Saturday, February 28, 2015

Russian Politician Nemtsov Assassinated In Moscow

Published on Feb 28, 2015
Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shot dead in Moscow in view of the Kremlin also

Obama Dares GOP: Go Ahead, ‘Have a Vote on Whether What I’m Doing Is Legal…I Will Veto’

Obama Dares GOP: Go Ahead, ‘Have a Vote on Whether What I’m Doing Is Legal…I Will Veto’

Pres. Obama is daring Republicans to vote on whether or not his executive actions are legal.
Discussing opposition to his executive amnesty orders at an immigration town hall Wednesday, Obama said he would veto the vote because his actions are “the right thing to do”:
“So in the short term, if Mr. McConnell, the leader of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, want to have a vote on whether what I’m doing is legal or not, they can have that vote.  I will veto that vote, because I’m absolutely confident that what we’re doing is the right thing to do.”

Obama argued that he has merely “expanded my authorities” – not broken any laws:
“What we’ve done is we’ve expanded my authorities under executive action and prosecutorial discretion as far as we can legally under the existing statute, the existing law.  And so now the question is, how can we get a law passed.”

Obama called the “political process” a “separate track”:
So we’re going to have to keep on with the political process on a separate track.  But in the meantime, we’re going to do everything that we can to make sure that we implement executive actions as we’ve discussed.
In addition to these “shortcuts,” the immigration law must be changed, as well, Obama said:
“There are only so many shortcuts.  Ultimately, we have to change the law.  And people have to remain focused on that.”
Watch full town hall video below:

Muslims Predict Jesus Will Defeat ISIS, Beginning in 2015

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Muslims Predict Jesus Will Defeat ISIS, Beginning in 2015

Posted: Updated:
All right, it might not start until 2016, these things can be awfully hard to predict exactly. However, surprising as it may seem, one way or another the end of ISIS is in sight, and it's all resting securely in the hands of Jesus, peace be upon him.
There has been a great deal of mainstream media attention lately, both video and print, regarding the fact that ISIS is recruiting based on the promise that their fighters are actually participating in the rapidly approaching end of the world.

