Sunday, April 30, 2017

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April 30, 2017 / 4 Iyyar 5777

Headlines & Recommended
Trump Did Not Introduce May as ‘Jewish American Heritage Month

David Israel
'American Jews have even brought us our greatest superheroes – Captain America, Superman, and Batman.'

Joke of the Week: Arab Countries Would Give Security Guarantees to Israel

Jordan's FM seems to have forgotten ISIS is knocking on his front and back door waiting to come in.

North Korea Threatening Israel after Liberman Calls them ‘Crazy’

North Korea called Israel the 'only illegal possessor of nukes in the Middle East under the patronage of the US.'

8.7 Million Residents on the Eve of Israel’s 69th Independence Day

The total figures for the spring of 2017 are: 8,654,900 Israeli citizens, of whom 6,852,800 are Jews, 1,802,000 are Arabs, and 385,900 are "other."

Likud Haredim to Commemorate Fallen Haredi Soldiers

Last year, the ceremony was interrupted by Haredi extremists who attempted to prevent it from taking place and succeeded in chasing away many participants.

86% Rise in anti-Semitism in America?

Seth J. Frantzman
There is no “surge”. When something is the same as six years ago, it is not a “surge.” It is “historical levels.” More than half the “surge” was caused by one Jewish Israeli

Israel Memorial Day: The Yeshiva That Pays The Price

Yossi Baumol
More and more we are becoming aware of the fact that there is a gaping hole in our lives – the ability to connect to God with our emotions, something connected to the idea of prophecy.

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The Yishai Fleisher Show
Our History is a Work in Progress
We're entering a special holiday slalom that mixes new Israeli "state" holidays along with Jewish traditional ones - and with the 50th anniversary of the 6 Day War, it's a powerful and emotional season.

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Phone Service Blocked for Israeli Citizens in Attempt to Block it from Jailed Terrorists
Even computer communications were blocked by the attempt to stop the terrorists from talking on their cellphones.

London Terror Suspect was on Mavi Marmara
British counter-terrorist officers caught him near the British Prime Minister's office.

Abbas Freezing Political Opponents’ Salaries
Among the victims of Abbas's wrath is Hasan Aspur, a supporter of the former leader of Fatah in Gaza Mohammed Dahlan.

Lebanese Infiltrator Returned to Lebanon
The Lebanese man's father says his son is crazy and thinks he is Jewish.

Yom Hazikaron: How Sara Omer and Her Three Children Rebuilt Their Lives…
Sara’s world was nearly destroyed in 2008, when her husband Reuven was killed during an IDF training exercise while doing reserve duty.

Diaspora Jews Murdered in Anti-Semitic Attacks to Be Memorialized on Yom HaZikaron
Approximately 200 Jews were murdered in anti-Semitic attacks around the globe since Israel’s establishment in 1948.

North Korea Test-Fires New KN-17 Ballistic Missile [video]
"With each successive detonation and missile test, North Korea pushes northeast Asia and the world, closer to instability toward a broader conflict."

US Consulate Releases Warning Due to Arab Violence
PA Arabs are rioting and attacking people a little more than usual.

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Parenthood And Grandparenthood: The Essential Ingredient

Rabbi YY Rubinstein
Parenting--and grandparenting--pearls from Rabbi YY Rubenstein.

86% Rise in anti-Semitism in America?

Seth J. Frantzman
There is no “surge”. When something is the same as six years ago, it is not a “surge.” It is “historical levels.” More than half the “surge” was caused by one Jewish Israeli

Israel Memorial Day: The Yeshiva That Pays The Price

Yossi Baumol
More and more we are becoming aware of the fact that there is a gaping hole in our lives – the ability to connect to God with our emotions, something connected to the idea of prophecy.

A Penny A Jew

Assemblyman Dov Hikind
Why recall the Holocaust this? Because we must. Because remembering our loved ones, these six million innocent souls, brings a sense of them back to life. That’s the least we can do.

Keeping Kosher: Means To An End

Rabbi Yeheskel Lebovic
“Kosher” has several hues of the same meaning: making suitable, setting the path or stage, paving the way, preparing, etc. This reflects that the process of keeping kosher is of a preparatory nature.

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Joke of the Week: Arab Countries Would Give Security Guarantees to Israel
Middle East
Jordan's FM seems to have forgotten ISIS is knocking on his front and back door waiting to come in.

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