Friday, June 30, 2017

Under Ground Bunkers - Ride Out "Apocalypse" In "Luxury"

Published on Jun 29, 2017

Revelation 6:15-16
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

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Sign the Jerusalem Covenant and your name will be presented to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu!

Sign The Jerusalem Covenant
You will receive free inspirational updates from Jerusalem365.
You will also receive updates from Israel365 and Breaking Israel News and your information will be kept confidential.
We have gathered together in Zion, national leaders and heads of our communities everywhere, to enter into a covenant with Jerusalem, as was done by the leaders of our nation and all the people of Israel upon Israel's return to its Land from the Babylonian exile; and the people and their leaders will dwell in Jerusalem, the Holy City.
Once again, 'our feet stand within your gates, O Jerusalem - Jerusalem built as a city joined together' which 'unites the people of Israel to one another', and 'links heavenly Jerusalem with earthly Jerusalem.'
We have returned to the place that the Lord vowed to bestow upon the descendants of Abraham, Father of our Nation; to the City of David, King of Israel; where Solomon, son of David, built a Holy Temple; a Capital City which became the Mother of all Israel; a metropolis for justice and righteousness and for the wisdom and insights of the ancient world; where a Second Temple was erected in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. In this city the prophets of the Lord prophesied; in the City the Sages taught Torah; in this City the Sanhedrin convened in session in its stone chamber. 'For there were the seats of Justice, the Throne of the House of David', 'for out of Zion shall go forth Torah, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.'
Today, as of old, we hold fast to the truth of the words of the Prophets of Israel, that all the inhabitants of the world shall enter within the gates of Jerusalem: 'And it shall come to pass at the end of days, the mountain of the House of the Lord will be well established at the peak of the mountains and will tower above the hills, and all the nation shall stream towards it.' Each and every nation will live in it by its own faith: 'For all the nation will go forward, each with its own Divine Name; we shall go in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.' And in this spirit the Knesset of the State of Israel has enacted a law: The places holy to the peoples of all religions shall be protected from any desecration and from any restriction of free access to them.
Jerusalem - peace and tranquility shall reign in the city: 'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may those who love you be tranquil. May there be peace within your walls, and tranquility within your palaces.' Out of Jerusalem, a message of peace went forth and shall yet go forth again to all the inhabitants of the earth: 'And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war anymore.' Our sages, peace be upon them, said. In the future, The Holy One, the Blessed, will comfort Jerusalem only with peace..
From this place, we once again take this vow: 'If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand lose its strength; may my tongue cleave to my palate if I do not remember you, if I do not raise up Jerusalem at the very height of my rejoicing.'
And with all these understandings, we enter into this Covenant and write: 'We shall bind you to us forever; we shall bind you to us with faithfulness, with righteousness and justice, with steadfast love and compassion.' We love you, O Jerusalem, with eternal love, with unbounded love, under siege and when liberated from the yoke of oppressors. We have been martyred for you; we have yearned for you, we have clung to you. Our faithfulness to you we shall bequeath to our children after us. Forevermore our home shall be within you.
As presented to the Israeli government in 1992, upon the 25th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.
Israel365 promotes the beauty and religious significance of Israel. Featuring the stunning photographs of more than 30 award winning Israeli photographers alongside an inspiring Biblical verse, Israel365 connects you with Israel each day.
Join the over 100,000 people from over 100 countries who have already signed the Jerusalem Covenant.
The historic Jerusalem Covenant was written to acknowledge the miraculous return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem in June 1967.
The original Jerusalem Covenant is displayed alongside Israel's Declaration of Independence in the Knesset and for the past twenty years has been signed by hundreds of visiting dignitaries.
Sign the Jerusalem Covenant and your name will be presented to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu!
Now is your chance to sign the Jerusalem Covenant which will be presented to leaders of Israel. 
Support Jerusalem!

URGENT! Israel To Be Divided? We Must STOP This Abomination or Grave Imp...

Published on Jun 29, 2017

URGENT! Israel may be divided and we as Christians must take a stand to try and prevent this atrocious act! If the USA does NOT take a stand, and instead turns her back on Israel as she has been doing, there are GRAVE implications for us!

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JW Attorney Ramona Cotca: Did IRS Give Taxpayer Information to HHS for P...

Published on Jun 29, 2017

"What was reportedly done is that the IRS took names of individuals who opted to be taxed and provided those names to HHS in their effort to send materials to encourage individuals to sign up for Obamacare." --JW Attorney Ramona Cotca


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Published on Jun 29, 2017

Sub for more: | Andrew Kerr for Western Journalism reports, Employees at an Oklahoma Walmart discovered the body of a dead woman locked inside a family restroom Monday after assuming the restroom was out of order for days.

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Published on Jun 29, 2017

YouTube Editor,yellowstone,supervolcano,earthquakes,warning,new,yellowstone supervolcano,news,2017,conspiracy,strange,sounds,Heaven,God,angel,News,youtube,nibiru,phenomenon

Canada, what did you just do?! | Dana

Published on Oct 20, 2015

Steven Crowder digs into the new Prime Minister of Canada

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Media Demonizes Law-Abiding Christians, But Not Deadly Jihadists | Dana

Published on Dec 8, 2015

Michelle Malkin Doesn’t Hold Back

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Dana Loesch Destroys "Anti-Christian" Democrat "Bigot!"

Published on May 16, 2014

Watch as The Blaze's Dana Loesch debates Democrat strategist Jessica Ehrlich on the Kelly File about the Benham Brothers. Fireworks ensue as Loesch calls out Ehrlich for her hateful, anti-Christian, anti-free speech, and bigoted comments.

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Dana Loesch DESTROYS race baiter.

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On Hannity Dana Loesch destroys a race baiters argument.

Dana Loesch vs. lies of violent left

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Radio host takes on critics who accuse her of inciting violence in a new video for the NRA #Tucker

Gutfeld: What happens when ISIS returns to Europe

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Former ISIS members want us to forgive and forget

Krauthammer: A dead patient is a cheap patient

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Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist sounds off on doctor who claims insurance companies are refusing to help patients who can be saved and are pushing for assisted suicide

Will crackdown on illegal immigrants curb crime?

Published on Jun 29, 2017

House votes on defunding sanctuary cities bill and Kate's Law; reaction on 'The Fox News Specialists'

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