At the same time, mainstream orthodox Muslim websites are already predicting Jesus' return as early as 2022, starting an Islamic prophetic clock set to run over the next 7 years, in the purportedly rapidly approaching run-up to Armageddon.
The good news is that even if they're wrong, those claims ISIS is making about their own role in Islamic end-time prophecy spell their own certain end. Because even though ISIS claims they're fighting on the side of the angels, it's obvious they're not, and it should become progressively clearer to even the most misguided Jihadi that either ISIS is wrong about Armageddon or that they're on the wrong side, because of all the things Muslims know are supposed to happen.
And if it turns out they're right, then we can all rest assured that by the time the dust has finally settled there will be no question left about who's side they are really on, because it's all going to be about Jesus.
Frankly, although I'd like to believe the orthodox predictions are correct, I think they're premature, and that ISIS is crazy-stupid. We had a very informative event up here in Calgary last month hosted by the US State Department, where Dr. Michael Ryan of the Middle East Institute shared his valuable insights into ISIS' recruiting strategy. We learned that ISIS actually complains in their internal communiqués about their difficulty recruiting informed Muslims, because "Islam makes them tend towards life and their community". They find more success attracting Muslims they call "losers" -- ignorant about their Islamic faith and marginalized by drugs, alcoholism, crime, mental illness or recent life-changing events. That's not the sort of Muslim you would expect to know much about the religion, or to make good life -- or end-of-life -- choices either. Given that, I think we can discount their validity of their "good-guy" claims, even despite their despicable and deplorable actions which should in themselves be sufficient.
But even if we considered that they might be right about the impending apocalypse, what sort of events should the next few years bring according to confirmed Islamic eschatology?
  • First, the Euphrates River should soon be uncovering a mountain of gold, with the Arabian Peninsula becoming filled with meadows and rivers.
  • Then, some Muslims throughout the world will be inexplicably transformed into apes and pigs because of their attempts to make lawful some rather significant major sins. Personally, I think that one's aimed squarely at al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab and ISIS and their associates, and their rather liberal views regarding murder, tumult, oppression and slavery.
  • Then shortly thereafter you can expect the coming of the Mahdi, his uncovering of the Ark of the Covenant and his evangelism of a significant proportion of the world's Jews, who will wake up and realize that they shouldn't be ignoring and allowing Israel's oppressing Muslims and Christians in Palestine.
  • Then, you will see the coming of al-Masih ad-Dajjal --the false Messiah or anti-Christ-- the descent of 'Isa ibn Maryam ['alayhis-salam] --that's Jesus-- and his defeat of the anti-Christ followed by the coming of Ya'juj and Ma'juj --Gog and Magog--,followed by:
  • The rising of the sun from the west
  • The appearance of the Beast of the Earth
  • The wind that will take the souls of the believers
  • The ruin of al-Madinah --Medina--
  • The destruction of the Ka'bah --Mecca-- by the Abyssinians
  • And the fire that will come from the Yemen to gather the people in Sham before the coming of Judgement Day.
I think you'll all have to admit, that's a lot to pack into the next seven years and it's going to be hard to miss.
And with that 7 year clock running, if it all doesn't start happening soon, you can expect to see ISIS supporters starting to slip away.
But if it does come true, what sort of a man is the Mahdi supposed to be? Muslim prophecies are actually frighteningly clear, and do seem to predict the current state of affairs in the Levant, hold out hope for the rest of us and promise an end to ISIS.
At the end of time, a severe tribulation will descend upon my Ummah from their ruler. A worse tribulation will not have been heard of before, until the earth's expanse is constricted upon them, and until the earth is filled with tyranny and oppression, so that the mu'min will find no refuge from the oppression.
Then, Allah ['azza wa-jall] will send a man from my descendents who will fill the earth with equity and justice as it had been filled with oppression and tyranny. The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him. The earth will not withhold any of its growth, but will bring it out, neither will the sky withhold a drop, but Allah will pour it out upon them in showers. He will live among them for seven years, or eight, or nine. The living will wish that the dead were brought to life again to witness the great good that Allah brought about for the people of the earth.
There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal. So do not revile the people of Sham, but revile their evil ones, for among them are the Abdal [great righteous people]. A flood is about to be released upon the people of Sham that will split their unity, so that even if foxes attack them, they would defeat them.
At that time, a man from my household will come out with three banners. The one who estimates highly will say that they are fifteen thousand. And the one who estimates lower will say that they are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: "Amit, amit [kill, kill]." They will meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners will be a man seeking the kingdom. Allah will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty, and their far ones and near ones.
And what about Jesus? Even though Muslims and Christians disagree about what he is, with Christians claiming he's God and Muslims declaring he's not, everybody agrees about what sort of a person he was, is and will be: a man who fulfilled the Jewish Covenant and taught benevolent compassion to his followers, his example remaining a source of hope and inspiration to all humankind for the rest of time.
Can anyone conceive that that person --or Person-- when he --or He-- descends to lead us, could conceivably countenance the despicable and deplorable acts of ISIS?
God Forbid, it could never happen, not even if the world ends tomorrow or lasts for another thousand years.
Bottom line, I have served God and loved Jesus my entire life, and I followed Jesus into Islam when I realized I became a worse man by worshipping Him and a better man by following him. And my greatest hope for today is that Muslims and Christians are all starting to look forward to his return, because regardless of when that happens his example and his words can guide all of us to a better place together, with the help of God.
Because regardless of what the next years bring or which faith we follow, we are all waking up and realizing that we all need Jesus, peace be upon him.
Praise God/Alhamdulillah, Amen.

