Saturday, September 30, 2017

Salvation Prayer...Please Read, Please Consider And Please Print Up and Share. Carl

Salvation Prayer...
Year One Of The Seven has Begun..


Can You Hear A Voice Calling Us From The Heavens.....
For We Are Being Told To Watch The Skies.

Would you like to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Would you like to be saved from all that is about to come? Would you like to be a part of the soon rapture of the church to live with Jesus in his awesome universe and heavenly paradise forever? It is not a mistake that you came here. In fact Jesus wants to be your Savior and He loves you so much that He died on the cross for you others who chose to come to Him. He died in your place. It doesn't matter what you had done, all are welcome to come who are ready to repent of their sins and follow Jesus, desiring for Him to be their Lord and Savior. Please say the prayer below and you too shall be saved! After this please check out the prayer link for additional information you will need to help you with your walk with Christ.

"Dear Jesus, 

I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible.


Brooklyn College: Advocating Genocideand a Third Intifada SJP issued demands for “Zionists off campus.”

Brooklyn College: Advocating Genocideand a Third Intifada

SJP issued demands for “Zionists off campus.”

Editor’s note: The David Horowitz Freedom Center is naming the “Top Ten Worst Schools that Support Terrorists.” The latest school to be named to this list is Brooklyn College (CUNY). Known for a highly aggressive SJP chapter that has called for a “third intifada,” Brooklyn College joins the University of California-Berkeley, the University of California-Irvine, the University of Chicago, DePaul University, Brandeis University, and San Francisco State University on the list. Coinciding with the naming of Brooklyn College to this list, the Freedom Center placed posters on the Brooklyn College campus exposing the links between Students for Justice in Palestine and the terrorist organization Hamas, whose stated goal is the destruction of the Jewish state.
As revealed in recent congressional testimony, Students for Justice in Palestine is a campus front for Hamas terrorists. SJP’s propaganda activities are orchestrated and funded by a Hamas front group, American Muslims for Palestine, whose chairman is Hatem Bazian and whose principals are former officers of the Holy Land Foundation and other Islamic “charities” previously convicted of funneling money to Hamas. The report and posters are part of a larger Freedom Center campaign titled Stop University Support for Terrorists. Images of the posters that appeared at Brooklyn College and other campuses may be viewed at
Brooklyn College:
Brooklyn College is home to a Students for Justice in Palestine chapter which has repeatedly promoted Hamas propaganda and defended terrorism against Israel. BC SJP posted an advertisement titled “The Third Intifada” on its Facebook page, and has also used the slogan “From the River to the Sea” which is a genocidal threat to destroy Israel and its Jewish population. BC SJP continues to promote the Hamas-inspired and funded Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel and held an event to discuss its policy of refusing to dialogue or establish “normalization” of relations with pro-Israel organizations and students. A gang of 10 campus activists affiliated with SJP stormed a campus faculty meeting, calling one faculty member a “Zionist pig” and issuing demands for “Zionists off campus.” In spite of these actions, Brooklyn College President Michelle Anderson ordered posters exposing the links between SJP and Hamas be immediately torn down and called them “hate speech,” while defending SJP’s right to continue its operations on campus.
Supporting Evidence:
In January 2017, BC SJP shared an announcement from NYC SJP about a protest on its Facebook page. The protest announcement stated “Fight Trump, Free Palestine, From the River to the Sea.”  The statement “From the River to the Sea” is a genocidal call for the elimination of the entirety of Israel and its Jews which lie between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
In November 2016, Brooklyn College President Michelle Anderson responded to posters exposing the links between the campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine and Hamas by tearing them down and denouncing their sponsor, the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Anderson’s response included lofty passages about the importance of free speech and intellectual diversity on a college campus, yet she exempted the Freedom Center from these protections by calling its posters “hate speech” and accusing the posters of “target[ing] individual SJP leaders with the aim of bullying them and making them vulnerable to additional harassment or worse.”
In May 2016, Brooklyn College SJP held a demonstration at City Hall Park in New York to commemorate “Al-Nakba.” Nakba is an Arabic term meaning “catastrophe” that is used by Hamas and its supporters to describe the creation of Israel. For the record, Israel was created by the United Nations on land that belonged to the Turks (who are not Arabs, let alone “Palestinians”) for 400 years previously. Israel was created in the same way Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Iraq were created, without becoming the targets of terrorist aggression.
On April 15, 2016, the Doctoral Students Council of the City University of New York (CUNY), of which Brooklyn College is a subsidiary, voted 42-19-9 in favor of a resolution calling for a boycott of “Israeli academic institutions for as long as the Israeli state continues to violate Palestinian rights under international law,” thereby endorsing the Hamas-sponsored BDS movement and its false claims that Israel violates Palestinian rights. In fact, the million plus Arabs who are Israeli citizens have more rights than the Arabs of any other Middle Eastern state, including the territories of the West Bank and Gaza.
On April 03, 2016, Brooklyn College SJP posted an article defending terrorism and the BDS movement. 
On February 17, 2016, a gang of approximately 10 anti-Israel activists stormed a campus faculty meeting, calling one faculty member a “Zionist pig” and issuing demands for “Zionists off campus” and for an end to supposedly “racist” course offerings. Some of the faculty present applauded the student demands. 
On November 26, 2015, Brooklyn College SJP shared a video link on its Facebook page purporting to show the “loss of land” that occurred through a series of maps as Jews allegedly colonized Palestine. These fraudulent maps which begin with a map showing a non-existent “Palestine” in 1947, were created by Hamas to justify its terrorist war against the Jewish state.
On November 18, 2015, Brooklyn College SJP invited students to attend an event held at the CUNY graduate center titled: “Against Apartheid: The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities.” The event advertisement promises it will be a “vital discussion on the importance—and challenges—of boycotting Israeli universities.”
On November 17, 2015, SJP held a “Normalization Workshop” to discuss why SJP refuses to dialogue with pro-Israel students and groups on campus.  This refusal to allow any discussion with groups supporting Israel is in line with the policies of Hamas and in direct conflict with the aims of a liberal arts university. 
On November 12, 2015, Brooklyn College SJP endorsed a statement from the SJP contingent of the “Million Student March” which describes CUNY’s leadership as “the Zionist administration” and uses Hamas terminology to claim that it “reproduces settler-colonial ideology throughout CUNY through Zionist content of education.” The statement also refers to Israel as “occupied Palestine.” The reference to “Palestine” is to a political entity that has never existed in the fourteen hundred year history of the Middle East from the time of Mohammed. It is a Hamas fabrication. 
On November 04, 2015, Brooklyn College SJP sponsored an event featuring Canadian-Israeli journalist David Sheen gave a talk on “Israel & Palestine: The Bullet, the Ballot and the Boycott,” during which he repeated common Hamas libels attacking Israel as a racist state and “theocracy” that is attempting to start a “race war” through “burning babies” and other acts of violence against Arabs and blacks.
On November 02, 2015, Brooklyn College SJP co-sponsored a vigil at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City in support of the “Holy Land Five,” high level employees of the Holy Land Foundation who were convicted of funneling millions to Hamas. 
On October 08, 2015, Brooklyn College SJP posted an online poster labeled “The Third Intifada” on its Facebook page. While “Intifada” literally means “shaking off,” it is the name assigned by terrorists to their suicide bombing and stabbing attacks against Jewish civilians in Israel. 
On October 07, 2015, Brooklyn College SJP held a “die-in” on campus to accuse Israel of murdering Palestinian civilians as part of an international “Day of Rage.” The fake corpseswere covered in fake blood with signs around their necks accusing Israel of various crimes. One sign read “This is just a fraction of life under Israeli Apartheid.”  The protest was accompanied by numerous chalked slogans, including some endorsing the Hamas-funded BDS movement such as “Boycott Israel.”

