Sunday, April 30, 2017

USA On High Alert! Ezekiel's Darkest Warning To An Unrepentant Nation Co...

Published on Apr 30, 2017
USA On High Alert! Ezekiel's Darkest Warning To An Unrepentant Nation Coming To Pass! Pastor receives Ezekiel 5 from the Lord for the USA!
With Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
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    We got to start praying guyze. Something is coming to America and it is called destruction. It is dark and evil and Pray will save millions. But only if we pray in earnest and from souls of faith and love in Christ Jesus, (Yeshua) Ezekiel 5 says it all. Claim the blood of Jesus. I did, I do. I want you to witness. yes sometimes it is hard to witness, but even a little whisper in someones ears, that God loves you, or a prayer that Jesus will touch the heart of an unbeliever will be your witness.Or when someone say the GD word I will say oh I did not know you were religious, wow that gets a look and that is your opening. Let people just see your love of God, Jesus, emanate through your daily life. They will see His power through you. They may ask, they may not. but God will help you find a way. God bless you all and have your lamp ready and your oil can full. For the bride groom will be here soon to pick up his church very soon. Amen. Carl

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