider becoming a contributing member of this tour group. It will be very much appreciated.
A New WordIn "Daily Thoughts"
Thoughts On StirringIn "Daily Thoughts"
Be Steadfast and UnmovableIn "Daily Thoughts"
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Flotsam and Jetsam
- Disobedience: The Trail to Spiritual Stagnation July 26, 2014
- Fearlessness: Walking with the Shield of Faith July 26, 2014
- An Open Letter to The White House July 24, 2014
Your Daily Verse
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