Thursday, December 31, 2020

Hunter Biden Probe By Congress Reportedly “Neutralized” Blackmail Risk, According to Rep. Ron Johnson


Hunter Biden Probe By Congress Reportedly “Neutralized” Blackmail Risk, According to Rep. Ron Johnson

( Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said on Monday that the very public exposure of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings – something the media desperately tried to cover up – was ultimately important in neutralizing the threat of blackmail from foreign powers.

Senator Johnson, who is the chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said in an interview with Just the News that the public release of the investigation’s findings helped to reduce the “counterintelligence” and the “extortion threat” that would have occurred if the probe didn’t happen.

It looks like the investigation into how Hunter Biden “cashed in” on his father’s position as vice president was extremely important…not that the media will ever want to admit that.

Only weeks before the 2020 presidential election, details of foreign business deals made by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden were revealed. After abandoning his laptop at a Delaware computer repair store, the hard drive was legally obtained by the store owner and handed to the press and the FBI.

Johnson explained how the “foreign entanglements of the Biden family” may be used by foreign powers to influence American policy should Joe Biden become the next president of the United States. Thankfully, however, that risk has now been defused by a report released on September 23 by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees that tell us precisely what kind of deals the Biden family is already involved in.

Don’t forget, also, that Joe Biden repeatedly told the press during the campaign that he had no knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings…a claim that was disputed by a former Biden business associate during a sit-down interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News.

The Senate report discovered how Hunter Biden’s work for Ukrainian energy company Burisma was a conflict of interest while his father was Vice President of the United States. Johnson said that it was “very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine.”

The report also explored how the Biden family received millions of dollars “from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.”

This is the guy that’s meant to be the next president?

At least we can be thankful that much of the threat of extortion has been neutralized by the Senate report.

YAWN. Joe Biden DEMANDS We All Work Together To Fight This ‘Existential Crisis’...DEMANDS...DEMANDS...DEMANDS


YAWN. Joe Biden DEMANDS We All Work Together To Fight This ‘Existential Crisis’

The following video is brought to you courtesy of The Next News Network YouTube Channel. Click the play button to watch it now.

Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit reports, Never let a crisis go to waste. 78-year-old Joe Biden on Saturday announced key climate and energy team ‘nominees’ and ‘appointee

BOOM! Joe Biden Just got Hit with a MAJOR REALITY Check from the Pentagon


BOOM! Joe Biden Just got Hit with a MAJOR REALITY Check from the Pentagon

The following story is brought to you courtesy of The Next News Network. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories.

Leah Barkoukis from Townhall reports, Vice president-elect Joe Biden got a reality check from the Pentagon after he claimed his team wasn’t getting all the information it needed during the transition period, with Acting Secretary Chris Miller detailing the efforts that have been undertaken all while maintaining health precautions due to COVID-19.

Alleged ‘Journalists’ Admit News Coverage Will Change Under Biden Administration


Alleged ‘Journalists’ Admit News Coverage Will Change Under Biden Administration

The following story is brought to you courtesy of Red State. Click the link to visit their page and see more stories.

If it weren’t 2020, one might be tempted to think this story is satire. Indeed, if there were ever a story that fits the “water is wet” type, this would be it.

The Atlantic published a piece on Tuesday in which it interviewed several activists who pretend to be journalists covering the White House. Each reporter indicated that their coverage of the White House will change under the Biden administration. Predictably, they admitted that their reportage on former Vice President Joe Biden will be decidedly less confrontational, which is just another way of saying that their lips will likely never be parted from Biden’s wrinkled old derriere.

Author McKay Coppins spoke with Olivia Nuzzi, who, like many of her comrades, enjoyed a significant boost to her career from covering President Trump. The author notes that “she joined New York magazine around the time Trump took office and quickly became known for her caustic profiles of the president’s hangers-on. TV appearances and awards shortly followed, and in 2018 Nuzzi announced a major book deal with Simon & Schuster.”

Despite benefiting from positioning herself as an anti-Trump “journalist,” Coppins says Nuzzi “troubled” by the incentives that Trump created for other reporters. “There is kind of this temptation to satisfy the resistance with worldview-confirming reporting chum,” she said.

Nuzzi acknowledged that she played to a certain audience in her coverage of the president. “It didn’t really require any special bravery to report honestly and critically on Donald Trump,” she said. “I could write in a piece, ‘Donald Trump is the biggest asshole to ever live and he is a terrible human being and a shitty president and, like, he’s ugly’ … and nobody would be mad at me except the same people who are mad at me anyway for existing.”

When the subject of a potential Biden administration came up, Nuzzi acknowledged that the activist media will alter its approach. “On a purely social level, I don’t know that reporting critically on Joe Biden will feel as safe for reporters,” she admitted.

Coppins also interviewed activist Jim Acosta, who pretends to be a journalist for CNN, which pretends to be a journalistic outlet. After he finally put his mirror down, Acosta told Coppins that he doesn’t expect to see the same confrontational approach happening under a Biden administration. “I don’t think the press should be trying to whip up the Biden presidency and turn it into must-see TV in a contrived way,” he said.

But Coppins assures us that it has nothing to do with party. He wrote:

If that sounds like a double standard, Acosta told me it’s not partisan—it’s a matter of professional solidarity. In his view, Trump’s campaign to discredit the press has constituted a ‘nonstop national emergency,’ one that required a defiant response. ‘If being at the White House is not an experience that might merit hazard pay,’ he said, ‘then perhaps it is going to be approached differently.’

