Muslim Morality Patrols
Operating In British Schools
May 22, 2014 |
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Muslim morality patrols
have allegedly been confiscating Easter eggs in a school in Birmingham, England
currently being investigated as part of the attempt to Islamize state run
schools. A woman whose daughter is at the school spoke to the Daily Express on
the condition of anonymity.
She said that the patrols, made up of older boys, were terrorizing younger students and enforcing sharia law in the playground. This included intimidating younger girls into wearing veils.
She told reporters, “My daughter tried to bring in an Easter egg for a friend and one boy grabbed it and smashed it against a wall. Another girl of about 11 brought in a little Easter bunny toy that she wanted to show her friends. They grabbed that off her too. All talk of Christmas and other non-Muslim festivals is banned. The teachers just turn a blind eye to it."
The plot, which first came to light as the result of a letter said to be from one Islamist to another that was leaked to the media, is said to be an attempt by Islamist extremists to take over a number of state run British schools and use them to impose their interpretations of sharia and Islam on the pupils of the schools. All the evidence so far suggests that the plot is real, although it is not yet known how widespread it is.
The allegations center on Tahir Alam, chairman of the Park View Education Trust, which runs three of the schools. Alam is an activist for the Muslim Council of Britain. He has denounced the allegations as a “fabrication” and as “Islamophobia.”
Yesterday the former British Home Secretary Jack Straw said that schools with large numbers of Muslim pupils must respect British values. Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today program, Straw said, “We have to accept -- and the schools with a majority of Muslim parents have to accept, as they do if they are Hindu, Sikh, Jewish or Christian – that we also live within the United Kingdom."
"Alongside values which are religiously based, there has to be an understanding that this is the UK and there is a set of values – some of which I would say are Christian based – which permeate our sense of citizenship,” Straw continued.
The ongoing investigation has spread to cover some 25 schools in the city.
Snap inspections by the governmental inspection agency Ofsted called as a result of the investigation have placed six schools in "special measures." This means that leadership and management standards have been deemed "inadequate" and that the schools may be forced accept leadership changes. Nine other schools have received lesser degrees of censure.
According to the Telegraph, senior sources at the Department of Education have established an “overlapping web of connections” in the schools affected, with a “driving force which appears to be explicitly Islamist.” It also said that the inspection reports said that girls were made to sit at the back of the class, Christian pupils were ignored and an Al Qaeda sympathizer was invited to speak at an assembly.
Last week the previously successful head of Park View School resigned after complaining that she had been reduced to a figurehead.
She said that the patrols, made up of older boys, were terrorizing younger students and enforcing sharia law in the playground. This included intimidating younger girls into wearing veils.
She told reporters, “My daughter tried to bring in an Easter egg for a friend and one boy grabbed it and smashed it against a wall. Another girl of about 11 brought in a little Easter bunny toy that she wanted to show her friends. They grabbed that off her too. All talk of Christmas and other non-Muslim festivals is banned. The teachers just turn a blind eye to it."
The plot, which first came to light as the result of a letter said to be from one Islamist to another that was leaked to the media, is said to be an attempt by Islamist extremists to take over a number of state run British schools and use them to impose their interpretations of sharia and Islam on the pupils of the schools. All the evidence so far suggests that the plot is real, although it is not yet known how widespread it is.
The allegations center on Tahir Alam, chairman of the Park View Education Trust, which runs three of the schools. Alam is an activist for the Muslim Council of Britain. He has denounced the allegations as a “fabrication” and as “Islamophobia.”
Yesterday the former British Home Secretary Jack Straw said that schools with large numbers of Muslim pupils must respect British values. Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today program, Straw said, “We have to accept -- and the schools with a majority of Muslim parents have to accept, as they do if they are Hindu, Sikh, Jewish or Christian – that we also live within the United Kingdom."
"Alongside values which are religiously based, there has to be an understanding that this is the UK and there is a set of values – some of which I would say are Christian based – which permeate our sense of citizenship,” Straw continued.
The ongoing investigation has spread to cover some 25 schools in the city.
Snap inspections by the governmental inspection agency Ofsted called as a result of the investigation have placed six schools in "special measures." This means that leadership and management standards have been deemed "inadequate" and that the schools may be forced accept leadership changes. Nine other schools have received lesser degrees of censure.
According to the Telegraph, senior sources at the Department of Education have established an “overlapping web of connections” in the schools affected, with a “driving force which appears to be explicitly Islamist.” It also said that the inspection reports said that girls were made to sit at the back of the class, Christian pupils were ignored and an Al Qaeda sympathizer was invited to speak at an assembly.
Last week the previously successful head of Park View School resigned after complaining that she had been reduced to a figurehead.