Sunday, April 30, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg said Trump should apologize to former president Obama

Published on Apr 30, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg said Trump should apologize to former president Obama
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There are a lot of liberal celebrities who’ve spoken out against Donald Trump. Whoopi Goldberg has been one of Trump’s loudest and most obnoxious critics.

Whoopi has said a lot of stupid things before, but Last night on Te View she’s just gone too far.

She said President Trump should apologize to former President Obama because she said, “Nobody wiretapped your ass!”
“So, yesterday, FBI director James Comey told the House Intelligence Committee there is no information about President Obama wiretapping Trump Tower, wiretapping Trump’s car, wiretapping Trump’s wife,” She said this, as if that proves it.

“The bottom line is nobody wiretapped your ass! So maybe Sean Spicer, I know you don’t get this, but perhaps an apology to the former commander-in-chief for accusing him of a federal crime, of a felony,” demanded Whoopi.

“The problem for me is when you know you’re wrong when the FBI, CIA, KFC, LMNOP said this didn’t happen and you double down on the lie,” she said.

But where was Barack H. Obama’s apology to the Americans for ISIS? Where was his apology for protecting illegal immigrants?

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