On March 25, 2015, anti-Semitic graffiti reading “Jews – root of all evil” was found in a men’s bathroom stall in the Brooklyn College library.
Over the past few years, Brooklyn College SJP members and their supporters at Brooklyn College expressed vehement Jew hatred and support for anti-Israel terrorism on social media. SJP member Ayah Aly tweeted such sentiments as “Anyone supporting Israel is living in a constant state of delusion. Exterminate yourselves” and “If you’re a zionist, you israeli the lowest piece of scum on earth.”  She also tweeted that “Jews” are one of the “top10thingsIhate” and claimed that the United States government was behind the 9/11 attacks, stating on twitter “Never Forget this day, 14 years ago, when the U.S Government conspired against its’ own Country and blamed it on Islam.”
Brooklyn College graduate student Raja Abdulhaq wrote on Facebook that “It’s very important to always remember that Western colonial powers are as guilty as Israel in the mass-murder of Palestinians, especially the USA.” He also condoned anti-Israel terrorism, sharing on Facebook that “If you preach about popular resistance by calling it ‘non-violent’ resistance in the international arena and indirectly condemn other forms of resistance, mainly armed, then you don’t represent Palestine.”



Breaking "Indiana Police Officer Shot / Gunman Also Shot

Published on Sep 30, 2017

Violence continues to spread across the America as an Indiana state police officer has been shot in Columbus Indiana

US increases financial sanctions on Russian banks, energy firms

Published on Sep 30, 2017
The US Treasury Department has announced tighter financial sanctions on Russian banks and energy companies because of what Washington calls Moscow’s continued interference in Ukraine.

"Injustice cannot correct Injustice" Ben Shapiro TOTALLY DESTROY identit...

Published on Sep 30, 2017

"Injustice cannot correct Injustice" Ben Shapiro TOTALLY DESTROY identity politics
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Astronomy Expert Exposes the Whole Truth About Niburu!