Obama power grab triggers 1st Amendment nightmare

Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says the Obama administration’s efforts to regulate the Internet constitute a major infringement upon freedom of speech, but he believes the new plan will get struck down in court for lack of transparency.
The five members of the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, are scheduled to vote Thursday on a plan to advance Obama’s net neutrality agenda, which also allegedly calls for the Internet to be treated like a utility. Despite the major changes the plan could well involve, lawmakers and the media have been rather quiet about it.
“People don’t know the danger that is coming,” Napolitano told WND. “The danger that is coming is a gaggle of bureaucrats here – three Democrats and two Republicans, the Republicans will probably dissent – claiming they have the power to regulate the Internet.”
He said Congress has passed no statute authorizing new government controls on the Internet, and the First Amendment clearly states that neither Congress nor any government agency it created can make a law restricting the freedom of speech.
Napolitano admits the stated goal of net neutrality sounds innocuous when first presented, but he said the problem Obama and his allies really have is with the free market.
“They claim that the purpose of their regulation is to prevent the Internet from affording priority and faster service to certain preferred users,” he explained. “Would we all like to have fast service? Yes. Do we all know how to get fast service? Yes, we do. Might that cost us something? Yes, it might, but at the present time it is free from government regulation.”
However, the judge said the public goal of establishing Internet fairness will come at a very heavy price.
“If the government regulates the Internet and tells providers how fast they can move information, we will soon see the government regulating the cost of the Internet. We will eventually, just like with broadcast television, see the government regulating the content of the Internet,” said Napolitano, who described the chain reaction he believes the FCC proposal would trigger.
“Right now, the Internet is the freest marketplace of ideas and transfers of information that the world has ever known,” he said. “At least in the United States, it is utterly and totally – there are some minor exceptions – unregulated. Once these federal bureaucrats get their hands on it, give them a couple of years. It’ll look like broadcast television, a watered-down version of what we now have.”
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano:
Also at work, according to Napolitano, is the federal government’s unquenchable thirst for more and more power.
“Think about it,” he said. “You’re a commissioner on the FCC. You’re regulating telecoms and broadcast TV. Wouldn’t you like to regulate cable while you’re at it? Wouldn’t you like to regulate the Internet while you’re at it? It’s human nature when you have power to want to expand the power. That’s why we have a Constitution, to prevent these expansions of power.”
One of the greatest frustrations for those concerned about the FCC plan eroding speech rights is that the commissioners will not, and say they cannot, reveal any details of the package until after the vote on Thursday. Napolitano said that tactic is actually a double-edged sword. He said the downside of the secrecy is obvious.
“It’s bad because the government has an obligation under federal law, when any of its administrative agencies plan on changing their rules and expanding their power or modifying substantially the manner in which they regulate, to publish those rules for 30 days,” Napolitano said.
And because the FCC is not following the law, it gives opponents fertile ground for an appeal.
“The good part is, the failure to publish this will invalidate the rules once they’re challenged before a federal court. The government is shooting itself in the foot,” said Napolitano, who sees this turning into a replay of another fierce court battle involving the administration.
“This is the very same thing it did when it attempted to implement President Obama’s changes in immigration law, and they were enjoined from doing so last Monday by a federal judge in Texas, who said, ‘You didn’t publish these rules for 30 days, which gives the public the opportunity to comment and, more importantly, Congress the opportunity to modify the rules,”he said.
Napolitano said the biggest asset for net neutrality supporters right now is the disinterest of the American people. He said if that changes, the whole debate will change.
“This proposal by the president (these are the president’s appointees on the FCC) actually has the support of the leadership of both political parties, big-government Republicans and big-government Democrats,” he said. “But some of them will have great pause for reconsideration if there is a great national debate on this.”
He said fierce debate is exactly what the Democrat majority of commissioners is trying to avoid through its secretive tactics.
“That’s the reason why the three Democrats on the FCC want to force it through,” he said, “so there will be no great national debate, because a great national debate will result in the undoing of this.”


