Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Messiah Prodject

The Messiah Project
For those that may be left behind. The truth is, the reality is, are there plans left for those that do not go through the Rapture? As Christians, Children of Father God, Saved Through the Blood of Christ Jesus, Indwelled by the Healing and Loving and Living Power of The Holy Spirit. Is it not our duty to leave a comfort behind for our Brothers & Sisters whom for what ever reason were not ready when the Trumpet sounded. For it will Surly Sound.
Yet, how can such a thing be accomplished? Would it not have to be secretly done? Would it have to be done on a one on one individual church to church level...Our only real Que is from the Movie trilogy of the left behind Series. Even though "a movie" if you look more closely is there a secret, a right in your face message being told to us. Yes, be prepared, the time is coming. if not already here?
Tell me, what can we as Children of God do to leave those left behind, for when we are gone and the forces of the "anti christ" are released to unleash there evil among the remainder of mankind. When Bibles will be burnt in the streets and churches turned into dance halls if not burnt down by the thousands. what will be left then, for those that will be left behind. is that a part of the Great Commission, Also? You tell me, I want and need to know? 

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