Well, dear reader, we can breathe easy. Acosta said his showboating during White House press conferences had nothing to do with partisan politics.

Coppins also spoke with Washington Post activist Philip Rucker, who pointed out that the Trump Derangement Syndrome won’t abate if he leaves office. “You’re going to have a former president pretending he really won the election, threatening to run again in 2024,” he said. “You’re going to have a Republican Party torn between Trump allegiance and a desire to cleanse itself of these past four years.”

Of course, no story like this would be complete without including Yamiche Alcindor, another activist masquerading as a journalist for PBC NewsHour. Coppins stated that she told him that she “hopes her colleagues will retain the lessons they’ve learned from covering Trump. The default skepticism toward government officials, the aversion to euphemism, the refusal to accept approved narratives—to Alcindor, these are features of a healthy press, not signs that something is amiss.”

She continued: “When something is racist, we should just say it’s racist,” she insisted. “When someone is lying, we should just say they’re lying.”

It looks like Alcindor recited her lines quite nicely. Of course, anyone with an IQ higher than that of a gnat could tell that the activist has no intention of applying the same standards that she applied to Trump to a Biden administration. Indeed, she will be one of many media sycophants who will suck up to the former vice president as they did with former President Obama.

It is interesting that the author of this piece even wasted time writing it. There was nothing revelatory here; it was nothing more than activist reporters pretending not to be biased. They have been doing this for years even though their bias is evident to everyone who isn’t on the left.

What we can expect going forward under a potential Biden administration is more of the same. Activists with press passes acting as public relations agents for the Democratic Party.


Yesterday You shall not go out with haste,…for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard. ISAIAH 52:12

 December 31 Daily Devotional

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You shall not go out with haste,…for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.  ISAIAH 52:12

Security from Yesterday. “…God requires an account of what is past” (Ecclesiastes 3:15). At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise when we remember our yesterdays. Our present enjoyment of God’s grace tends to be lessened by the memory of yesterday’s sins and blunders. But God is the God of our yesterdays, and He allows the memory of them to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual growth for our future. God reminds us of the past to protect us from a very shallow security in the present.

Security for Tomorrow. “…the Lord will go before you….” This is a gracious revelation— that God will send His forces out where we have failed to do so. He will keep watch so that we will not be tripped up again by the same failures, as would undoubtedly happen if He were not our “rear guard.” And God’s hand reaches back to the past, settling all the claims against our conscience.

Security for Today. “You shall not go out with haste….” As we go forth into the coming year, let it not be in the haste of impetuous, forgetful delight, nor with the quickness of impulsive thoughtlessness. But let us go out with the patient power of knowing that the God of Israel will go before us. Our yesterdays hold broken and irreversible things for us. It is true that we have lost opportunities that will never return, but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past rest, but let it rest in the sweet embrace of Christ.

Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him. From My Utmost for His Highest Updated Edition

Bible in One Year: Malachi 1-4; Revelation 22


We are all based on a conception of importance, either our own importance, or the importance of someone else; Jesus tells us to go and teach based on the revelation of His importance. “All power is given unto Me.… Go ye therefore ….”

from So Send I You, 1325 R



Thursday, Dec 31, 2020 Listen Listen to today’s Radio Broadcast The Wise Men: God Directs Those Who Are Sincere We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. –Matthew 2:2


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Bold. Biblical. Refreshingly Practical 
Thursday, Dec 31, 2020
ListenListen to today’s Radio Broadcast
The Wise Men: God Directs Those Who Are Sincere

We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.
–Matthew 2:2

A mysterious group in the nativity scene are the wise men. These were astronomers who came from the east, probably from Persia. They came probably several years after Christ’s birth because by the time they arrived, Jesus and Mary and Joseph were in a home.

We find their story in Matthew 2:1-2: “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’” How did astronomers in Persia know about the Jewish Messiah? I think the answer is that seven hundred years earlier, that region had been introduced to the idea of a Messiah by Daniel. Daniel was taken to Babylon in captivity, and through his teaching he influenced the magi in the king’s court. Through Daniel’s influence, the wise men knew a Messiah would come, not just for the Jews but for the entire world. So the magi followed the star, searching for the Messiah.

The wise men remind us that God directs those who sincerely search for Him. Contrast the magi’s response to King Herod’s response when he heard the Messiah had come. Matthew 2:3 says when Herod heard about this new king, “he was troubled.” We know from history that Herod suffered from paranoia. When his sons allegedly cooked up an assassination plot against their father, he executed them. Herod didn’t want to give up his rule to anyone. That’s why when Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem, he said, “Go and search carefully for the Child; and when you have found Him, report to me, so that I too may come and worship Him” (v. 8). Herod didn’t want to worship the Messiah; he wanted to kill Him. But notice how God protected His Son: “After hearing the king, [the magi] went their way; and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. . . . having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route” (vv. 9-12). Herod died in the darkness without finding Christ, but the magi who came all the way from Persia were led to Jesus.

God gives direction to those who sincerely want to know Him. Think about your own experience of how God led you out of spiritual darkness into the light of His Son. God probably sent a “star” to lead you to Christ. It might have been a godly parent or grandparent; perhaps it was a pastor or a Sunday school teacher. But when God saw a heart that sincerely wanted to know Him, He sent the light into your life to lead you to Christ. When you see the wise men, ask yourself: “Am I sincerely seeking to know God so I may worship Him?” If so, He will give you light. Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”


Today’s devotion is excerpted from “Stop and Smell the Manger” by Dr. Robert Jeffress, 2019.

Scripture quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.



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