Devilish details behind Obama's bullet ban

The Obama administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or BATF, recently announced its intention to ban the manufacture, importation and distribution of popular SS109/M855 ammunition commonly used in AR-15 type rifles, based on the construction of the projectile it uses. This ammo served as the standard issue, 5.56 x 45mm round used by the U.S. military and most NATO countries around the world. It is commonly referred to as “Green Tip” because the military puts a bit of green paint on the tip of the bullet to help soldiers easily identify it.
Since the AR platform is the single most popular rifle in the country, and M855 is one of the most common types of ammunition used in AR rifles, banning this ammo would have a significant effect on the market, by reducing ammo supply, driving up prices and forcing the military to spend money to destroy their older stocks, rather than making money by selling it to shooters. And since the U.S. recently transitioned to a new, slightly different loading as their primary round, designated as M855A1, being unable to sell surplus M855 and its European equivalent SS109 to U.S. consumers could become a costly problem.
The proposed ban won’t apply to other common types of 5.56 ammunition, only the SS109/M855 rounds. It also won’t ban possession of this ammunition, just manufacture, importation and distribution. So someone with a crate of this stuff in his basement won’t have to worry about becoming a felon overnight. But that is small consolation.
The justification for banning M855 arises from a 1986 law that was supposed to help protect police officers. As more police were wearing body armor, handgun ammunition capable of penetrating their vests was considered a serious threat. So in 1986 Congress passed the Law Enforcement Officer Protection Act, which banned manufacture, importation and sale of armor-piercing handgun projectiles – and ammunition loaded with such projectiles.
The law defines these projectiles in two ways: one describes a fully jacketed projectile that is “designed and intended for use in a handgun,” where the jacket constitutes more than 25 percent of the projectile’s total weight. The other, the one BATF is applying to M855, says; “a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper or depleted uranium.”
What do YOU think? Sound off on Obama’s move to ban .223 ammo by executive action
Notice the phrase, “may be used in a handgun,” as opposed to the other section, which specifies “designed and intended for use in a handgun.” This terminology opens up the definition to include any projectiles designed for rifles, because a handgun can be built to shoot any rifle round, and any rifle bullet can be loaded into a handgun round.
By using a smaller, lighter weight bullet, the 5.56 NATO M855 round at right generates much higher muzzle velocities with less surface area to resist penetration than the powerful .50AE (L), and .44 AutoMag (c) handgun rounds.
By using a smaller, lighter weight bullet, the 5.56 NATO M855 round at right generates much higher muzzle velocities with less surface area to resist penetration than the powerful .50AE (L), and .44 AutoMag (c) handgun rounds.
Back in 1986, when the law was passed, someone anticipated that M855 might be subjected to the ban, so it was specifically exempted by Reagan’s BATF as being “primarily intended,” within the civilian market, to be used for sporting purposes. It is this “sporting purpose” exemption BATF is now proposing to do away with. They say that upon review, they have determined that M855 ammunition does not meet their current criteria for “primarily intended for sporting purposes,” and therefore, they are going to order it off of the market.
But there’s a catch. M855 Ball ammunition doesn’t meet the law’s definition of “armor-piercing.”
The bullet in M855 ammunition does not have a core “constructed entirely” of tungsten, steel, iron, etc. In fact, its core is predominantly lead. At the top of the core is a small piece of mild steel; then all of this is wrapped in a jacket of soft copper alloy.
The 5.56 NATO round fires a very small bullet, that is the same diameter as a .22 rimfire, at very high velocity. The penetration power of the round comes from the bullet’s speed, not its construction. The projectile of M855 weighs in at a whopping 62 grains, which translates to about 4 grams, or about the equivalent of four regular paper clips. The steel tip accounts for about one-fourth of the total weight, about the same as one paperclip.
That little tip gives the nose of the bullet a little more strength to avoid its being deformed in rough handling, and helps it go through some barriers that might stop regular, lead-cored 5.56 rounds at longer ranges, but standard police body armor is no match for any 5.56 x 45mm round, especially at ranges less than 100 yards. That’s the extreme stupidity of this law. Police body armor is designed to stop handgun rounds. It is not capable of stopping any standard rifle ammunition more powerful than .22 rimfire. Any centerfire rifle round, no matter how the bullet is made, is going to go right through regular police body armor, even a pure lead unjacketed bullet.
The BATF has invited comments on their ban announcement – not whether it’s a good idea or reasonable, but rather how best to implement it with the least disruption to manufacturers and importers. We’re asking people to comment on the announcement anyway, and to share those comments with elected officials.
Comments may be submitted via email to
In your comments, point out that M855/SS109 does not have a core made entirely of steel, and that it does not penetrate police-style body armor any better than other common 5.56 ammunition. Tell them that removing M855/SS109 from the market will cause great disruption to the hundreds of thousands of people who buy and shoot millions of rounds of this ammunition every year, and that this massive consumption of this ammunition – with extremely rare use in any criminal activity – clearly demonstrates that it is primarily used for sporting purposes. The proposed ban on manufacture, importation and distribution of this ammunition serves no legal or officer safety function and should be tabled permanently.
The message need not be long or detailed, but we need as many comments against this proposal as possible, and we need them immediately. The window for comments closes on March 16. Once you submit your comment, please forward a copy to each of your U.S. senators and your representative, and ask them to sign on to Rep. Bob Goodlatte’s, R-Va., letter to BATF. This ridiculous action must be stopped.
Media wishing to interview Jeff Knox, please contact


Kim Jong Un Tear The "Stars And Stripes" War With USA

Published on Feb 28, 2015
North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un told his Army for prepare for war with South Korea and the United States and says he wants to "Tear Apart the Stars and Stripes" also

Ancient Indian aircraft on agenda of major science conference

Ancient Indian aircraft on agenda of major science conference

Indian Vedic myths tell of ancient pilots flying craft around the world and out of this world. But some think the myths were true, and that modern science has it all wrong.
Plans for an ancient Indian flying machine Wikimedia Commons