Published on Sep 29, 2017

Have NASA and Astronomers Seen Niburu?
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Plague outbreak in Madagascar kills 20: WHO

Plague outbreak in Madagascar kills 20: WHO

NAIROBI (Reuters) – An outbreak of plague has killed 20 people in the space of a month in Madagascar, with a further 84 infected, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Friday.
Plague is mainly spread by flea-carrying rats. Humans bitten by an infected flea usually develop a bubonic form of plague, which swells lymph nodes and can be treated with antibiotics.
But the more dangerous pneumonic form invades the lungs and can kill a person within 24 hours if not treated. About half of the 104 known cases are pneumonic, the WHO said.
WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told reporters in Geneva that areas affected included the capital Antananarivo and the port cities of Mahajenga and Toamasina.
The U.N. health agency said it feared that the outbreak could worsen because the season for plague, which is endemic in Madagascar, had only just begun, and runs until April. On average, 400 cases are reported each year.
“The overall risk of further spread at the national level is high,” WHO said in a statement.
(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; writing by Elias Biryabarema; Editing by Kevin Liffey)


Breaking Bubonic plague outbreak kills 20 in Madagascar 84 are sick

Published on Sep 30, 2017

Report finds nearly half of all abortions worldwide are unsafe

Report finds nearly half of all abortions worldwide are unsafe

2015 file photo of an examination room at a women's reproductive health center that provides abortions. A WHO study finds most procedures in the U.S. are safe but worldwide safety lags.
More than 55 million abortions take place globally each year, and nearly half — 25.5 million — are unsafe, according to a new study published in the medical journal The Lancet.
The study authors say the research, led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Guttmacher Institute in New York, highlights the need for safe access to abortion for all women to the full extent of the law, and for outdated, unsafe methods to be replaced.
"Even though it's difficult to measure and estimate something like abortion where data is limited, trying to get a handle at least of figuring out what the burden of unsafe abortion might be is important to begin to address the problem," study author Dr. Bela Ganatra, a scientist at the WHO's Department of Reproductive Health and Research, told CBS News. "As long as we keep it invisible, we're not going to be able to find solutions."
The overwhelming majority of unsafe abortions — about 97 percent — take place in Africa, Asia and Latin America. 
In North America, 99 percent of procedures were considered safe.
The results also show that countries with high proportions of safe procedures were also more likely to have less restrictive abortion laws.
The researchers compiled data on abortion from 61 countries from the years 2010 to 2014. The data came from routinely collected national statistics, demographic and reproductive health surveys, and national and sub-national studies.
The authors categorized the procedures into three categories: safe, less safe, and least safe.
For an abortion to be considered safe, it had to be performed with a method recommended by WHO that was appropriate to the pregnancy duration, and the person providing the abortion had to be properly trained.
An abortion was classified as less safe if only one of the two criteria were met — either the abortion was performed by a trained provider with an outdated method, or it was done with a safe method but without the support of a trained provider.
Ganatra said the less-safe category is seen "largely in regions of the world where women are using medications like mifepristone and misoprostol" — prescriptions drugs for ending a very early pregnancy — "by themselves outside of medical assistance because they don't have access to other ways of having an abortion. Now, these are very safe medicines but in these situations women have to use it without any guarantee about the quality of the drugs, without the appropriate information, or somebody to go to for support."
The least safe abortions were provided by untrained individuals using dangerous methods, including ingestion of caustic substances, insertion of foreign objects, or use of traditional concoctions like roots and herbs.
Globally, between the years of 2010 and 2014, the study found that approximately 55 percent of all abortions were considered safe,  31 percent were considered less safe, and 14 percent fell into the least safe category.
Nearly 88 percent of abortions in developed countries were safe, with the exception of Eastern Europe where the proportion of unsafe abortions was slightly higher, likely because of the use of outdated practices in that region, the researchers said.
In contrast, the proportion of safe abortions in most regions of Africa and Latin America was just 25 percent.
In Latin America, most were classified as less safe, which the authors attribute to the transition from more dangerous, outdated abortion methods to women using misoprostol outside of a health care setting.
The vast majority of abortions in Africa were categorized as least safe and were associated with higher risk of death.
81 year-old Italian nun Sister Maria Concetta (R) and one of her assistants help a mother suffering from a uterus perforation caused by an unsafe abortion at Zongo Hospital in a small village in the Democratic Republic of Congo, on June 21, 2015. 
The study's three categories provide "a much more nuanced way of looking at safety and it helps us to begin to think about what interventions might be needed in which region, depending on what type of unsafe abortions are prevalent in that region," Ganatra said.
WHO guidelines recommend that access to a safe abortion should be available to women at the primary-care level.
"It's something that can be provided as basic care by a range of health care workers," Ganatra said. "It's not a high resource, intensive, difficult-to-provide service, and yet because of all the other barriers that exist around this topic unfortunately unsafe abortion is still a problem."
Ganatra said that the findings also back up other research showing that laws restricting access to abortion will not result in fewer women getting abortions. 
"Women are going to have abortions when they are faced with the situation where they need it and if they can't get access to safe ones they will go further down the spectrum to less safe and perhaps even dangerous," she said.
In an accompanying editorial published in The Lancet, Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson and Amanda Cleeve of the Department of Women's and Children's Health in the Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden say the findings raise the questions for how WHO can work together with member states to increase access to safe abortion.
"It is remarkable that, despite being preventable, 25.1 million unsafe abortions were estimated to have occurred annually between 2010 and 2014, 97 percent in low-income regions," they write. "… It is time to implement evidence-based policies, programs, and services that promote, protect, and fulfill the sexual and reproductive rights of all individuals worldwide."
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