The Wright brothers were a little late to the aviation game when you consider that pilots in ancient India were flying aircraft not only around the world, but from planet to planet as well. At least, that's one of the claims scheduled to be presented at the Indian Science Congress beginning Saturday at the University of Mumbai, in a session titled "Ancient Indian Aviation Technology."
The presenters of the session are apparently serious in their belief that ancient Indian planes were not only able to travel across the solar system, but also "could move left, right, as well as backwards, unlike modern planes which only fly forward," according to one of the speakers, Captain Anand J Bodas, quoted in the Mumbai Mirror.
It's easy enough to fly around the Internet and find plenty of material from folks who believe we were visited by ancient astronauts or that humans had cracked flight much earlier than 1903. But the Indian Science Congress is not the type of gathering where you would normally find such topics on the agenda. Most of the other sessions are on topics more fitting of a university science setting, such as biodiversity, quantum chemistry or fusion.
The session is tucked into a symposium on "Ancient Sciences Through Sanskrit," with other talks on things like the "Neuroscience of Yoga" or "Scientific Principles of Ancient Indian Architecture and Civil Engineering."
The idea of mixing in a serious talk on ancient Indian astronauts with presentations on more rigorous research and science policy issues at a major science conference has drawn the ire of Dr. Ram Prasad Gandhiraman, a NASA scientist at the agency's Ames research center in California. Gandhiraman has collected hundreds of signatures from other scientists around the world on a petition demanding that the session be cancelled.
The petition also cites what Gandhiraman sees as increasing political attempts to mix mythology and science in India:

"We as scientific community should be seriously concerned about the infiltration of pseudo-science in science curricula with backing of influential political parties," the petition reads. "Giving a scientific platform for a pseudo-science talk is worse than a systematic attack that has been carried out by politically powerful pseudo-science propagandists in the recent past. If we scientists remain passive, we are betraying not only the science, but also our children."
The Sanskrit text that describes the ancient flying machines which Bodas cites, the Vaimanika Shastra, has itself been studied thoroughly by scientists who have concluded that very few of the craft it describes would likely be able to fly at all.
This leaves a few possible explanations: ancient Indian aviation truly is the stuff of mythology, or alternate ancient laws of physics allowed ancient astronauts to fly all over in shoddily conceived craft, by today's standards. Perhaps the answer lies in a study of this "bone" on Mars, left behind by an ancient Indian "pilot?"




    • Ancient Indian aircraft on agenda of major science conference

      Indian Vedic myths tell of ancient pilots flying craft around the world and out of this world. But some think the myths were true, and that modern science has it all wrong.
      Plans for an ancient Indian flying machine Wikimedia Commons

      The Wright brothers were a little late to the aviation game when you consider that pilots in ancient India were flying aircraft not only around the world, but from planet to planet as well. At least, that's one of the claims scheduled to be presented at the Indian Science Congress beginning Saturday at the University of Mumbai, in a session titled "Ancient Indian Aviation Technology."
      The presenters of the session are apparently serious in their belief that ancient Indian planes were not only able to travel across the solar system, but also "could move left, right, as well as backwards, unlike modern planes which only fly forward," according to one of the speakers, Captain Anand J Bodas, quoted in the Mumbai Mirror.
      It's easy enough to fly around the Internet and find plenty of material from folks who believe we were visited by ancient astronauts or that humans had cracked flight much earlier than 1903. But the Indian Science Congress is not the type of gathering where you would normally find such topics on the agenda. Most of the other sessions are on topics more fitting of a university science setting, such as biodiversity, quantum chemistry or fusion.
      The session is tucked into a symposium on "Ancient Sciences Through Sanskrit," with other talks on things like the "Neuroscience of Yoga" or "Scientific Principles of Ancient Indian Architecture and Civil Engineering."
      The idea of mixing in a serious talk on ancient Indian astronauts with presentations on more rigorous research and science policy issues at a major science conference has drawn the ire of Dr. Ram Prasad Gandhiraman, a NASA scientist at the agency's Ames research center in California. Gandhiraman has collected hundreds of signatures from other scientists around the world on a petition demanding that the session be cancelled.
      The petition also cites what Gandhiraman sees as increasing political attempts to mix mythology and science in India:

      "We as scientific community should be seriously concerned about the infiltration of pseudo-science in science curricula with backing of influential political parties," the petition reads. "Giving a scientific platform for a pseudo-science talk is worse than a systematic attack that has been carried out by politically powerful pseudo-science propagandists in the recent past. If we scientists remain passive, we are betraying not only the science, but also our children."
      The Sanskrit text that describes the ancient flying machines which Bodas cites, the Vaimanika Shastra, has itself been studied thoroughly by scientists who have concluded that very few of the craft it describes would likely be able to fly at all.
      This leaves a few possible explanations: ancient Indian aviation truly is the stuff of mythology, or alternate ancient laws of physics allowed ancient astronauts to fly all over in shoddily conceived craft, by today's standards. Perhaps the answer lies in a study of this "bone" on Mars, left behind by an ancient Indian "pilot?"

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